Emergency Roof Repair Services

When Is It Time to Call a Loudoun County Roofing Company?

Your roof, whether it’s asphalt, metal, or otherwise, is a major investment; so you want to make sure it’s routinely taken care of, repaired, and replaced when needed. With the temperate climate of Virginia, there are many factors that can contribute to regular wear and tear on rooftops, like storms, rain, heat, and winds. Because of this, it’s important to know when it’s time to call a Loudoun County roofing company.

Luckily, there are a few important factors you can consider when trying to determine when you need to repair your roof.

Consider these factors when determining whether to let a problem go for the time being, or whether you need to consult with a Loudoun County roofing company for repair or replacement.


4 Reasons to Call a Loudoun County Roofing Company

Consider for a moment the beating your roof takes year after year in Loudoun County. This county isn’t subject to any extreme weather patterns throughout the year, but it still gets its fair share of each season.

Your shingles can be subject to blistering heat, winds, rain, storms, snow, and ice all in one year.

That’s a lot for any surface to handle.

Yearly and seasonal inspection is key to keeping your roof in optimal shape year after year; but you can determine the extent of any damage yourself in most cases.

Some problems may be chronic, or they may be acute–meaning some roofing problems may develop over time, and others may occur because of a one-time incident, like a powerful storm.

Likewise, some signs are more noticeable than others.

That’s why good roof ownership requires being mindful of the current state of your roof. It’s important to know what it can handle before it’s time to call in a Loudoun County roofing company.


1. Leaks

One of the most common roofing problems are leaks.

This is a problem that will clearly indicate to you the need for professional assistance.

You can identify leaks by inspecting your ceilings to see if there any water spots; you also may want to inspect your attic spaces and insulation for any water damage or moisture.

Leaving leaks unattended to can only cause more water damage and in turn, more expensive problems, in the future.

This is one problem that be easily repaired with the help of a Loudoun County roofing company, if it’s caught quickly.



2. Shingle Damage

Assuming you have an asphalt roof, your shingles can sustain damage in a number of different ways, each requiring a certain response:

  • Curling/buckling: If your shingles are curling at the edges, this can indicate that exposure to the elements is beginning to take its toll. Obviously, the most reasonable response is to replace the entire roof, unless it’s just a few shingles that are curling or buckling.
  • Grain loss: If you see a lot of asphalt grains in your gutters, this can indicate the early stages of a shingle problem. The grains are what protect the shingles from the elements–and if they’re beginning to wear off, your shingles will become more susceptible. This can signal that you may need a new roof sooner, rather than later.
  • Missing shingles: Missing shingles are the easiest problem to fix. This usually happens after a storm or high winds–it’s an acute problem, meaning you can address it shortly after it happens without having to replace the entire roof. However, if you don’t replace missing shingles, you’re setting yourself up for leaks and water damage in the future.


3. Poor-Quality Chimney Flashing

If you’re noticing leaks in your attic around your chimney, you may have poor-quality or simply worn-out chimney flashing.

This is the barrier that keeps water and the elements out of the cracks and crevices around your chimney.

If this is the case, it’s essential to call in a Loudoun County roofing company as soon as possible.

This can be fixed–and should be fixed, if the problem is caught early enough–in order to avoid root and leaks.



4. Hail Damage

Hail damage is another common roofing problem seen in temperate climates.

This damage can either completely demolish shingles and leave them with dents, cracks, and missing grains, or it can just brush the grains off the shingle.

It’s hard to tell unless you get a good look at the shingles, so it’s wise to have an inspection conducted on your roof after any substantial hail storm.


Considerations for Roof Repair

When you’re considering how to repair your roof and whether you want to replace it, you should consider how much your smaller repairs will add up over time.

If it becomes a sizeable problem, then repairing your roof may end up costing you more than replacing it altogether.

If you do decide to replace your roof, you should consider not roofing over an existing layer of shingles.

Building codes usually only allow you to have to layers of shingles, but the shingles will work better and last longer if they’re fastened directly to your roof deck itself.

Some roofing repairs are easy enough that you can do them on your own, provided you can safely get on your roof and off of it again.

For example, if you have a few cracked shingles, these may not need to be replaced if they’re not too terribly damaged.

You can quickly and easily fix cracked shingles by applying a coat of roofing sealant below it and to the crack itself.

This will help avoid unsightly cracked shingles, but also will avoid potential leaks or further shingle damage.



Living in Loudoun County will result in your roof experiencing all kinds of weather, all year long–from rain, to snow, to hail, to winds, and heat.

You’re bound to face roof problems, be they small or large, expensive or a fix you can do yourself.

Consider the extent of the damage and whether you should continue to repair roof problems, or whether an entire replacement would be more economically wise.

If you’re dealing with leaks or damaged shingles, addressing the problem sooner rather than later will help you avoid more severe water damage or large swaths of missing shingles.

Ideally, you should consider having a Loudoun County roofing company inspect your roof either annually or seasonally to ensure the best possible care for this essential part of your home.

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