Gutter & Spouting

7 Tips to Improve Your House Gutters This Winter

You don’t know what type of debris you’ll get with the winter weather. That’s why it’s crucial to check up on your house gutters to ensure they’re working properly. Below are some helpful tips.

Most of the time, you never even think about your house gutters. Why would you, when there are so many other household tasks to deal with? The problem is, your gutters do more than you know. In the winter they’re under attack, so you need to prepare them.

Here’s how you can prepare your house gutters for winter and stop potential problems in their tracks.

Why Take Care Of Your Gutters?

Your gutters have an important job to do in keeping your home and roof safe from the elements. When it rains, water runs down your roof and into the gutters. The gutters carry the water away from your home, where the water can’t do any damage.

Water is a serious danger to your roof. If it gets into the roof, then it will cause mold and wood rot, damaging the entire structure. Left long enough, it will even necessitate a full roof replacement. That’s the last thing you want, so ensure that you’re taking good care of your house gutters.

1. Clear Your Gutters

The first thing you must do is clear your gutters. From the ground you can’t see that they’re filling up with debris, especially in the winter. Winds blow leaves onto the roof, and they slide down into the guttering. When they block them, water can’t get out and ends up overflowing back onto the roof. That means you’re going to see water in the roof, even leading to leaks throughout the home.

This is so easy to prevent, though. All you need to do is get up on a ladder, take a trash bag with you, and scoop out the debris that’s settled in them. When you’ve done that, the water can easily flow through and get away from the roof.

2. Trim And Remove Trees

Where is that debris coming from? The trees around your home are the main culprit, as they drop their leaves in the winter. If they’re close enough to the house, they can easily drop leaves onto the roof. You can stop this happening by trimming branches that hang too close to your roof. This will stop leaves dropping in the gutter and causing problems.

If you feel a tree is too close to your house, you can even have it removed. Talk to a tree removal technician and see what needs to be done. Remember, it’s not just the leaves. If a branch were to fall on your roof during a storm, it’s going to cause even more damage and repair bills for you.

3. Install Gutter Guards

Now that you’ve cleaned your gutters and removed offending branches, you need to protect them. The best way to prevent build up is to install gutter guards. These sit on or in your gutters, and stop debris from getting into the gutters. However, they don’t stop water so they’ll still be able to flow freely.

There are several different types of gutter guards on offer, so you can pick the one that suits you best. Mesh guards are a mesh that you place on top of the gutter, so the debris can’t get in but water easily gets through it. A brush guard is a long brush that sits in the gutter, catching the debris so it doesn’t sit and pile up in the gutter.

Remember, these guards are great but they aren’t foolproof. You’ll still need to get up there and inspect them from time to time, to ensure that they’re doing their job.

4. Add Heating Elements

Another issue you want to avoid is ice dams. These happen when snow on your roof melts, makes its way to the guttering, and then encounters freezing temperatures again. Because of this, the water will then freeze in the gutters, blocking them. This allows more water to collect on your roof and freeze, getting into the roof and causing issues.

One good way of stopping this from happening is to install heating elements to your gutters. When the water runs to the gutters, it will be warm so it won’t be able to freeze. This keeps the gutters flowing and stops them from freezing up.

5. Improve Your Attic Insulation

Why does snow melt on your roof in the first place? It’s thanks to the poor insulation in your attic. In the winter, you’re heating your home to keep it warm. When the heat rises, the insulation is meant to stop it escaping via the roof. When the insulation isn’t sufficient, though, you’ll see that the heat will rise through, melting snow in the process.

The way to stop this is to improve your attic insulation. Many homes don’t have enough insulation, which leads to ice dams. You’ll also need to improve the venting in your roof. This allows hot air, especially from the bathroom, to escape safely.

6. Reinforce Your House Gutters

Even the best gutters are no match for heavy snowfall. After a snowstorm, it’s not uncommon to see gutters broken as they couldn’t take the added weight of the snow. You can stop this from happening by reinforcing the brackets that hold your gutters up.

Gutter brackets are easy to pick up, and will keep your gutters safe in two ways. Firstly, they will ensure that the gutters can take the weight of snow that falls on them. Secondly, they’ll stop any current structural damage, so you won’t need to replace the entire gutter.

7. Add An Ice And Water Membrane

This step will have to wait until you need to replace your roof, but it’s a worthwhile investment. This membrane is designed to sit under the top roof layer, and keep water out. It’s a great way to protect your roof, so ensure you invest in one when the time is right.


These seven tips will help you keep your house gutters in top condition this winter. There will be no blockages, no ice dams, and certainly no water in your roof now. Take care of your roof this winter and prevent those repair bills.

Gutter & Spouting Blog

Do I Need Gutter Protection Systems for Winter?

Your home is at risk during the winter months, so is it important to get gutter protection systems for the winter?

The cold weather brings all kinds of hazards for your roofing.

Wind, snow and rain all cause havoc, but did you know what kind of threat they pose to your gutter systems?

When the gutters are blocked or broken, your roof is at risk.

It’s vital to keep the gutters working, so here’s why you need to find gutter protection systems that work for your roof this winter.


How Good Guttering Works

When your guttering is in good condition, it will collect rainwater as it rolls down your roof, and direct it away from the roof.

Any water on your roof should collect directly in the gutters without pooling, so it will run down the downspouts and into the drains, away from your home.

They’re very simple but incredibly vital when it comes to the health of your roof.


What Happens When Guttering Goes Wrong?

There are several ways your guttering could be ineffectual or damaged, leading to further problems for your roof.

The most common issue is blockages.

If anything gets into your guttering and blocks it, water can’t drain off your roof properly.

In the worst cases, the water will gather in the gutters and overflow back onto the roof. When this happens, you’ll see that the water will:

  • Seep under tiles
  • Get into the roof timbers
  • Cause rot and mold

If left unchecked for too long, then this can cause serious structural damage to the roof.

Ice Dams

In the winter, you’re also at risk of ice dams.

These happen when snow on heated homes melts and runs down to a colder part of the roof.

This is usually the guttering, where there is no building heat.

Once the runoff reaches the gutters, it freezes and creates the ice dam.

The melted snow will continue to run down the roof and reach the dam, where it’s blocked and will keep freezing.

This extra water that can’t get off the roof will cause problems, and damage the roof itself; which is why gutter protection systems are essential.



Causes Of Gutter Issues

So how do these problems start happening?

  • Blocked Gutters: With blocked gutters, you’ll find that most often the blockage is debris such as leaves. These leaves find their way into the gutter after being blown in there by the wind. If they’re not removed, they build up and lead to the blockages as described above.
  • Ice Dams: With ice dams, the most common cause is a lack of insulation in your roof. The heat from your home rises up and melts the snow, starting the ice dam in your gutters. Good roof ventilation will also help.

In some cases, if your guttering is very old or has taken a beating from the weather, it won’t be able to drain off water as well as it should have.

When this happens, it will lead to the issues described above.


Gutter Protection Systems to Consider

Now you know what you’re looking to avoid when it comes to your guttering, how will you protect it?

There are several ways you can ensure you won’t have any problems during the cold season.

1. Inspections:

Firstly, you’ll want to inspect your gutters.

Are they all in good condition? If there’s sections that are worn out or broken, now’s the time to replace them.

They’re not too difficult to change out, if you’re using a good guide. Ensure you’re using new guttering that’s the same material as the old one, so it will match up correctly.

If you’re replacing all of the gutters, consider using modern materials like uPVC. This will hold up for years to come, without rusting or cracking.

2. Check Blockage:

Next, check to see if there’s anything blocking the gutters.

It’s very easy to remedy the problem if there are blockages, as you can just take the offending debris out with your hands.

Be sure to check the downspouts too, to ensure they’re clear. To stop blockages happening again, consider installing a gutter or snow guard.

These are often brush style devices you insert into the gutter, to stop leaves and other debris falling in. It’s a cost effective and simple way to stop blockages from happening.

Types of Gutter Guards

There are several different styles of gutter guards other than the bush.

For example, you can get guards that are a fine mesh that are screwed into place over the gutter.

All have their pros and cons, so you’ll need to decide which one is right for you.

  • As for preventing ice dams, the most important thing you can do is insulate your roof properly.
  • You’ll want to call in insulation and roofing experts to carry this out for you.

Once this is done, much less heat will escape via your roof, so you’ll see that less snow melts off and causes these issues.

You can also look into adding ventilation to your roof, so the roof won’t warm up and cause melting.

These systems are often quite simple to install, but it’s usually best to again call an expert to handle it for you.



Take Care Of Your Gutters

All in all, it’s important to take good care of your gutters and find which gutter protection systems are best for you.

They’re a simple device but they play a vital role in keeping your roof in good condition. When they’re working properly, you won’t even think about them.

When they’re damaged though, they can cause a lot of problems that can cost you a lot of money in repairs.

Gutter Protection

Your gutter protection routine comes in two parts: observation and maintenance.

  • Firstly, you’ll need to be observing your gutters on a regular schedule.
  • Ensure that they’re intact, clear and free to drain as intended. If there’s anything that’s not working as it should, fix it right away.
  • Next is the maintenance. You can take steps to ensure you don’t have problems with your gutters.
  • Install insulation and gutter guards, and you’ll reduce the work you have to do on your roof in the future.

Follow the tips in this guide and you’ll never have to worry about your gutters or roofing this winter.

Gutter & Spouting

10 Simple Roof and Gutter Cleaning Tips for Spring


After a long and brutal winter, budding trees and flowers and warmer breezes are welcome by most people as warmer days approach. Spring is a time to clean up and freshen up both the interior and exterior of your home. The outside of your home has taken a beating during the past few winter months in particular. You’ll want to make sure its in optimal shape as the warmer months approach, and Spring is the perfect time to start roof and gutter cleaning.


This will not only make your home look nice, but it’s part of necessary home care and maintenance that will help your home and its elements function well and last a long time without having to be replaced.

Your gutters and roof, specifically, should receive special attention from you this spring.


Roof and Gutter Cleaning

While they may not be the easiest or most convenient places on your home to clean, roof and gutter cleaning is essential.

Making sure they are clean and ready for spring and summer weather are one great way to provide protection in the investment that is your home.

Consider a few of the following tips when embarking upon any large or small roof and gutter cleaning project.



Cleaning Your Gutters

Roof and gutter cleaning has many benefits.

To begin, gutters are an essential part of your home because they drain excess water during times of rain or melting snow, keeping your home safe from water damage and directing excess water to the proper places.


Unfortunately, they’re also really good at catching debris.

Avoiding regular roof and gutter cleaning will result in potential water damage to your home, and at the very least, having to replace your gutters sooner rather than later.

Many areas receive a great deal of rain and storms during the spring, so this is a great time to prepare your home and gutters for wet weather.


  • You can either wait until it rains to see if your gutters are clogged, or run a garden hose to run water through the gutters. Look to see where water is leaking through or where its overflowing so you know where to repair leaks and remove debris.


  • Use gloved hands to remove debris like pine cones, twigs, and leaves.


  • You may want to consider adding covers to your gutters, making clean up job much easier in the future and keeping unwanted items out.


  • You can use a caulking gun on dry surfaces to repair any leaks.


  • Sagging gutters won’t function properly, even if you clean them out. So, make sure the fasteners keeping them attached to the home are tightened, and if not, tighten or replace them.


Clean, well-functioning gutters will ensure your home is ready for any wet weather that will come your way, and you’ll be taking an important step to avoid water damage.



Roof Cleaning Tips

Winter can also be particularly hard on your rooftop, especially if you’ve had a lot of snow and ice.

Thorough roof and gutter cleaning and an inspection of your roof by a professional will ensure its holding up and looking nice for spring and summer.


This care will not only help it last longer, but will keep it in top shape.

As stated previously, gutter care is an essential part of roof maintenance and cleaning care, but there are other roof cleaning considerations as well:


Roof Cleaning:


  • Clear any debris like leaves, pine cones, and pine needles off your roof. These can cause a build up of moisture which can lead to damage to shingles, mold, or structural damage. An easy and safe way to do this is with a leaf blower.


  • Moss and mold can also damage your rooftop and shingles, and are caused by too much moisture on the roof. Removing debris as stated in the previous bullet point will help avoid this problem, but a power washer to your roof will help remove existing mold and mildew. If your roof is steep you may want to consult with a professional first.


  • Removing branches that create too much shade and not enough sunlight, and attaching zinc or copper strands across the length of your roof will help to ensure that mold and mildew won’t find a comfortable place to grow on your roof.


  • For shingles or structural problems, consult with a professional to inspect your roof thoroughly if you suspect you have any problems such as these that you need to address. If you do, you’ll want to fix the problem–replacing shingles, reinforcing weak spots, etc.–as soon as possible.


  • Stray tree branches can also be a problem. Snow and ice can do strange things to tree branches near your home, and after a long winter you may need to consider trimming some back if the branches look loose or are at risk of falling, rubbing, or pulling shingles off the roof.




Your roof is what protects you from the outdoors and shields you from the elements; so it only makes sense that its care, cleaning, and maintenance should be a priority when you approach various cleaning projects this spring.

Taking care of it will not only improve the look of your house, but will also protect your investment.


As the warmer months approach, you’ll no doubt be spending more time enjoying the outdoors from your backyard, deck, or front porch.

You’ll want your home looking the part and roof and gutter cleaning and maintenance can help provide your home with a fresh look for this spring and summer.

Making sure your gutters are clear and able to move water away quickly will help avoid water damage flooding.

Likewise, keeping your roof clear of debris that could cause mold build up and making sure no tree branches pose a threat will help your roof stay intact and looking clean.


Your home is an investment, and your gutters and roof are a part of this investment.

So it’s definitely worth taking the time to make sure this investment is as clean and well taken care of as possible.

Consider the roof and gutter cleaning tips mentioned here when embarking upon a cleaning project, and always remember to consult with a professional if there are any serious structural concerns.

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