Metal Roofing

Do Metal Roofs Fade Over Time?

Yes, metal roofs can fade over time due to exposure to UV rays, moisture, and environmental factors. The extent of fading depends on the color, paint quality, and finish. Lighter, matte colors with high-quality paint systems like PVDF are less prone to noticeable fading, helping maintain the roof’s appearance longer.

There are lots of things you need to consider if you are looking at having a metal roof installed. That includes things like price, lifespan, style, and more. If you are considering a metal roof, you may have seen some reports that they tend to fade over time.

You are making a serious investment in your home when it comes to installing a metal roof, so you want to know whether it will fade after you install it. Is this something you need to be aware of, and what can be done to prevent it?

Do Metal Roofs Fade Over Time?

So, firstly, is that metal roof going to start fading as soon as you have it installed on your home? While that color you picked is vibrant and exciting when it’s first put in place, that may not be the case later down the line. 

Like all roofing materials, metal roofing is subject to some amount of fading over its lifespan. The main culprit for this is UV rays. Over the years, those UV rays will beat down on your roof and eventually break up the pigments that make the color so vibrant.

That’s not the only culprit for fading though. There are other factors depending on where you live, which include things like moisture in the air, salt there if you live on the coast, pollution, and much more besides.

Also, keep in mind that the environment around your home will affect how evenly the roof fades, too. For example, if there is a lot of shade on the back half of your home, the back half of your roof will fade less than the front.

Is A Metal Roof Always Going To Fade?

For those considering installing a metal roof, this sounds somewhat worrying. Is it a forgone conclusion that any metal roof will fade over time?

Like everything in life, there is a lot more to this than meets the eye. There are a lot of factors that will affect how that roof fades. These include the following:

Sunshine in your area: How sunny your local area is will affect how much your metal roof fades. If you get a lot of hot weather and sun, then that fading will happen more quickly.

This does not mean that cloudier and cooler areas do not experience fading either. Even if you don’t get a lot of direct sunshine, those UV rays are still making their way to your roof, and will enact some fading over time.

The color shade you choose: One of the best things about metal roofs is the fact you can have them installed in almost any color that you can imagine. While you should be considering the curb appeal and aesthetics when you pick color, you should also consider how that color will fade over time. 

For example, if you go for a lighter color, it will fade less than a darker, more vibrant color. Picking a shade like gray or white will ensure you see a lot less fading than you would with a shade like red or blue.

Color finish: It’s not just the color itself that you need to consider when you are picking out your metal roof, but the finish of the color as well. You will see you have plenty of choice between both glossy and matte colors, and both have their benefits. 

When it comes to colour fading, you will see that matte colors are a lot less prone to fading than glossy ones. Because of this, matte colors are becoming more and more popular for metal roofs. You can find a wide variety of different matte colors available, allowing you to reduce the likelihood of fading while getting the right color for your home. 

Type of paint: There are multiple different types of paint that can be used on metal roofs, and again the type of paint you use will affect how much it fades over time. The two biggest types of paints used right now are SMP and PVDF, and currently PVDF works a lot better at resisting fading over time. 

This is thanks to the pigmentation used in this paint, as well as the bonds used in the structure of the paints to resist UV radiation. SMP paint on the other hand is less resistant to fading, thanks to the polyester used in it. The polyester will absorb UV rays over time, and this is what breaks the paint apart and leads to fading.

How To Pick The Right Color To Avoid Color Fade

Now you know all of the above, you will want to make a choice for your home that reduces the amount of paint fading on your roof as much as possible. It is important to note that you cannot avoid some amounts of fading on all metal roofs, no matter what it is made of or painted with. If you are located on the coast, you get excessive sun exposure, or excessive moisture, then fading is always going to happen. However, you can absolutely take some measures to reduce that fading.

For example, you can pick a color that comes in a matte finish, and is a lighter shade so fading will be much more minimal over time. This is perfect for someone who is looking to improve the curb appeal of the home, or just keep the roof looking new and in good condition for as long as possible.

This is something to consider when you are choosing the color for your roof. If you have a colour in mind, think about whether it meets the criteria for less noticeable fading. If maintaining the color of your roof is important to you, and the color you are thinking of will not meet this criteria, it is always worth picking another color instead.

All metal roofs will experience some amount of fading over time, thanks to UV rays and other environmental issues. By picking the right color in the right paint system, you can reduce the effects of fading over time on your roof.


While all metal roofs are subject to some fading over time due to UV rays and environmental factors, selecting the right color, finish, and paint system can help minimize the effects. A lighter, matte color with a high-quality paint system like PVDF will provide more resistance to fading.

If you live in Virginia areas such as Warren, Fairfax, Winchester, or Leesburg, and you’re considering a metal roof installation and want expert guidance on choosing the best options, contact Piedmont Roofing. Their experienced team can help you achieve a durable, long-lasting roof that retains its beauty for years to come.

Reach out to Piedmont Roofing today for a consultation!

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