Metal Roofing

Roof Hail Damage: 5 Benefits Of Metal Roofing

Roof hail damage is every homeowners nightmare. Learn about the benefits and the myths about metal roofing during storms.

One of the biggest threats to any roof is storm damage. With a bad enough storm, shingles are pulled off, water gets into the roof, and even holes can be punched in. If you’re replacing your roof, of course you want to take steps to ensure that you won’t have to deal with these issues in the future.

If you want to storm proof your roof, then a metal roof is just what you want. Here are some of the main reasons why a metal roof will protect your home against storm damage and roof hail damage.

Ignore The Myths About Metal Roofs and Roof Hail Damage

When you mention that you’re thinking about a metal roof, and you will hear the same things from people. ‘Don’t they get dented by hail in storms?’ It’s a common myth that if you get hailstones, they’re going to dent your brand new metal roof and cause roof hail damage.

In fact, most modern metal roofs are tough enough to withstand anything a storm can throw at them, hailstones included. When it comes to roof hail damage, shingles are often going to see more damage. This is because they are susceptible to ‘bruising’ when they’re hit hard enough. That makes them less capable of keeping out the elements. If you catch it quickly, you can change out the shingles that are damaged, but it’s time consuming, and dangerous as you’re getting onto the roof.

If you have the right metal roof, then you won’t have to worry about hail damage, or any other storm damage. Here’s just some of the benefits of having them installed.

1. Metal Roofs Are Tested For Impact Resistance

When it comes to roof hail damage, you don’t need to worry too much about what your roof will take. All modern metal roofs are subject to testing. Part of that testing is seeing how much impact they can take, before they are dented, damaged, or succumb to roof hail damage.

As many roofs are made out of metals like steel or aluminum, which are known to be malleable, then you’ll think it’s easy to dent the roof. However, several different design elements work together to make the metal stronger. This includes the thickness, slope, and the ribs or striations that are worked into the design. These help resist damage, and testing ensures this is the case before you have the roof installed.

2. Roof Designs Help Hide Imperfections 

While 99% of the time your metal roof can withstand hail and storm damage, if the storm is hard enough it can lead to cosmetic dents in the roof panels. You won’t need to worry much about these, as the roof panel will still be in tact and protect against the weather. It’s another benefit compared to shingles, as a shingle will need to be replaced as soon as it shows damage.

If you pick the right roofing style, you won’t even be able to see any roof hail damage that occurs. For example, Embossed metal will hide minor dings, so you can’t even see them. Matte finish roofs are also great for this.

3. Fireproof Your Roof

Another risk to consider with storms is that of fire. If anything comes through due to roof hail damage, such as water, then it could get into the electrics. At that point, a fire is at risk of happening. That sounds frightening, but with a metal roof you’ll have peace of mind. Firstly, the roof will be much less likely to allow water in, so you won’t have to worry on that front.

As well as this, if a fire were to break out your roof will be protected. Metal roofs are typically classed as Class A fire resistant, which is the highest level you can get. Because of this, they will take much less damage should a fire happen. That means no more worries about fire, and potentially some cheaper home insurance policies, too.

4. Wind Proof Metal Roofs

Another issue to be aware of, when it comes to storms, is that of wind. If you have a shingle roof, it’s so easy for the wind to pull the shingles off. That allows water in, and more damage to happen. In most cases, this shouldn’t happen with a metal roof.

As metal roofs come in large sheets rather than shingles, there’s less for wind to get under and pull loose. Of course, you can get metal roofs that have the appearance of shingles, but they still come in those sheets. The best metal roofs can withstand winds of 140 mph, so there’s no worrying about anything being pulled off.

5. Metal Roofs Have A Longer Lifespan

When choosing which roof to get for your home, consider the average lifespan. When you get a shingle roof, you’re looking at around 20 years before it needs to be replaced again. That sounds like a long time, but it’s an expensive job and it’ll come around before you know it.

Compare that to the average metal roof. These last for around 70 years, giving you much longer before you need to replace them. Of course, you’ll need to maintain that roof to get the full lifespan. When it comes to metal roofs, there’s much less work to do overall. Just inspect it periodically, to ensure that it is in good condition.

If a storm does occur, your metal roof is going to stand up to it much better than a shingle roof, in regards to roof hail damage. That adds to the average lifespan, as you won’t need to replace it if a very bad storm rolls in. Again, this is something that gives you peace of mind.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are lots of advantages to installing a metal roof. If you live somewhere where you get a lot of storms, or if you’re just worried about roof hail damage, then you need to have one installed on your home. They can take so much more, and not show signs of damage.

Of course, you need to keep an eye on your roof and ensure that damage hasn’t happened where you can’t see. That metal roof will stand up much better though, so you’ll have less to worry about when it comes to your home, roof hail damage, and durability.

Blog Metal Roof Painting

Benefits Of Painting a Metal Roof (And How To DIY Metal Roofing)

Painting a metal roof, whether you hire a professional or take on the metal roof DIY, can add years to its lifespan.

Metal roofs are becoming more popular with homeowners, and it’s easy to see why. They’re durable, easy to install, and can last as long as your home does. If you have a metal roof or you are thinking of installing one, you should also consider painting it. Below are the benefits of painting a metal roof and how you should go about it if you are planning on taking the metal roof DIY route.

What Are Benefits Of A Metal Roof?

If you’re considering buying a new roof, a metal roof could be the way to go. They’re especially popular in warmer climates and when you read the benefits, you’ll soon see why:

  • Long lasting: A metal roof will last just as long as the house it’s on, if installed properly. They effectively seal out moisture and harsh weather, protecting your home from mold, rot, and other issues. Snow easily slides off it too, meaning your roof won’t get damaged from heavy snow sitting on it.
  • Fire resistance: A metal roof is more or less impervious to fire, so most will have a class A fire rating. If you’re looking to make your home as safe as possible, it could be a good way to go.
  • Heat reduction: Metal roofs are excellent at reflecting heat, so your home will be a lot cooler during the day. Because of this, you’ll find that you’ll spend a lot less on air conditioning, saving both energy and money.

Benefits Of Painting a Metal Roof

Once you’ve had the roof installed, you can leave it in its original condition. However, many homeowners choose to have the roof painted. There are a lot of reasons for painting a metal roof, including the following:

  • Increasing cooling effect: As mentioned above, metal roofs are much better at reflecting heat. You can improve that effect by painting a metal roof a lighter color. Doing so can increase the cooling effect significantly.
  • Air conditioning savings: Using a light color can also drastically reduce the air conditioning in your home even further. In fact, in some homes it can decrease by up to 50%. This will appeal to you depending on the weather conditions of where you live.
  • Improved aesthetics: If you’re looking to improve the look of your home, then painting the roof is an easy and fairly inexpensive way to do it. You can paint it any color you choose so that your home can have a unique look.
  • Improve lifespan of the roof: A metal roof is much easier to repair and touch up than a tiled roof. Even if it begins to rust, the issue can be fixed. This can be done by sanding down the rust back to the metal, priming the spot, and repainting it.
  • Easy to touch up: While on the subject of touch ups, repainting spots on the roof is easy. If you’re using the right paint, it shouldn’t fade. That means you can keep can of the paint, and touch up spots if needed


Metal Roof DIY vs. Professional Painting

If you’re painting a metal roof, you’ll then need to decide just how you’ll get the job done. You can either hire a professional to paint your roof, or choose to metal roof DIY. Here are the benefits of both options:

Hiring a professional:

  • Save time on doing the job yourself, freeing yourself up to get other jobs done around the home.
  • If you’re not too confident about painting the roof, then you can trust a professional to do it the right way.
  • A professional will have all the right equipment to get the job done properly, including ladders and painting equipment.

DIY painting:

  • Will be much cheaper as you’re not paying for labor.
  • Can pick any color you like for your roof.
  • If you’re handy at DIY, the job can be much quicker than you think.

What To Avoid If You Metal Roof DIY

If you choose to go the DIY route when painting a metal roof, then there will be steps to take to ensure that you do the best job. Here’s what you can do to make sure your roof will look good for years to come:

  • Don’t use leftover paint on your roof: Many homeowners find they have paint leftover from painting the house, and decide to just slap it on their roof. However, this will not give you the best results. The best paint to use is 100% latex acrylic paint. This is because metal roofs expand in the heat, and this kind of paint will expand with it.
  • Don’t forget sealant: Before you paint your roof, it’s essential that you use a sealant. This will seal the roof and ensure that the paint sticks to the surface, using chemical bonds. Without it, paint will just flake off the metal. Make sure you research the sealant to make sure it’s compatible with the paint you’re planning to use.
  • Don’t use a non energy efficient paint: As your roof will help you reflect heat from your home, it would be remiss of you not to use a paint that can boost those properties. There are energy efficient paints out there that will boost the reflective properties of your roof, so don’t miss the opportunity to use them.
  • Don’t forget to check on your roof after painting it: Many homeowners paint their roof, and then forget all about it. This means the roof can start looking dirty, worn and unpleasant. Every six months, ensure that you get up and wash the roof using a mixture of water and liquid detergents. Sweep the roof every few weeks to remove debris, which can encourage pests. Finally, check for bald spots in the paint, and touch them up when needed.

It’s clear that choosing a metal roof can bring many benefits. They are easy to install, and can reduce the energy your home uses by a surprising amount. Painting a metal roof only amplifies these effects. Whether you hire a professional or choose to metal roof DIY, painting your roof can add years to its lifespan.

Gutter & Spouting

Why Now Is The Best Time For Gutter Cleaning And Repair

The seasons are changing, which means it is time to view your home’s exterior and consider if you need gutter cleaning and repair. Read further for details.

Your gutters on your roof work harder than you know. They redirect all rain water and snow run off away from the roof, protecting it and keeping it as dry as possible. Even so, many peoples’ gutters are neglected. If you haven’t checked yours out yet this year, now is the perfect time to do so.

Why Gutter Cleaning and Repair Now?

What is it about this time of year that makes it perfect for gutter cleaning and repair? In the autumn and winter, you’ll see leaves start to fall and land on your roof. It’s so easy for them to fall onto the roof and into the gutter. Once they make their way in, they will start to clock it. If enough debris is in there, water can’t get through the guttering. Instead, it will overflow onto the roof and lead to leaks, mold, and all kinds of expensive issues.

As winter approaches, you also need to be wary of ice dams. These aren’t as common, but you can fall victim to them. These happen when snow falls onto a roof that isn’t properly insulated, and so starts to melt. However, once it runs into the guttering it will meet freezing temperatures again, leading to it freezing in there. Once it’s frozen, it creates a dam. More snow will melt and run onto the ice, backing up and again causing water related issues.

You’ll also need to consider the age and condition of your gutters right now. Most guttering is not designed to hold much weight. Right now, they are full of leaves and other debris which are weighing it down. That leads to damage and sagging gutters, which can cause other problems. Now is the time to check the gutters and see what they’re looking like.

As you can see, there’s all kinds of reasons why you need to give your gutters some TLC right now. Take a good look at them, and see what you need to do.

Cleaning Out Your Gutters

It’s likely that you need to give your gutters a good clean, to ensure that nothing is stuck in them. Once heavy rain and snow comes, you’ll be ready for them.

Get up on a ladder while taking the correct safety precautions, and take a look at your gutters. If you see anything in them, you’ll need to clean them out. This is very easy to do. If you take a garbage bag up with you, you’ll be able to scoop out any leaves and clean the gutters out. Make sure you check every gutter on your home, to get all the leaves cleaned up.

With this, you should be safe during the winter. If you want to take more precautions, you can buy a gutter guard to install in your gutters. These are usually brushes or meshes that fit into the gutter. They will easily allow water to run through, while still stopping debris.

Right now, it’s a very good idea to check the trees near your home too. If the branches are too close, you want to cut them back so leaves can’t fall into the gutters. It’s also a good idea, as branches can fall and damage your roof during a storm. If the trees are very close, you’ll need to consider removing the tree itself.

Finally, let’s consider preventing ice dams. The biggest cause of these is lack of insulation in your roof. If you have the heat on, it will escape through the roof and melt snow. Have your roof insulated now, to stop this from happening. A great side effect of this is that you’ll conserve energy, making your home eco friendly and much easier to heat.

Repairing Your Gutters

If there’s any damage to your gutters, now will be the time to repair them. This is something you can do yourself, although many like to hire experts to do it for them. After all, that ensures they are installed properly and ready for the winter weather.

To do this, you’ll need to identify any areas of your guttering that are broken and in need of repair. Examine your gutters, looking for any signs of sagging or leaks. These are going to be the sections you’ll need to replace.

If the gutters are just leaking, you may be able to repair them without replacing them entirely. Brush out any leaking gutters and ensure they’re dry. Use a silicone or special gutter caulking to it, to ensure that the leaks are patched up. If there are any small holes, you can patch them up using roofing cement. It’s best to do this on a warm day, but if you can’t, warm the cement to room temperature before you apply it. If there are larger holes, you can buy sheet repair kits which you apply to the gutter, ensuring that it’s sealed back up.

If the gutters are sagging, you may just need to add more hangers underneath, so the gutter is fully supported. If there are extensive signs of damage though, you’ll need to replace the guttering entirely. Take care when removing old guttering, especially if it’s cast iron as this can cause injury. Once all the old guttering and attachments have been removed, you can replace it with the new gutters.

When installing the gutters, remember that they need to have a half an inch slope every 20 feet, to enable water to run to the down spout easily. Once you have it all installed, the guttering should be ready for whatever the weather can throw at it.


It’s amazing how much damage the winter season can do to your gutters. Ice dams, leaves, and leaks will all wreak havoc on your home, and of course you want to avoid it. When you don’t pay any attention to them, they can lead to all kinds of expensive repairs.

Do your checks now to ensure that everything is in order, and keep your home safe during the colder months.

Read More:

What To Do If You Have Storm Damage To Your Roof

Metal Roofing

Your Guide To Metal Roof Accessories

What are metal roof accessories and how can they increase the protection of your home? Learn more about these items below and why they’re worth considering.

Are you having a new metal roof installed? The design of the roof will ensure that it will last for years to come. To get the most out of them though, you’ll need accessories that work with the roof to make it secure and ready to stand up to anything.

Here’s what you need to know about metal roof accessories.

Choosing the Right Accessories 

When planning your new roof, you’ll need to think about the accessories you’ll need. Because you’ve already decided on a metal roof, that will narrow down your choices a lot, which makes things easier.

Here’s what you need to take into consideration:

The Weather in Your Area

What’s the weather like where you live? Do you see a lot of sun, or rainfall? Do you get storms? How about snow? These all affect your roof in different ways, and you’ll need to adapt your roof to suit them.

How You’ll Protect the Roof From Water

Water is a concern, no matter what the weather is like. How will your roof stand up to water? You need to ensure that it can’t get in through the roof itself. With a metal roof you’ll already have a lot of protection, but you’ll need to consider it from all angles.

How You’ll Take Care of Your Roof

How much are you willing to do to keep the roof in top condition? As you’re going with a metal roof, you shouldn’t have to worry about replacing shingles or anything like that. Do you want be clearing snow off it though? How about clearing gutters?

These are things things that can be done in different ways, so if you don’t want to do it manually, there are options for you.

Types of Metal Roof Accessories

What kind of accessories can you get? There’s plenty available right now, so here are some that you are most likely to need on your roof:

Trim and Flashing

These strips of metal are what guard the seams in your roof against water. For example, you’ll find flashing in between the seams of a roof, or around the chimney or vents. These are the weak spots in a roof, so they add extra protection. If you ever find your existing flashing is damaged, you will need to replace it as soon as possible. Leaving it will leave your home open to water damage, such as mold, more quickly than you’d think.

Gutter and Spout Sets

These are a common roof accessory, one that you may not have thought about replacing. However, you may need to, especially if you’ve had a new roof installed. A good guttering system will collect rain water that has rolled off the roof, and direct it to the drains on the ground. If the system isn’t working as it should, you may find water collecting on the roof, or spilling out through breaks in the guttering.

If this is happening, you’ll need to decide what kind of guttering to replace it with. Many use uPVC guttering, as it offers a lot of benefits. However, metal guttering also has its place. Modern metal guttering is built to last, and will fit in with the style of many older homes.

Whichever style you choose, upkeep is important. Ensure you clear debris out of the gutters regularly so they don’t get clogged and let water back up. Consider installing a gutter guard along with your new gutters, to stop this from happening and make the job of clearing them easier.

Snow Guard Systems

If you live in an area prone to snow, this is something you need to consider. Snow can cause a lot of damage to roofs if it’s not managed properly. Heavy snow adds weight to a roof and can damage it that way. If the attic is not properly insulated, warm air melts the snow which then refreezes at the gutter level, creating ice dams. You can also get snow slides, which pose a danger to anyone around the home.

A good snow guard system will ensure that the snow doesn’t clump up on your roof, but instead is spread out evenly. That means when the sun comes out, the snow will melt more quickly and find its way into the guttering, where it will simply drain away. They’re also invaluable as they eliminate the need to climb onto the roof to clear away snow. It’s a dangerous task, and one that you don’t want to do if you can get away with it.

Finally, snow guard systems can be decorative as well as functional. You can pick a system that fits in with the existing roof so it adds to the overall curb appeal of your home, as well as protecting from snow.

Solar Panel Fasteners

Many home owners right now are choosing to add solar panels to the roof of their home. It’s a smart choice, for many reasons. With solar panels, you can easily reduce your impact on the planet. They help create energy for your home, reducing your energy bills, too. They work well in the summer when you need to run the air con, but they are capable of collecting energy all year round.

To attach these panels to your roof, you’ll need solar panel fasteners to do so. These are strong metal fasteners that hold the solar panel in place, even when there are adverse weather conditions. If you’re thinking of adding solar panels to your roof once it has been replaced, talk to your roofer. They will be able to recommend the right fasteners, to keep that investment secure.


These are just a few of the accessories you’ll need for your metal roof. Talk to your roofer and see what they’re able to offer you. They’ll be able to create a roof perfectly suited to your needs, and the climate you live in.

Residential Roofing

9 Signs That Indicate You Need a New Roof

If you’re like most people, your life is already filled with appointments, and there’s still a long to-do list waiting to be checked off. The last thing you might be worried about is installing a new roof.

When did you last have time look at your roof? Probably after the last snow that left several inches standing on it, or after the big storm littered it with branches, twigs, and leaves.

Other than those times that catch your attention, you ignore your roof and take it for granted. But your roof is one of the most important parts of your house. It protects you from the rain, snow, and the wind. It helps keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Without it, you would be left with four walls and a foundation.

Keep in mind, however, that your roof is aging just like everything else in your life, and at some point, it will wear out. But, just like the human body, some symptoms warn of impending trouble and give you an opportunity to get a new roof before it becomes an emergency.

Here are nine signs that might be warning you to replace your roof before you wake up to a major leak. As soon as you notice any of the nine warning signs that you need a new roof, call a roofing company before serious damage occurs to your home.

1. You Have an Old Roof

When it’s correctly installed, an asphalt shingle roof will last between 20 and 25 years. So, if your roof is older than 20 years, there’s a good chance you are in need of a new roof.

Even if your roof looks fine, there may be underlying problems that you can’t see. So if your roof is older than 20 years, have it checked out by a professional. If your roof isn’t that old, you may only need repairs to the damaged areas instead of a complete replacement.

2. It’s Sagging

There are many roofing issues to be concerned about, and sagging is one of them. If your roofing sags noticeably, there could be a serious structural problem. The boards under the roofing may have been exposed to moisture and are rotting. Or there might be something wrong with the foundation.

As soon as you notice that your roof is sagging, call a roofing company for a new roof. You need to replace a droopy, sagging roof before further damage occurs to your home.

3. Your Shingles Curl and Buckle

Shingles that are curling or buckling is another warning sign that you may need a new roof. Check the areas of your roof that get direct sunlight, and if you notice the shingles are curling at the edges and losing granules, it probably means they are past their life expectancy. There is also the possibility that the roof is defective.

Call a roofing company to make the final determination.

4. There Are Leaks Around Chimney Flashing

Flashing seals the seams in roofing and around chimneys, skylights, and vents, so it’s another area of concern. Eventually, flashing will fail, at which point it can break or crack, leading to leaks and water damage. Most new flashing is made of metal and can easily be replaced by a professional.

But if you have an older roof, your flashing may be made of tar or cement, and you should consider replacing it with metal flashing right away. You may not need a full new roof for this, just new flashing.

5. Your Attic Leaks

The first place to look for leaks is in your attic. If you see wet or dark stains on the interior surface of your roof in the attic, especially after a driving rain, then your roof has a leak. The leak could be caused by failed flashing or inadequate shingle underlayment. Or, your roof’s surface could have suffered damage from a fallen tree limb.

Inspect your attic to see if there is daylight coming through the roof boards. And be sure to check for moisture in the insulation.

6. You’re Noticing Higher Energy Costs

If your home has higher than average energy bills, your roof might be one of the causes. In many cases, the problem is with the ventilation in the attic, which is causing the home’s heating and cooling system to run more often.

Homeowners are well aware of the benefits of properly insulating their homes, caulking their windows, and setting the thermostat a little lower. But they forget that a substantial amount of their home’s heat goes right through the roof.

If your roof is deteriorating, you can be sure your heating costs will increase. Replacing your roof will help to insulate your home, thereby reducing your heating expenses in the winter.

7. You Find Shingle Granules in the Gutters

Asphalt shingles have a layer of granules on their surface, but roofs tend to lose those granules toward the end of their life cycle, resulting in smooth shingles. Look in your gutters to see whether they are loaded up with shingle granules. Inconsistent or a darker color on some parts of the roof is another sign the granules have worn away.

As soon as you spot bald shingles, call a roofing company. You probably need to get an entire new roof. When the shingles shed a lot of their granules, your roofing quickly loses its usefulness.

8. There Are Stains on Interior Ceilings and Walls

Everyone knows that water rolls downhill, so if you have a leaky roof and don’t climb into your attic often, then the leak will find its way onto the interior ceiling and down the walls. You will begin to notice drip stains, along with mold or mildew growth. This usually happens because of faulty shingle underlayment or inadequate ventilation in the attic.

9. You Have Moss on Your Roof

Moss can look great in the woods behind your house, but on a roof, it spells trouble. Moisture can get trapped in the roofing and result in moss, mold, and fungi growth that can ruin it.

To get rid of any moss that collects in shaded corners of your roof, use a stiff brush. Then address the underlying problems right away.

Call a Roofing Company & Install a New Roof

Be diligent in checking your roof. Replacing it can be a significant expense, but you don’t want to add the costs of ruined drywall and carpeting from a devastating leak.

As soon as you notice any of the nine warning signs of roof problems, call a roofing company before serious damage occurs to your home.

Residential Roofing

Everything You Need To Know About An Energy Efficient Roof

An energy efficient roof can help your home in so many ways, but there’s a few things to consider when choosing the right roof for you. Below is everything you should know.

Modern home owners are looking for more ways to make their home energy efficient. There’s so many things you can do, from recycling to reducing your HVAC usage, but did you know that your roof can be energy efficient?

If you’re due to replace your roof, read this guide to energy efficient roofs. They’re more attainable than you would think.

What Makes An Energy Efficient Roof?

A roof is energy efficient when it can reflect sunlight and heat back into the atmosphere. With many roofs, you’ll see that they absorb the heat and take into the attic, where it seeps into the rest of the home. It’s not ideal, as you’ll then need to run your AC higher in order to remove this hot air from your home.

If a roof is energy efficient though, it’ll reflect that heat instead in the warmer months. This means you’ll spend less on energy in the summer, ensuring that you use less energy. That’s why they’re so popular now, as they save home owners a lot of money in the long run.

Insulating A Roof

It’s just not what’s on top of the roof that makes it energy efficient, though. You’ll also need to consider how it’s insulated. In the colder months, you want to keep heat inside your home. As you know, heat rises. It makes its way to the attic, where it can be lost through the roof.

If it’s properly insulated though, then you won’t lose that heat. You’ll be able to use much less energy to heat your home, making it even more energy efficient.

Which Roofing Types Are Most Energy Efficient?

The type of roof you choose will have a large effect on its energy efficiency. Which roofing style should you choose?


Shingles are a common roofing style, as they’re affordable and come in all kinds of shapes and styles. Asphalt shingles are the standard, as they’re available in many colors and are more affordable than most. They’re good as they allow for air circulation in the home, making it easier to heat and cool as needed.

Asphalt shingles are prone to coming loose in the wind and rain though, and can be prone to algae.

The other option is shaker shingles. The wooden shingles are chosen by lots of home owners for their aesthetic appeal. They look good when put on the roof, and only look better as the wood matures.

They’re also a good option for energy efficiency too, which many don’t realize. You will have more maintenance to do if you do use these shingles, though.


Slate roofing is another popular option due to its looks. On a roof, it looks fantastic and of course will last for a lifetime. If you’re looking for a long lasting option, this is it.

Slate is energy efficient as it’s so dense, it keeps heat in your home. The problem with slate, though, is that it is an expensive option. If you’re willing to spend the money though, it could be for you.


Tile is another option that many home owners love. It looks great, and you can buy it in all kinds of colors and styles. It’s the best option for homes in warmer climates, as it’s designed to reflect heat back.

However, it’s not as insulating as other roofing styles, so it’s better if you’re trying to keep heat out, rather than in your home.


Metal roofing was something that was only used in commercial buildings, but now is used increasingly for homes. With more attractive metal roofing options out there, people are choosing to use it for their homes. There are lots of advantages to them.

The roofing comes in sheets, so it’s easy and quick to fit together. You can easily put waterproof membranes under it, to keep water and moisture out. They’re highly fire rated too, making them one of the most fire safe roofing types out there. Finally, they’re lightweight and help reflect light, making them very energy efficient.

They’re a great option, but be aware that like all roofing types, they come with some drawbacks. Single sections are harder to replace, and they can become dented if hit with hail or debris. If you’re dedicated to making your home energy efficient though, a metal roof is the best option for you.

What To Consider When Choosing A Roof

Now you know what types of roof are more energy efficient, you’ll need to choose the right one. The one you choose makes all the difference to your home, and your energy bills. Here’s what to keep in mind when choosing:


Firstly, you’ll need to work out what your budget is for your new roof. If you’re on a tight budget, a shingled roof is going to be a better option than slate, for example. When considering this, do keep in mind that you should save money on energy in the long run, so factor that into your costs.


Will you need to re-insulate your attic? Some homes have insulation that’s insufficient or damaged. If that’s the case, you’ll want to have this done to get the most out of your new roof.


The color of your roof is more important than you know. Darker colors absorb heat, while lighter colors reflect it. With this in mind, pick a color that’s going to work for you.


When picking a roof, you do need to consider how long the roof will last. A hardier roof, such as a metal one, will last much longer than a shingled roof. If a roof lasts longer, it creates less waste, as it doesn’t need to be replaced as quickly.


It’s easy to find an energy efficient roof that fits your needs and budget. When you have it installed, you’ll see that you’ll save so much money and energy in your home. Now is the time to consider the right energy efficient roof for you.

Read More:

Sun Damage To Your Roof: What You Need to Know

Gutter & Spouting

10 Simple Roof and Gutter Cleaning Tips for Spring


After a long and brutal winter, budding trees and flowers and warmer breezes are welcome by most people as warmer days approach. Spring is a time to clean up and freshen up both the interior and exterior of your home. The outside of your home has taken a beating during the past few winter months in particular. You’ll want to make sure its in optimal shape as the warmer months approach, and Spring is the perfect time to start roof and gutter cleaning.


This will not only make your home look nice, but it’s part of necessary home care and maintenance that will help your home and its elements function well and last a long time without having to be replaced.

Your gutters and roof, specifically, should receive special attention from you this spring.


Roof and Gutter Cleaning

While they may not be the easiest or most convenient places on your home to clean, roof and gutter cleaning is essential.

Making sure they are clean and ready for spring and summer weather are one great way to provide protection in the investment that is your home.

Consider a few of the following tips when embarking upon any large or small roof and gutter cleaning project.



Cleaning Your Gutters

Roof and gutter cleaning has many benefits.

To begin, gutters are an essential part of your home because they drain excess water during times of rain or melting snow, keeping your home safe from water damage and directing excess water to the proper places.


Unfortunately, they’re also really good at catching debris.

Avoiding regular roof and gutter cleaning will result in potential water damage to your home, and at the very least, having to replace your gutters sooner rather than later.

Many areas receive a great deal of rain and storms during the spring, so this is a great time to prepare your home and gutters for wet weather.


  • You can either wait until it rains to see if your gutters are clogged, or run a garden hose to run water through the gutters. Look to see where water is leaking through or where its overflowing so you know where to repair leaks and remove debris.


  • Use gloved hands to remove debris like pine cones, twigs, and leaves.


  • You may want to consider adding covers to your gutters, making clean up job much easier in the future and keeping unwanted items out.


  • You can use a caulking gun on dry surfaces to repair any leaks.


  • Sagging gutters won’t function properly, even if you clean them out. So, make sure the fasteners keeping them attached to the home are tightened, and if not, tighten or replace them.


Clean, well-functioning gutters will ensure your home is ready for any wet weather that will come your way, and you’ll be taking an important step to avoid water damage.



Roof Cleaning Tips

Winter can also be particularly hard on your rooftop, especially if you’ve had a lot of snow and ice.

Thorough roof and gutter cleaning and an inspection of your roof by a professional will ensure its holding up and looking nice for spring and summer.


This care will not only help it last longer, but will keep it in top shape.

As stated previously, gutter care is an essential part of roof maintenance and cleaning care, but there are other roof cleaning considerations as well:


Roof Cleaning:


  • Clear any debris like leaves, pine cones, and pine needles off your roof. These can cause a build up of moisture which can lead to damage to shingles, mold, or structural damage. An easy and safe way to do this is with a leaf blower.


  • Moss and mold can also damage your rooftop and shingles, and are caused by too much moisture on the roof. Removing debris as stated in the previous bullet point will help avoid this problem, but a power washer to your roof will help remove existing mold and mildew. If your roof is steep you may want to consult with a professional first.


  • Removing branches that create too much shade and not enough sunlight, and attaching zinc or copper strands across the length of your roof will help to ensure that mold and mildew won’t find a comfortable place to grow on your roof.


  • For shingles or structural problems, consult with a professional to inspect your roof thoroughly if you suspect you have any problems such as these that you need to address. If you do, you’ll want to fix the problem–replacing shingles, reinforcing weak spots, etc.–as soon as possible.


  • Stray tree branches can also be a problem. Snow and ice can do strange things to tree branches near your home, and after a long winter you may need to consider trimming some back if the branches look loose or are at risk of falling, rubbing, or pulling shingles off the roof.




Your roof is what protects you from the outdoors and shields you from the elements; so it only makes sense that its care, cleaning, and maintenance should be a priority when you approach various cleaning projects this spring.

Taking care of it will not only improve the look of your house, but will also protect your investment.


As the warmer months approach, you’ll no doubt be spending more time enjoying the outdoors from your backyard, deck, or front porch.

You’ll want your home looking the part and roof and gutter cleaning and maintenance can help provide your home with a fresh look for this spring and summer.

Making sure your gutters are clear and able to move water away quickly will help avoid water damage flooding.

Likewise, keeping your roof clear of debris that could cause mold build up and making sure no tree branches pose a threat will help your roof stay intact and looking clean.


Your home is an investment, and your gutters and roof are a part of this investment.

So it’s definitely worth taking the time to make sure this investment is as clean and well taken care of as possible.

Consider the roof and gutter cleaning tips mentioned here when embarking upon a cleaning project, and always remember to consult with a professional if there are any serious structural concerns.

Home Improvement

Homeowner’s Guide to a Window Replacement Project

Improve your home’s efficiency, beauty and operation with a window replacement project.

New windows can make a striking difference in any home. They can open up a spectacular view and bring more efficiency to your home by keeping the elements out. In fact, it can be hard to find another home improvement project that gives you the biggest bang for your buck than new windows. Similar to roofs, windows help to keep the elements out and protect your home.

There are a number of different styles, materials and options available when it comes to windows. Windows let in fresh air to keep your home dry and fresh. They also allow natural light to flood your home during the day. Choosing windows is not as simple as just choosing a look that you like.

There are many factors to consider, such as performance and durability and performance. You’ll also want to find windows that are consistent with your personal style. Your windows pull the whole house together – from the roof, to the siding, to the front door. With all of the possibilities, you may not be sure which is the best choice for your home. Luckily, we have put together this handy guide to help you choose the perfect windows for your home.

Benefits of Window Replacement

New window replacement and installation can bring a surprising number of benefits to your home. Here are just a few of the advantages of installing new windows in your home.

Increased Home Value

New windows add to your home’s value. According to CNBC, new windows bring up to an 85 percent return on investment when it comes time to sell your home.

Enhance Security and Safety

Old windows can open easily and are a security risk, which leaves you vulnerable to burglars. On the other hand, windows that are very hard to open or painted shut can be a hazard during a fire. Because of these two scenarios, window replacement can provide the right kind of safety and security for your home.

Improve Energy Efficiency

There are many energy-efficient options for window replacement. These can reduce the costs of cooling and heating your home.

Make Your Home More Comfortable

New windows, especially ones that feature insulated frames, help shield home occupants from outside noise, such as lawn mowers, barking dogs and traffic.

Add to the Beauty of Your Home

If your home has a gorgeous ocean or mountain view, new windows can showcase lovely views. Replacing windows with sliding glass walls can really enhance a gorgeous outside view and connect your home with nature.


There are a wide variety of shapes and styles of windows to fit your home. The style of your window helps define your home. For example, certain styles of windows complement more modern homes while others are aesestically pleasing to traditional houses. Depending on your type of roof, your front door style, and type of siding, different windows will match better than others. From casement to bay windows, learn more about the different styles available before your window replacement.

  • Single-Hung Windows – Provides a more classic look. These traditional windows feature a top that stays stationary while the bottom is raised for ventilation.
  • Sliding – These windows slide horizontally to open and provide plenty of access to fresh air.
  • Casement – These popular windows are hinged at the sides and swing outward, and they provide a clear view to the outdoors. They are a great option for hard-to-reach areas, like over the kitchen sink.
  • Picture – Picture windows are stationary and do not open. They create beautiful combinations with other windows to maximize a great view as they are often very large. Because of this, picture windows are great for homes that overlook the coast or mountains.
  • Sliding Glass Walls – These are large glass walls that slide open and closed. They provide a great unobstructed view of the outdoors. They are flexible and great for maximizing space.
  • Awning – These windows swing outward from the bottom and are hinged at the top. Awning windows are often placed below or above other windows to add light, ventilation and architectural interest to a room while keeping the elements out.
  • Bay Window – A bay window typically has a fixed window in the center that is joined together with venting windows on each side. These windows are great for areas on the coast, such as Orange County’s Pacific Coastal regions. They provide sweeping, expansive views.
  • Bow Window – These consist of four or more windows that are joined together to form an elegant curve. The windows can be venting or fixed.

Window Materials

There are several different types of materials available for window replacement. Knowing which type of material to use will ensure that your windows and energy-efficient and long-lasting. The right window materials can also help provide increased comfort inside the home. Here are some of the most popular standard window frame options.

Wood Windows

Wood windows are prized for their aesthetic appeal. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes. If maintained properly, they are durable and can last for decades. In addition, wood windows also have amazing insulative powers. They provide exceptional energy efficiency and are great for energy-conscious homeowners.

Fiberglass Windows

Fiberglass windows are relatively new. These are low-maintenance, high-performing windows that have the upscale look of wood. They are great for extreme climates as they can withstand subzero temperatures and extreme heat. They are also very energy-efficient so another good choice for energy-conscious consumers. Fiberglass windows are also great in coastal areas as they are moisture-resistant.


Aluminum windows are lightweight and durable. They are constructed of one of the toughest structural materials that is available for windows. These hardy windows are also affordable in comparison to other options.

Vinyl Windows

Anyone looking for energy-efficient, easy-to-care-for windows should consider vinyl. They are a good low-maintenance, long-lasting option and are available in a number of hues and colors. They never need staining, painting or refinishing. In addition, the frames are durable and strong and look great for many years.

No matter which type of window you choose, window replacement home projects help to improve the value, aesthetic, and feel of your home.


Home Improvement

Home Upgrades: Enhancing Your Home’s Architecture

Now that the mortgage is paid in full, you would love to make some changes and home upgrades to your house. What remains to be decided is what sort of updates would improve the curb appeal and also offer some practical benefits. There are a number of ways that you can achieve both goals and still keep the improvements affordable. Here are some home upgrades that you should consider to boost curb appeal.

Making Changes to the Home Façade

One of the best home upgrades to provide your older home with a fresh look is to consider changing the façade. While this will be more costly than slapping on a few coats of paint, a fresh façade will make a difference in more than one way. This change to the architecture of your home often leads to savings in the years to come.

There are several ways to go with a new home façade. One approach is to invest in vinyl or aluminum siding. The installation process for each approach helps to fill in tiny gaps found in the exterior walls. Once the job is done, you’ll find that the home heating and cooling system will not run as often. As you see the decrease in the monthly utility costs, you’ll appreciate that new siding even more.

Remember that these siding options won’t need painting in the years to come. That’s another way that changing the home façade will save money.

To get an idea of color and style options, it pays to contact a contractor who is known to use only the best products. If there is someone in the area who is familiar with Ply Gem siding options, that’s a good place to start.

How About a Window Update?

Several of the windows don’t function as efficiently as they did in years past. Thanks to signs of warping, deterioration and other issues, those windows have caused you to mutter certain words under your breath when trying to raise or lower a sash. Before you begin to shout those words out loud, why not consider replacing all the windows in your home?

See this as a chance to make a design change as well as a structural change. If you’ve never been completely happy with the style of windows gracing your home, now is the opportunity to explore other designs. Depending on what kind of windows you choose, the expense of purchase and installation will fit into your budget easily.

As with the new façade, these home upgrades also help to reduce utility costs. All the tiny spots where air seeps in between sashes or around frames will be sealed. Who doesn’t like the idea of keeping the indoor temperature at a desired level without having to deal with a high utility bill?

Another perk of new windows is the impact that they have on the look of the house. Even if you think your current windows are not that bad, you’ll be surprised at how much better the place looks once the new windows are in place.

Changing the Doors

As long as you’re thinking about doing something with the façade and the windows, why not consider investing in new exterior doors? Changing the style of the front door will make the entry more inviting. As a bonus, you can choose a door that never has to be painted or stained again. That will save money in the years to come.

Don’t overlook the possibility of making some changes to doors in the home. You may even want to add doors where none existed before. For example, you love the open arch between the living and dining rooms, but there are times when you wish you could close the dining room off. Consider adding a custom-fitted set of French doors to the framing. When the doors are open, they add another visual element to the room. Even when they are closed, the doors will improve the general look and feel of both rooms. These home upgrades can be highly customizable, making for the perfect home.

A New Roof Would Be Nice

The current roof served you well over the last three decades, but it’s beginning to need more repairs. Now is a good time to talk with a professional and check out different roofing types. Depending on what other changes you want to make to the home exterior, consider going with a different style, material, and color. Installing a new roof is one of the most important home upgrades because of the sheer importance a roof plays. Do not hold off on roof repairs or upgrades when needed.

Remember to keep your location and climate in mind when looking for a cost effective roof. Do you live in an area that snows quite often? Consider metal roofing. Is the climate around your house dry and sunny? Look into tile. Thanks to the ability to create digital simulations, you can get an idea of what a certain roof style and color would look like before you make a choice.

Time for New Fencing

Not all home upgrades are focused solely on the home. How long have you wanted to rip out the chain link fencing and install a privacy fence around the back yard? Now is a great time to compare materials, designs, and the cost of upkeep and maintenance associated with different options. You’ll find it easy to come up with a solution that blends in with the look of the home. Best of all, you get to enjoy the back yard without others peering around to see who is visiting, what’s cooking on the grill, or what you’re planting in the flower bed.

Don’t Forget the Gutters

With all the home upgrades you have in mind, it’s easy to overlook the gutter system. Instead of replacing the dented sections and slapping new paint on the entire system, why not look into the idea of installing a new vinyl gutter network? You can also think about investing in a system that comes with gutter guards. The vinyl eliminates the need to paint and ensures you don’t have to deal with rusting. Guards as part of the system keeps larger chunks of debris from getting into the system and creating clogs. You’ll find that cleaning out the system once or twice a year is less messy.

Now that the home is yours alone, start making these home upgrades that you’ve always wanted. Identify specific projects and prioritize them in terms of how much money is on hand and the benefits they provide. While it may take awhile to get everything done, the results will be worth the wait.

Blog Residential Roofing

What to Consider During A Roof Remodel

Normally, when people prepare for a remodel they don’t necessarily consider a roof remodel. They think of designing either a bathroom, a kitchen, a redesigned living space or all of these rooms. They focus on colors and style, materials and function.  It can be a stressful process at times, but it is almost also universally fun to remake your home into what you’ve always dreamed. Sometimes, though, homeowners have to turn their attention to more utilitarian remodels. These don’t necessarily change the aesthetics of the house. However, they are important to its longevity and resale value all the same. The biggest of these types of projects is, arguably, the roof remodel.

Redoing your roof is not a glamorous project, but it is essential – the roof of your home must not be ignored. A well-maintained roof preserves the integrity of your home, both structurally and, ultimately, aesthetically. Without a roof, your home will literally and figuratively collapse around you.  There are, therefore, some important considerations when preparing for your big roof remodel. We have explained a few of these below.

Research Your Roofing Contractor Thoroughly

Considering that your roof comprises approximately 40% of the exterior of your home, the roof remodel and replacement is a significant investment in your home. It can greatly impact its resale value. Therefore, you want to make sure that you hire someone who is qualified, has experience, and comes highly recommended.

Research your roofers carefully. Often, getting recommendations from friends and family can help kick-start your search. Make sure that you go to visit other jobs the roofer has done. You should also talk to previous clients, and look for online reviews. If your state requires a certification, ask to see it (and any other credentials the contractor may have!). Most importantly, verify that your roofing contractor is insured.  If she or he is not, and they damage your property – or worse, themselves – you could be liable to pay for the damages.

Consider Adding Vents to Your Roof

Since your roof is directly over your attic, you may want to consider adding a vent or ventilation system to your attic through your roof at some point. Keeping your attic dry and well-ventilated can preserve anything you’ve stored in it, and ensure that your roof has a long life. It will prevent moisture from accumulating under and along your roof, which will in turn prevent mold. Mold and moisture can drastically reduce the life of your roof – and of your home. Mold remediation can be exceedingly expensive as well. It can also affect the health of the people living near it.

Some areas or states include ventilation in modern ventilation codes, but the National Roofing Contractors Association recommends a minimum of one square foot of ventilation for every 150 square feet of attic space.

Research Roofing Materials to Find the Best Fit

While nearly 80% of roofs are finished with asphalt shingles, they are by far not the only roofing option. You can choose any number of roofing materials to add to the character and feel of your home. Asphalt shingles, of course, are relatively inexpensive and are easy to obtain and work with. They also have a fairly long life, meaning that you get a lot for your money.

However, there are other choices as well, of varying expense and durability. Some other common types of roofing are slate and tile shingles, metal roofing, and flat roofs (which require a great deal of maintenance!). Wood shakes, cedar shingles, and living roofs are other options as well. Each type of roof has its owns pros and cons, its own cost and benefits. Make sure you research each type carefully before making a final decision.

Consider If You’d Like Skylights or a Covered Patio or Porch

While you are remodeling your roof, you should consider if you would like any other changes done to your home that will impact your roof. For instance, if you are considering adding skylights to one or several rooms in your house, it may behoove you to do those as you are redoing your roof, to prevent future work or disruptions.

Another home improvement you may want to consider including in your roof remodel is the addition of a covered porch or patio. It will be easier to build this roof at the same time of your roof remodel. Instead of having roofs built at two different times, perhaps by two different people, you can do it all at once.

Be Involved!

The most important consideration for your roof remodel is to always stay involved in the process.  Research your contractor, and communicate with her or him frequently and clearly.  Research roofing materials and discuss them with your contractor. This way, you both feel comfortable with the product, plans and the result. Try to find a vantage point from which you can view the roof remodeling process. When it is completed, make sure the work is done to your specifications and that nothing was overlooked. And then, most importantly, give your contractor reviews for their great work. This way, others may reap the benefits that you enjoyed.

While a roof may not be a glamorous renovation to make to your home, it is, in the end, a necessary and useful one. If you are, for instance, planning on selling your home a new roof can be a key marketing point. If you aren’t selling your home, then you will still need a quality, new roof to keep the structure of your home and your belongings safe and well-maintained.

Treat your roof remodel as you would any other: with diligence, enthusiasm, and a keen eye for detail.  Maintaining your roof will open the door to other, more fun renovations in the future, under the security and safety of a strong, new roof. Keeping these five considerations in mind will make sure that your roof renovation is completed perfectly and your home stays safe and beautiful for many years to come!

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