Residential Roofing Blog

Benefits of Metal Roofing Orange County

If you are considering a new roof, metal roofing Orange County is becoming a very good option. Metal roofs offer many benefits to your home, including environmental, beauty and durability. More architects and builders are utilizing metal roofs because it is practically maintenance free and will complement many styles. It comes in a variety of colors and will last long time.

What Are the Benefits of Metal Roofing Orange County?

Metal roofing Orange County offers both aesthetic benefits, along with performance benefits. Not only are metal roofs beautiful and long-lasting, but they help protect your entire home. Here are the most common benefits of using metal roofing in Orange County, Virginia.

Energy Efficient

Metal roofing that is lighter in color is very reflective. Instead of absorbing heat and making your air conditioner work harder, the roof reflects the heat so that your attic and other rooms close to the top of your house stay cooler. Because the climate of Orange County ranges from 27 degrees (F) to 88 degrees (F), your roof has to be able to protect you during both the summer months, and the cold winter months.

Recycled Materials

Metal roofs are often made from recycled material. Its smooth surface lends itself well to rain harvesting, because unlike asphalt shingles, it will not have small particles from the shingle or even chemicals in the runoff. If you recycle rainwater, a metal roof can provide you with more opportunities to catch runoff.

Fire Resistant

Many homeowner’s insurance companies will reduce rates when you have a metal roof installed. It will increase the resale value of your home because it lasts so much longer than asphalt shingles. It should not to be replaced every ten years. Metal roofs are very tough and resistant to hail and wind damage, and they have a noncombustible class “A” rating which is the highest fire safe roof rating. Metal roofs are treated so that they will not react to lightning strikes.

Easy to Maintain

Metal roofing Orange County is extremely safe and easy to maintain. If your roof becomes dingy from air pollutants, it can be cleaned with a high pressure hose. Your metal roof can be painted if you want to update the look of your home.

Consider replacing your current roof with metal roofing Orange County. You will save money on your heating bills and have the peace of mind knowing your roof will last for many years in all kinds of weather. Discuss your roofing needs with a professional roofer to make the best choice for your home.

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