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How To Protect Against Shingle Hail Damage

How To Protect Against Shingle Hail Damage - Piedmont

Your roof is at risk of all kinds of damage, and so you need to be on the lookout for anything that could harm it. That includes high winds, water damage, tree branches, and more. Another danger you need to be prepared for is shingle hail damage.

Here’s why it’s dangerous, and why you need to be careful about it.

How Does Hail Affect Your Roof?

Can hail really affect your roof? It certainly can. As hail is small pieces of ice hitting your roof at high speeds, it can do more damage than you’d think. As such, you need to be on the lookout for any damage that it may cause.

As the hail hits your roof randomly, it can waken parts of the roof, creating a chink in its armor. You may see ‘bruising’, where hail has hit a shingle. You may also see shingles coming loose, or even come away altogether. Bigger hailstones can remove the granular coating on the shingles, exposing them to further damage. If this happens, the shingles will lose their protective top layer, making them weaker.

In the most extreme cases, you’ll see that hailstones will damage the protective mat under your shingles. When they damage this, they’ll actually allow water to seep through into the roof structure itself. It’s obviously not great, as it can lead to all kinds of issues like wood rot and mold.

How Hail Damages Your Roof Over Time 

Hail will do damage in the short term, loosening shingles and removing protective elements. That’s not where the damage ends, though. As they’ve weakened the shingles, they’re not going to be able to protect the roof properly.

As such, there are several knock-on effects that will damage your roof. The shingles’ lifespan will be reduced, so they will need to be replaced much more quickly. You’ll also see water coming in through the roof in bad cases, as the hail has opened up small holes in the roof’s defense.

You also need to be aware that if hail does damage your roof badly, it can be classed as an act of God by your insurance company. That can leave you with a very costly repair bill at the end of the day.

In the most extreme cases, you’ll need to replace your whole roof. An asphalt tile roof should last around 20 – 25 years, but if you’re experiencing hailstorms, that’s going to bring the replacement date up.

How To Look For Hail Damage

The best way to protect your roof is to look for damage as soon as possible. Once a hail storm has passed, you’ll want to inspect the roof as quickly as possible. If you can spot the damage quickly, you’ll be able to get repairs done ASAP and prevent any further damage.

When inspecting your roof, look for any holes or chunks that are missing from the shingles themselves. They’ll look as though they’ve had lumps torn out of them in severe cases, and that’s a sign that they’ve been compromised.

Also, get into your attic and take a look for any moisture or leaks. You’ll need to see if any water has started to get into your roof, as that’s another sign that your roof has been damaged by hail.

In most cases, if you’re just seeing damage to the shingles then you can solve the issue by replacing them as soon as possible. It’s a good idea to keep a box of shingles when you have your roof replaced, so you have the right matching ones for repairs such as this. If there’s more damage or you don’t know where to start, then you’ll need to talk to an expert for help.

How To Prevent Hail Damage

Of course, the best way to stop hail damaging your roof is to prevent it from happening in the first place. How can you do that?

There isn’t much you can do to prevent hail from happening, and the truth is that asphalt shingles are particularly vulnerable to it. This is something you have to keep in mind when you’re having your roof replaced. Shingles have a lot of benefits, such as being a cost-effective option, and the fact you can just replace a shingle or two if anything gets damaged. This is one of the downsides though, and you’ll have to balance them to see what’s right for you.

If you live in an area with frequent hail storms, then you should consider replacing the roof with a more resistant material. There are some very hardy roofing options out there, like metal or slate. These will cost more, but they have longer life spans as well as other benefits. Consider what would be right for you.

If replacing the roof isn’t in your budget, then you can ensure you’re keeping your shingle roof in good condition. If you regularly inspect it and have repairs done as and when you need to, it will be in good condition for a long time.

Call In The Experts

One of the most important tips is that you should call the experts if you’re ever unsure. You don’t want to make mistakes when attempting to fix hail damage. Yes, you’ll need to pay more when you call, them, but it’s cheaper than making a mistake and having to have the roof replaced.

Finding a good contractor will make all the difference, as they will be able to spot issues with your roof and put them right as and when they need to. Have a good roofer on speed dial, and they’ll ensure your roof stays in good condition.

Repair Shingle Hail Damage

As you can see, hail can wreak all kinds of havoc on your roof. You obviously don’t want that to happen, so make sure you’re examining your roof after every hailstorm and having repairs done as needed. If you do this, you’ll prevent your roof from, suffering further damage, and even needing to be replaced entirely.