Residential Roofing Roofing

Effective Roofing Tips for When It Rains

If your home is living in rainy conditions, it’s a good idea to be sure your roof is strong enough to protect everything and everyone inside. Here are some effective roofing tips to keep in mind.

Virginia has a wide variety of weather, some of which can wreak havoc on homes. The roof of any home is its first line of defense against the elements. It needs to be in good repair to ensure that it keeps the occupants and possessions inside safe and snug.

Climate affects roofing greatly, but thankfully, there are ways to protect yourself from the Virginia climate. There are many types of roofing materials available with a wide range of prices. But regardless of the price, some are much less advisable for use in rainy environments. Depending on the environment you live in, different materials will react differently. It’s important to be aware of these differences and to follow these roofing tips for when it rains.

Rain, Rain Go Away

With its coastal frontage, the Virginia climate affects roofing since your roof is subject to heavy rains throughout the year. Storms blowing in off the ocean bring torrential downpours during hurricane season. This deluge of water can cause problems for some roofs. They do not shed the precipitation quickly enough to remain water-tight. Over time, materials and under layers can degrade from exposure to moisture.

Metal roofing is a great option for those looking to repair or replace a current roof, as it easily withstands all types of weather. Metal roofing materials, whether panels or shingles, are impermeable and redirect water rapidly, ensuring there is no leakage.

Winds That Huff and Puff and Blow

While Virginia does not usually see hurricanes come directly ashore due to its location between the north and south hurricane corridors, it does see its fair share of high-speed winds and tropical storms.

Residents who invest in a roof made from steel, aluminum or copper will suffer substantially fewer incidents of damage. Manufacturers rate their product according to wind speed and many types are graded for gales well over 100 miles per hour. Because of this, the windy climate affects roofing, and your roof must be able to withstand high pressure and high speed winds.

Wintry Weather

The average yearly snow accumulation varies greatly across the state of Virginia, with some areas receiving over 50 inches per year. Metal roofing materials encourage snow melt and snow will slide right off of most designs. Along with preventing ice buildup and leakage, this also ensures that the weight of all that snow isn’t bearing down on the structure of the roof all winter. Metal roofing is superior for Virginia’s climate in every season and during even the worst storms.

Which Roofing Material Should You Use?

There are many roofing tips available to ensure that you choose the perfect material for your climate. Your roof protects you and your loved ones, it is an important aspect of your house. You want to choose a material that is durable and long lasting.

These roofing tips will ensure you stay safe in your rainy environment.

Asphalt shingles

Also known as composition shingles. They are not totally waterproof and will not do well unless on a pitch of at least 4 inches for every foot. Expect them to last around 20 or so years.

Shingles are not the best choice for extreme climates. They become soft in hot weather and tend to crack in severe cold. Because of their rough surface, they tend to catch and hold leaves, tree limbs, and other debris. However, they are among the least expensive to purchase and maintain.

If you live in a mild climate, they will probably serve you well.

Ceramic tile

Because of their weight, a ceramic tile roof will often need additional support. Though a little bit pricey, ceramic tiles are good looking, especially if you’re trying for a Spanish or Italian effect. Made in a kiln from natural clay, they are brittle and can break easily especially under the weight of wet, heavy snow. But rain, and in a temperate climate, with a minimum of care they can last 50 years or more.

Sheet metal

For a sure protection from inclement weather, steel sheet metal roofing may be your best bet. The price is about mid-range when compared to asphalt shingles or ceramic tile, and lifespan is much greater. Coated with aluminum and zinc alloy, they can last well past 50 years. Metal roofs can also be painted any color to match or contrast the attached building.

A higher priced version made from zinc and copper can last as long as 100 years. And the variety of choices doesn’t stop there. Titanium and stainless steel are also available for those who seek only the best. Also roofing with special coating can deflect the sun’s heat to provide additional cooling.

Wood shakes or shingles

Wood is not your best choice for wet climates. The quality of the product varies and is prone to splitting and warping even at it’s best. If you live in an environment that does not get hit by hard rain, it can be a great option.

Roofing Tips Conclusion

These are four different types of roofing materials, that each have their benefits. If you live in a rainy climate, make sure you know which options will serve you best. And if you need more information, roofing tips, or professional assistance with your roof, contact a roofing contractor.

Residential Roofing

Fall Home Maintenance Guide: How To Prepare Your Roof For Fall

Fall is just around the corner, and that means your home, and your roof will need some fall home maintenance in preparation for the colder weather. For instance, if you want to boost energy efficiency in your home to make it much more warm and inviting, repairs and some maintenance may be needed on your roof.

Here’s why you need to start taking care of your roof before the rain, ice, snow and shorter days make outdoor work too difficult, and how you can do it.

Why Fall Is The Right Time To Maintain Your Roof

Many people think that checking and repairing their roofs is a job that should be done in the spring and summer, but actually you could be better off doing it in the fall. This is because spring and summer can be particularly rainy, and wet weather isn’t helpful when you’re doing roof repairs. Fall home maintenance allows you to prepare for the colder weather to come without worry.

Fall leads the way for the harsher weather to come, such as high winds, rain, and snow. If your roof is still in need of repairs when the bad weather starts, you could be leaving your home open to some serious problems. Your roof is what protects your home from damage during the winter, and it’s essential to perform fall home maintenance to prepare for it.

What Can Happen To Your Home In The Fall

The biggest enemy of your roof is moisture, which will cause several problems if it’s not prevented, or addressed promptly. Moisture can get into your roof a couple of different ways. Firstly, it can enter if there are cracks or leaks in your roof. When it rains, water will enter the roof and attic and cause mold and mildew problems. Another way it gets in is via condensation thanks to hot air. If there is nowhere for the air to go, then it can lead to more moisture in your roof.

When this happens, the mold and mildew in your roof can lead to several structural issues. When it gets really bad, it can lead to your roof needing replacing entirely. Of course, you want to avoid this, and that’s why you’ll need to fall home maintenance on your roof before the weather gets too bad.

How To Maintain Your Roof

Now that fall is here, you’ll need to assess your roof and see what kind of condition it’s in. The first thing to do is give it a thorough examining, to see where repairs will need to be made.

The first thing you’ll need to do is get onto the roof and look at the outside of it.

How to Check the Roof Itself

You’ll need to look for the following:

  • Blocked gutters: These can often be the culprit for water getting into your roof. Debris such as falling leaves get caught in gutters and cause them to overflow onto the roof. You’ll need to see if this has happened, and if so will need clearing.
  • Broken shingles: Your shingles are the first line of defense against bad weather, and so can often take a beating. You’re looking for shingles that don’t look like the rest on your roof. They may be broken, warped, curling in, or missing entirely. These broken shingles will need to be replaced during this fall home maintenance, otherwise you risk needing emergency roof repair services throughout the winter.
  • Damaged fascia boards and soffits: These are the boards that sit under the roof line, and protect the roof timbers from the weather. If they’re damaged, they can let water in and cause damage. This is especially true if they’re made of wood, as it can become damaged over time. Take a look at them and see if they many need replacing.

How to Check the Attic

Next, you’ll need to go into your attic space. You’ll be able to see a lot from the inside, and whether you’ll need to make repairs.

  • Holes in the roof: This will be easy to spot, as you’ll be able to see sunlight through them. If you can see this, you’ll need to have these repaired as soon as possible.
  • Mold or mildew: You’ll want to look for this and treat it as soon as possible. If it’s left to spread, it can severely damage the timbers in your roof.
  • Roof insulation: Is there proper insulation in your roof? You’ll want to make sure there is as it’ll stop warm air leaving your home in the colder months. If it’s missing or worn, now’s the time to address the issue.

How To Make Repairs To Your Roof

Now that you’ve identified problems, you’ll have to decide whether you want to hire a professional roofing contractor, or do the repairs yourself. 9 times out of 10, you’ll want to call in the experts because your roof is such an important part of your home.

If you have the right experience though, you could make smaller repairs on your roof. Here’s what you’ll need to do to get your roof ready for fall.

  • Clear out the gutters: The first thing to do that will make a huge difference is to clean out your gutters. All you need is a pair of gloves and a garbage bag, and just scoop out any debris you find. It’s also a good idea to invest in a gutter guard, to stop more debris falling in.
  • Repair and replace shingles: If you’ve found any shingles that need replacing, now’s the time to do it. It’s not too hard to find new shingles in a color that will match your roof, so get them replaced as soon as you can.
  • Trim trees: If there are any trees that are close to your roof, now’s the time to cut them back. It’ll stop the leaves from falling into the gutter, and branches from falling onto your roof, especially when there are high winds.

Fall home maintenance is an essential part of protecting your home. If you’re in doubt, it’s time to call in the professionals. They’ll check your roof for you, and make any repairs that are needed.

Taking care of your roof is important all year round, but it’s especially important in the fall. Use these tips to look for areas that need some TLC in the coming months, and get repairs done as needed.

Blog Residential Roofing

Tips From Your Rappahannock County Roofing Company

Calling all Rappahannock residents: is it time for you to install a new roof? Perhaps you’re experiencing leaks and other minor roofing problems that you’re not sure how to fix. Either way, roofing can be a complex and difficult topic for homeowners. Piedmont, your Rappahannock County roofing company works tirelessly to help homeowners unearth the truth about the roof by identifying the most common problems and then evaluating the cost to repair or replace in a quote. Although a consultation with a roofing professional is best, you can become your own advocate with just a little bit of knowledge. Here are three tips from your Rappahannock County roofing company to ensure your roof lasts as long as possible.

Tips From Your Rappahannock County Roofing Company

Piedmont, your Rappahannock County roofing company shares how to determine common problems, and what can be done in order to avoid them. The first thing homeowners must do is determine if they need their roof repaired, or fully replaced. After that, homeowners can follow these tips to avoid such roofing issues, and ensure their roof is durable and will protect them throughout the year.

Do You Need Your Roof Repaired?

Would you know if your roof needed to be repaired? How can you spot the signs of imminent roofing failure? The truth is that by the time most homeowners come to a roofing specialist, the damage is already deep and extensive. Spotting problems early isn’t easy, especially without getting a closer look–that means climbing up on the roof and investigating its integrity.

If you’re not comfortable with that, you’re not alone. Many homeowners decide to call a Rappahannock County roofing company for an inspection instead.

If you do feel that you can take a look safely, note that you should never climb up on the roof alone. Always do so in pairs. A second person provides a safety check if something goes wrong.

Look for obvious signs of cracks, peeling, or chipping on roof materials. Water that runs in rivulets into cracks and then disappears is a surefire sign of a leak–after all, the water has to go somewhere. Black, green, or red mold is a sign of an organic invasion and high moisture, and may be a forerunner to mold on the underside of your roof.

An uneven, slanted, or buckled roof is an urgent problem. This condition points to structural integrity at dangerous levels. If your roof demonstrates these signs, do not climb up to take a look unless you are wearing safety gear and are absolutely sure of your steps. It may be unsafe or unstable–you could even fall through. Call a roofing professional instead.

Simple, At-Home Maintenance Tips

Most roofing companies will tell you that the best way to extend the life of your roof (whether new or old) is to maintain it properly throughout the year. While inspections are a major part of that maintenance, there are other tasks that can help as well.

In the winter, push heavy snow off the roof when it sticks. A telescoping shovel helps with this, though if your home is high enough, you may need a ladder to extend your reach.

The same is true for water if you have a flat roof; be sure that it channels away and off of the roof instead of pooling in the middle. If it does pool up, speak with a roofing contractor to evaluate drainage solutions.

Keep gutters, storm drains, and other drainage systems free of leaves and debris throughout the year. Plugs will prevent water from draining and might even cause extensive damage, too.

Check joints and bends in your roof for integrity issues twice yearly. This includes the area around chimneys, ventilation ducts, and anywhere else where the roof comes to a corner point. Look for lifting, cracking, and peeling. Shingles that begin to lift can be repasted down temporarily with glue, but be aware that this condition often points to a moisture problem that should be addressed, too.

Don’t forget to check the inside of your roof as well as the outside. Look at the ceiling in the highest point of your home (often the attic) for brown stains, cracks in the plaster, bubbles, or even walls close to the ceiling joint. These are all a sign of a leak.

Yearly Maintenance – A Must

As mentioned above, the best way to ward off roof problems and extend the life of your roof is to schedule a consultation with a roofing professional. The best time to schedule a maintenance call depends on when you purchase your home and how long it’s been, but generally, you should attempt to have your roof looked at in the spring and fall. Your contractor can detect issues early and also resolve them on the spot in many cases.

For problems that aren’t easily fixed, your Rappahannock County roofing company can write up a quote and schedule a full repair at a time that’s convenient for you. Your friendly neighborhood roofer is your best defense against sudden and serious structural collapse and expensive repairs. Make keeping your roof, whether new or old, a priority, and you’ll enjoy it for decades without the need for replacement.

From clay to solar–today’s roofing technology is robust and able to keep pace with the needs of consumers better than ever. If you’re unsure about the best way to address your roofing problems, consult with a pro. Your situation and home are both individual, and thus, your solution should be individual, too. Custom roofing installations are the best way to ensure fantastic results from your next project.

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