Rubber Roofing

7 Things You Should Know About Rubber Roofing Materials

Rubber roofing materials aren’t always the most common or well-known; but they offer many benefits. Here’s what to know about this type of roof material.

You’ve heard of metal and asphalt shingle roofs, but have you heard of rubber roofing materials? Many people haven’t; and they’re missing out on a great roofing material that can provide many benefits to a home or business owner.

If you’re looking for an energy efficient, long-lasting, and affordable option when it comes to roofing materials, consider rubber. Alternatives like metal are great but they’re very expensive and labor-intensive to install; rubber, however, is quite the opposite.

Consider these top seven benefits of rubber roofing materials for your next roofing project for your home or business.


What is rubber roofing?

It’s first important to understand what, exactly, rubber roofing is, as many people have not heard of this concept.

Also known as “ethylene propylene diene terpolymer”, rubber roofing materials are often seen in commercial applications more so than residential. But, that doesn’t mean it can’t be useful in the latter.

It can vary in thickness and sheet size, as well.

There are many benefits of rubber roofing materials; from energy efficiency, to durability, here are the seven most popular benefits of this type of material.


1. Rubber roofing is very affordable.

Rubber roofing materials are, first and foremost, very affordable.

Prices obviously depend on where you’re at in the country and the nature of your project, but much of the time you can buy rubber roofing for under $10 per square foot.

This is markedly cheaper than options like asphalt shingles or metal.

In addition, rubber roofing is very easy to install, meaning you’ll spend significantly less on labor costs. The material is very lightweight and usually comes in large sheets, making it rather quick and easy to install compared to other roofing materials.


2. Rubber roofing is incredibly durable.

Another great benefit of rubber roofing is that your investment will probably last a lifetime.

Usually rubber roofing materials are installed as one large sheet, or several large sheets depending on the grade and shape of the roof.

This means there are no shingles that can fall off and need to be replaced. Many rubber roofs are estimated to last at an upwards of 50 years!

Likewise, there are few seams that will ever need repair or resealing.

For this reason, rubber roofing is incredibly watertight. You won’t have to worry about leaks. And, if for some reason one of the seams does leak, it’s a simple fix that doesn’t involve a great deal of labor like asphalt shingles would.



3. Maintenance is easy.

In the off chance that your rubber roof will need any maintenance, it’s maintenance that you, the homeowner, will likely be able to do yourself.

Rubber roofing materials are relatively simple which makes its ownership easy and low stress. Repairs are minimal by nature. You may opt to paint it every ten years or so, but this is not required for it to function as it should.


4. Rubber roofing materials are environmentally conscious.

Rubber roofing is one of the most “green,” environmentally-friendly roofing options available on the market today.

It is a sustainable roofing material and is completely recyclable at the end of its life.

It can also help your home be even more energy efficient and environmentally conscious.


5. As stated above, it’s energy efficient.

Rubber roofing is an economical choice not only because its affordable to purchase and install, but it can also save you money on energy costs, which has the secondary benefit of being great for the environment.

Rubber reflects the sun’s heat, which will keep your home cool in the summer.

It’s also an excellent insulator, which will keep the warmth inside during the winter months.



6. It helps you keep your structure safe.

Whether you own a home or a business, protecting that structure and all that is contained within it are probably foremost on your mind much of the time.

Rubber roofing materials help your home stay safe and protected for a number of reasons.

First, it can handle extreme temperatures–both hot and cold–without sacrificing quality and durability. In the hottest of summers it will keep protecting your home, and it’ll do the same in the coldest of winters.

It’s aforementioned watertight qualities can also help keep your home dry in wet or moist weather. This will not only keep you comfortable, but will protect against water damage that can negatively impact the value of your home down the road.

Perhaps most importantly, rubber roofing is fire resistant. Compared to other materials like wood or asphalt roofing, rubber roofing won’t feed a fire.

Lightning, brush fires, and other fires won’t ever be able to ignite a rubber roof. In addition, a rubber roof can help reduce flames which can buy you precious time in the event of a fire.


7. You have many design options to choose from.

Rubber roofing can come in a number of different textures and colors.

You’re not limited to one color in a plain, flat texture; you can determine what shade and shape looks best for your home and install that style to reap the benefits of rubber roofing without sacrificing aesthetics.



Rubber roofing is a lesser-known option when it comes to unique roofing options, but it certainly shouldn’t be overlooked as it can provide a number of benefits to home and business owners.

Since it comes in large sheets, it’s installation is relatively easy for professionals, making it affordable for you.

You’re not limited to one style or color; there are actually quite a few to choose from.

In addition, any problems that arise–though they’re not expected because rubber is so low maintenance–can likely be solved by you, the homeowner, without having to resort to costly labor expenses.

It’s not only affordable and long-lasting, but it can also keep your home safe from water damage and fire. It’s environmentally friendly, as well, and can ensure that your home is kept warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Ultimately, rubber roofing materials are an excellent consideration if you’re in the market for an affordable and long-lasting roofing option.

If you choose those roofing material, you’re sure to end up with a great look, peace of mind, and energy efficiency.

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