Blog Residential Roofing

Tips From Your Rappahannock County Roofing Company

Calling all Rappahannock residents: is it time for you to install a new roof? Perhaps you’re experiencing leaks and other minor roofing problems that you’re not sure how to fix. Either way, roofing can be a complex and difficult topic for homeowners. Piedmont, your Rappahannock County roofing company works tirelessly to help homeowners unearth the truth about the roof by identifying the most common problems and then evaluating the cost to repair or replace in a quote. Although a consultation with a roofing professional is best, you can become your own advocate with just a little bit of knowledge. Here are three tips from your Rappahannock County roofing company to ensure your roof lasts as long as possible.

Tips From Your Rappahannock County Roofing Company

Piedmont, your Rappahannock County roofing company shares how to determine common problems, and what can be done in order to avoid them. The first thing homeowners must do is determine if they need their roof repaired, or fully replaced. After that, homeowners can follow these tips to avoid such roofing issues, and ensure their roof is durable and will protect them throughout the year.

Do You Need Your Roof Repaired?

Would you know if your roof needed to be repaired? How can you spot the signs of imminent roofing failure? The truth is that by the time most homeowners come to a roofing specialist, the damage is already deep and extensive. Spotting problems early isn’t easy, especially without getting a closer look–that means climbing up on the roof and investigating its integrity.

If you’re not comfortable with that, you’re not alone. Many homeowners decide to call a Rappahannock County roofing company for an inspection instead.

If you do feel that you can take a look safely, note that you should never climb up on the roof alone. Always do so in pairs. A second person provides a safety check if something goes wrong.

Look for obvious signs of cracks, peeling, or chipping on roof materials. Water that runs in rivulets into cracks and then disappears is a surefire sign of a leak–after all, the water has to go somewhere. Black, green, or red mold is a sign of an organic invasion and high moisture, and may be a forerunner to mold on the underside of your roof.

An uneven, slanted, or buckled roof is an urgent problem. This condition points to structural integrity at dangerous levels. If your roof demonstrates these signs, do not climb up to take a look unless you are wearing safety gear and are absolutely sure of your steps. It may be unsafe or unstable–you could even fall through. Call a roofing professional instead.

Simple, At-Home Maintenance Tips

Most roofing companies will tell you that the best way to extend the life of your roof (whether new or old) is to maintain it properly throughout the year. While inspections are a major part of that maintenance, there are other tasks that can help as well.

In the winter, push heavy snow off the roof when it sticks. A telescoping shovel helps with this, though if your home is high enough, you may need a ladder to extend your reach.

The same is true for water if you have a flat roof; be sure that it channels away and off of the roof instead of pooling in the middle. If it does pool up, speak with a roofing contractor to evaluate drainage solutions.

Keep gutters, storm drains, and other drainage systems free of leaves and debris throughout the year. Plugs will prevent water from draining and might even cause extensive damage, too.

Check joints and bends in your roof for integrity issues twice yearly. This includes the area around chimneys, ventilation ducts, and anywhere else where the roof comes to a corner point. Look for lifting, cracking, and peeling. Shingles that begin to lift can be repasted down temporarily with glue, but be aware that this condition often points to a moisture problem that should be addressed, too.

Don’t forget to check the inside of your roof as well as the outside. Look at the ceiling in the highest point of your home (often the attic) for brown stains, cracks in the plaster, bubbles, or even walls close to the ceiling joint. These are all a sign of a leak.

Yearly Maintenance – A Must

As mentioned above, the best way to ward off roof problems and extend the life of your roof is to schedule a consultation with a roofing professional. The best time to schedule a maintenance call depends on when you purchase your home and how long it’s been, but generally, you should attempt to have your roof looked at in the spring and fall. Your contractor can detect issues early and also resolve them on the spot in many cases.

For problems that aren’t easily fixed, your Rappahannock County roofing company can write up a quote and schedule a full repair at a time that’s convenient for you. Your friendly neighborhood roofer is your best defense against sudden and serious structural collapse and expensive repairs. Make keeping your roof, whether new or old, a priority, and you’ll enjoy it for decades without the need for replacement.

From clay to solar–today’s roofing technology is robust and able to keep pace with the needs of consumers better than ever. If you’re unsure about the best way to address your roofing problems, consult with a pro. Your situation and home are both individual, and thus, your solution should be individual, too. Custom roofing installations are the best way to ensure fantastic results from your next project.

Blog Residential Roofing

The Most Common Albemarle County Roofing Styles

Your roof single-handedly protects your home, and your family from the elements. It’s part of what keeps you warm, safe, and snug, and it can seriously impact your energy efficiency and comfort. Choose the right Albemarle County roofing style and you’ll enjoy years of security and enjoyment with only the most basic yearly maintenance.

Need a new roof installed? Whether you’re building your dream home or retiring your current roof, understanding the common Albemarle County roofing materials and styles is the best way to achieve premium results. From metal roofs to energy-efficient solar, these five roofing styles are by far the most popular for local residents.

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingle roofing is by far the most common Albemarle County roofing material. It’s easy to install, relatively affordable, and easy to spot-fix if problems occur. Property owners who use shingles can choose from a variety of colors and styles. There’s plenty of room for customization with shingles.

One of the biggest benefits of asphalt is that the material is suitable for nearly any climate or temperature. Though the Piedmont plateau doesn’t experience extreme temperature changes, intense heat in the summer and high humidity can sometimes cause roofing to break down over time. Asphalt shingles withstand this heat better than some other roofing materials.

Choose asphalt shingles when you’re on a tight budget, when you want easy customization, and whenever you need an easy-to-install or fix roofing solution.

Metal Roofs

The delightful sound of rain on a tin roof–an iconic countryside memory for many Americans. Although they’re fairly new in the history of the country, first popping up in the mid-19th Century, metal roofs are already making a comeback from a slight dip in popularity. Metal roofs are also becoming an increasingly common and popular Albemarle County roofing material due to its longevity and protection.

The term “metal” is ubiquitous here; it doesn’t refer to a single material or style. Rather, it’s an umbrella term that encompasses all of the following:

  • Corrugated metal roofing
  • Galvanized steel roofing
  • Raised seam metal roofing
  • Roofs made from aluminum, copper, zinc, or tin
  • A long list of other metal combination products

Corrugated roofing is the most affordable, while materials like zinc and galvanized steel are more durable, but also more expensive.

The biggest benefit of metal roofing is that it increases heating efficiency. Expect an additional 20 to 25 percent of your current heating needs to come from radiant solar heating (e.g. sunlight heating up your roof) rather than your furnace.

Clay Tile Roofing

Clay tile roofing can be immensely beautiful when it’s installed correctly. Benefit-wise, clay provides excellent durability, longevity, reliability, and even a boost to both heating and cooling when seasonal temperatures change.

With the first assumed usage dating back to approximately 10,000 B.C., it’s easy to see that humans have relied upon clay for a long time. Early iterations of the clay roof were unfortunately fragile. Though they provided excellent coverage, they would often crack or even melt in heavy rains–potentially destroying a hut or home.

With so many disadvantages, it might seem surprising that we still rely so heavily on it for residential or business roofing. But today’s clay is a far cry from the clay used in ancient civilizations.

Centuries ago, clay roof tiles were mostly made from water and clay baked in low-temperature ovens. Today’s clay tiles are baked in kilns at much, much higher temperatures that make them stronger and more resistant to wear.

Wander through any southwestern town and you’ll find at least one or two clay tile roofs. But clay’s innate ability to be cut and molded into any shape is making the clay roof grow in popularity as a common Albemarle County roofing option. From fish scale tiles to raised seam clay roofs, this diverse solution works best for those who are less concerned about budget and more concerned about overall appearance and performance.

Solar Roof Options for Albemarle County Roofing

Last, but certainly not least, is the solar roof.  As most people would assume, the most significant benefit to installing a solar roof is the energy savings. It is possible for homeowners who use minimal amounts of power to rely entirely on a solar roof, going off-grid altogether. However, most Albemarle residents use it as a back-up while staying on the grid.

So–just how much could installing a solar roof save you? According to GreenTech Media, your new roof should pay for itself in approximately 6.5 years. More advanced solar roof tech, like Tesla’s new solar roof, could potentially pay for themselves even faster.

Given that the average solar roof lasts 10 or more years, that’s a sound investment.

Not sure about installing a full solar roof? You can have solar panels installed in sections, too, adding additional panels over time. This is ideal for people who want to live greener, but may not have the budget to go all-in at the same time.

The integrity and reliability of your roof is important. Ensuring that your roof lasts as long as possible starts with making the right decision about style and the materials used. These five popular Albemarle County roofing options may help you to determine which type of material is best for your new roof. But this is not a decision you need to make alone. Contact your local roofing company for a consultation that addresses all of your most important questions.

Residential Roofing Blog

Identifying Orange County Roof Repair Problems

Homeowners find themselves needing roof repairs frequently in the Piedmont plateau. High summer humidity and even the sun can break down a roof, and that eventually leads to problems. Leaks occur, the structural integrity deteriorates, the appearance changes, drafts get in, and numerous other problems can occur. Restoring your roof early is imperative to extending its overall lifespan. Here’s how your local Orange County roof repair professionals identify and address those pesky rooftop issues when you call.

How to Identify Orange County Roof Repair Problems

Sometimes, you can notice Orange County roof repair and problems easily just by standing outside. Those are the problems that need to be addressed quickly, and they’re often the first sign of trouble. If you can clearly see that shingles are warped, the roof is sloped, a tree is touching down on the rooftop, or there is otherwise damage done to the surface, you should assume a larger issue exists.

In other cases, you may notice your problems first indoors instead. If you find that your ceiling is leaking, it could mean a leak in the rooftop. Feeling a draft could also indicate a problem, as it means wind is finding its way indoors. The most common place for this to happen is at the ceiling and wall joints.

When you notice a problem from the inside, it indicates a serious problem that needs immediate attention. The issue has developed from the roof and made its way to the ceiling and the rest of the house. Leaving these issues alone will result in significant damage to the home or disaster for your family.

Structural Integrity

A roof needs to be structurally sound if it is going to hold up well to the elements. If the integrity is compromised, it could spell trouble for the remainder of your home. It’s important to look for signs of diminishing structural integrity. If you see any, call an Orange County roof repair professional right away. The ceiling may start to cave under the weight of a sloped roof, the walls can become damaged, and pieces may fall through and cause harm to those who live in the home. Look for signs like bubbling paint, chipping drywall at the joints, and water stains in the ceiling as your first sign of trouble.

As soon as any sign of structural issues are noticed, you should call an Orange County roofing contractor. This nearly always represents a problem with the overall roof.


The appearance of your roof matters, too. An unsightly roof can drag down the value of your home and make it unpleasant to live in, especially if it has sunken spots and broken shingles. Never feel like you need to suffer through these issues simply because they’re cosmetic; most issues are fixed quite easily in a single service call to an Orange County roof repair company.


When you start to notice water stains on your ceiling, it is a good indication that a leak has developed from your roof. The rain is getting inside and causing damage to other components of the home. If you have an attic, climb up inside and carefully inspect the support beams and ceiling. You’re looking for rivulets and stains; when you find them, track them back and you should find the entry point. Let your Orange County roof repair expert know where the leak is starting. He can reapply caulking and repair the damage so no more water drips down and causes problems. He can then locate the exterior leak and fix that, too.


Homeowners typically do their best to keep the temperature in their homes comfortable. When a draft gets in, it can upset the temperature in the house, and may even throw off the thermostat and kick it on at inappropriate times. This can raise energy prices and cost homeowners money.

When you feel a draft, it is best for you to find where it is coming from immediately. A draft can come down from the roof if there is a damaged area at the joints or along crown moulding. The shingle that’s allowing air in should be replaced by an Orange County roof repair professional so the draft stops coming through and throwing off the temperature.

Drafts can also be a symptom of a larger issue–where there is one, there is often many. Any drafts coming from the roof are cause for a full multipoint inspection.


Shingles are affordable, easy to install, customizable…and unfortunately, prone to problems over time. They can come loose, sink in, warp, crack, and otherwise become damaged. With just one shingle out of place, your entire roof system can be compromised. To avoid Orange County roof repair, check your roof often to see if any shingles are damaged, missing, or out of sorts. A repairman can replace just one shingle at a time if needed, or all of them at once.

Organic Invasions

Because a roof is exposed to the outside, organic invasions are bound to happen. No, this doesn’t mean your roof is about to be attacked by aliens (though that would certainly be an issue, too). It means organisms may begin to call it home.

Mold can grow on a roof if it is not kept clean and maintained, especially if that side of the roof is exposed to rain or precipitation first. While a little bit of mold isn’t an issue, too much can weaken your roof’s structural integrity. It can even cause holes in your roof–a much, much bigger problem.

Look for roots and moss growing along the shingles, especially along 90-degree angles and in full sun. There are special products that will kill off the organic compounds growing on your roof and help keep it free from them in the future.

If all of these issues sound startling, understand that most homeowners don’t have problems with properly maintained roofs for decades. A single maintenance call a year can ward off potential issues, and includes any fixes and replacements you might need along the way. Whether organic invasions occur, shingles come loose, or leaks start to develop, a an Orange County roof repair professional can restore the roof to its usual appearance. Then, you can get back to the business of enjoying your home rather than worrying about your roof.

Blog Residential Roofing

Green Options With a Roofing Leesburg Professional

Living a greener life carries immense benefits, both for the individual and for the planet as a whole. That’s why it’s so important for all of us to try and lower our ecological footprint throughout our lives. While picking up trash, using plant-and-animal friendly chemicals, and reducing how often you drive your vehicle can help. Selecting the right roof, and roofing Leesburg professional helps to go green as well.

Energy-efficient homes aren’t just an option anymore, they’re the most sensible choice for today’s homeowners. Today’s roof materials are made using greener materials that last longer–reducing both waste and energy loss within your home. Not sure where to start? The roofing Leesburg options listed here will get you started on the path to a fantastic new eco-friendly roof that pays for itself over time.

What Makes a Roof “Green?”

The term “green” can often be open to a bit of interpretation, especially within construction. But most professionals agree that a roof qualifies as “green” when it benefits the environment in some way, either directly or indirectly.

The most obvious way in which roofing Leesburg professionals can make your roof green is to actually install a living garden on top of it. These green roofs are most common in the city, and are often installed at the top of skyscrapers and other tall buildings. Some installations use small mini-roofs at each floor tier in addition to the top-most roof. The main benefit is in appearance and in the fact that plants help to scrub the air of pollutants–an easy way to access better air quality.

But roofs can be considered eco-friendly for other reasons, too. Leesburg roofing materials sourced from sustainable forestry or those that improve energy efficiency also qualify.

Roofing Leesburg: Green Trends

The biggest current green roofing trend trend is the cool roof. This is a special energy efficiency roof made from a combination of foam, rubber, and special tiles that are then coated in a thick layer of solar-reflecting paint. This is ideal in summer as it keeps the inside of your home up to 15 percent cooler. There is at least some evidence that cool roofs may also provide a slight benefit in winter, too, keeping heat inside.

The green planted or garden roof is also increasing in popularity alongside the others, though it’s been around for decades. Not only does it look fantastic, but it also soaks up water and precipitation. That’s ideal in areas that get a high amount of rain, monsoons, or even flooding throughout the warmer season.

The third and most common green roofing trend is the roof that also collects and stores power. Called “net zero” products, these roofs may contain solar panels or small wind turbines connected to a battery. This can provide up to 100 percent of a building’s total power if the installation is robust enough.

Although it isn’t a trend, sustainable roofing materials are the most common way for property owners to access green roofing. Out of the many options, sustainable products are often also the most affordable choice.

Can You Benefit?

Every building owner can benefit from sustainable or greener trends for roofing Leesburg. Whether you use sustainable wood shingles or a heat transferring clay roof, installing a green roof will provide you with many in-depth benefits. Best of all, updating to green roofing technology can significantly increase the value of your home.

Average Cost and Budget Info

Just how much will a sustainable green roof cost you? That’s a question without an easy answer. The overall cost and budget will change, sometimes dramatically, depending on exactly what roof you install. For low-budget projects, look to install sustainable shingles. If your budget is flexible, go for solar and wind-collecting roofing. Planting on your flat roof is accessible for nearly any budget. Start with pots and then have a turf roof installed once you’re able to afford it.

Custom Roofing Jobs

The best way to ensure that you get a green roof that’s best suited to your individual needs is to have a local roofing company come out and assess your property. The choices for homeowners will often vary from those available to commercial property owners simply because the latter is likely to have a larger budget.

Never choose a solution unless you’re sure it’s right–everything from the pitch of your roof to the climate you live in can impact which roofing materials are right for you.

Determining which Leesburg roofing product or solution is best for your needs starts with a thorough and exhaustive investigation of your current roof. Your roofing specialist will measure, investigate, and examine your entire roof, looking for signs of potential problems like leaks, mold, and other organic invasions. Any structural problems need to be corrected first before the new roof is installed.

Remember: while a green roof may require a monetary investment, it can and often will save you money over time. On average, green roofing technologies pay for themselves tenfold. That’s an excellent return on your investment. Best of all, these newer materials and technologies outlast and outperform most previous iterations by decades. Install them and enjoy replacing your roof once every 30-40 years instead of every decade.

Blog Residential Roofing

The Four Most Common Types of Roof Materials

Have you given any thought to your roof materials lately? If you’re like most homeowners, you probably haven’t. It’s one area of your house that’s almost always out of sight and usually out of mind. And then one day it starts to leak, and suddenly you realize just how important it is. First of all, it keeps its inhabitants and their possessions warm and dry, and when you finally pay attention to it, you notice that it also makes a valuable contribution to the overall appearance of your house.

So, when it’s time for a roof replacement, a roof for a new house, or a new roof for an addition to your present home, there are several options you’ll need to consider. Among them are the type of roof materials and the color. As far as color, those aesthetic decisions are best left to the design experts. Roofing materials, on the other hand, can be more easily quantified to make the decision manageable.

Even though various components–framing, preparation, proper installation, and materials–work together to compose your roof, its shingles are certainly the most visible and are arguably the most important of these. Choosing the right roof material is important and is a matter of evaluating each of its attributes, such as price, durability, and style. Here is the rundown on the four most common types of roof materials to help you make an informed decision:

Asphalt shingles top the list

Asphalt shingles have been and still are the most popular choice. They appeal to the cost-conscious homeowner because they provide a durable roof for less than any other type of roof material ($150 to $200 per square). There are two types of asphalt shingles: fiberglass and organic.

Fiberglass: These shingles consist of a fiberglass mat that’s covered with asphalt, which keeps water out and protects the other roof components and the interior of your home. The ceramic granules that top the asphalt act to reflect UV rays.

Organic: These shingles appeal to the environmentally-conscious homeowner and are usually manufactured from recycled felt paper. They too have a layer of asphalt to make them waterproof. Organic shingles tend to be more durable than fiberglass, but they are also more expensive.

Choose metal for durability

While asphalt shingles remain the most popular choice of roof materials, residential metal roofing is catching up, more than quadrupling its market share over the past ten years. The reason: today’s metal roofs give homeowners the option to upgrade their homes with material that has lasting value—fifty or more years of value! Some of the other benefits that appeal to homeowners include:

  • Fire resistance
  • Panels that interlock for wind resistance
  • Energy efficiency
  • Low weight
  • Styles to match almost any home

Even though the pros of metal roofing clearly outweigh the cons, there are drawbacks that you should consider. The biggest is the initial cost ($700 to $1000 per 100 square feet), but that is only a negative if you move soon after installation and don’t get the return on your investment. The other possible downside, noise, may be romantic and soothing for some, while others will find it irritating.

The elegance of slate

Many of this country’s old and stately houses display slate tiles on their roofs. Known for its beauty and durability, this stone roofing is one of the longest lasting shingles on the market today. Nonetheless, like any other roofing material, it has disadvantages that accompany its benefits.

The biggest advantage to a slate roof is its appearance. The tiles are 100% natural stone and have a naturally cleft surface that shows color variation across its entire surface. These tiles are durable, often lasting longer than the building they cover. They are also fireproof, recyclable, and energy efficient.

On the other side of the coin are the expense ($1000 to $6000 per square) and the difficulty of installation. Inexperienced roofing contractors trying to install slate tiles like asphalt will run into trouble very quickly. Also keep in mind that slate roof tiles are very heavy, and the roof deck will need to be reinforced to hold the weight.

The natural, rustic look of wood

For hundreds of years, wood shingles and shakes have been the top choice for roof materials. They are beautiful initially before weathering to an attractive shade of gray eventually. Today’s homeowners appreciate that it’s a natural product typically made from southern pine, cedar, and redwood.

Unfortunately, cedar shakes are a potential fire risk. For this reason, some municipalities in fire-prone areas do not allow them, and some homeowners’ insurance providers charge a higher premium if you install them. There is a fire-resistant coating that can be used to treat wood shingles, but it must be re-applied every few years.

On the plus side, wood shingles and shakes are fairly easy to install and maintain. They are durable, lasting between twenty and thirty years, and are resistant to insect activity. Cedar shakes also have natural insulating properties, and they are installed at $700 to $1200 per square. Wood shingles typically cost slightly less.

There are other options for roof materials

While these four roof types are the most popular, they are not your only choices. You can choose any of the following to match your unique taste:

  • Clay tile
  • Synthetic slate
  • Concrete tile
  • Flat roof systems that include:
    • EDPM rubber
    • PVC
    • TPO roofing membrane
    • Modified bitumen

Turn to the pros

There are many do-it-yourself jobs around the house waiting for your attention, but replacing your roof is probably not among them. Updating your existing roof can add value to your home while communicating its look and feel. Your roof is important, and there are many roof materials. The material you choose for it can bring the exterior of your house to the next level. It’s also critical that it is installed properly—a job best done by professionals.

Blog Residential Roofing

Benefits of Solar Panels

Due to the many benefits of solar panels, the U.S. has seen an unprecedented rate of growth of solar power: are you ready to jump on the sunshine-driven bandwagon? Adding solar panels to your home can make it possible to save money. You save money doing what you need to do every day: cook dinner, do the laundry, heat and cool your home, turn on the lights. There are many benefits of solar panels. They make it possible to create energy at a greater rate than we use it. This makes it easy and convenient to reduce your carbon footprint.

While you may have seen solar panels on the roofs of some homes, and you may know that these panels generate power from the sun, have you ever wondered how solar panels work? Here’s a quick step-by-step summary of the process:

  1. The sun’s photons are collected by solar panels.
  2. When photons hit the solar panels, it creates a direct current (DC) electric field.
  3. An inverter converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). This allows appliances and home systems to use the power.
  4. The alternating current (AC) routes through the home’s switchboard to supply electricity.
  5. If there is excess electricity, it is exported to the electrical grid, or stored in batteries connected to the system for future use.
  6. If there isn’t enough solar powered energy to power the home, electricity is imported from the electrical grid, or the solar system pulls stored power from batteries.

Now that you know how solar panels work, let’s look at some of the benefits of solar panels and installing a solar energy system in your home.

Instant Savings on Your Electric Bill

When you install solar panels on your home, you will see savings on your electric bill immediately. Typically, homeowners save well above $100 monthly, which translates to over $30,000 over 20 years—less than the length of a warranty. The amount saved varies depending on where you live and how many panels you install. But no matter how many solar panels you install, you will have smaller monthly bills. If you install enough panels, you may see your electric bill disappear entirely.

While utility rates fluctuate over time, the sun is a consistent source of free energy. With each passing year, you will see larger returns on your investment.

Instead of a Bill, You Might Get a Check

It’s possible, especially in states that offer generous renewable energy incentives, to generate passive income by installing solar panels. In this case, the utility company pays you for the clean energy your solar panels produce. You may get cash or credits on your bill—but whatever the case, your electric bill is now practically non-existent.

Sound like a dream come true? You can find out if you qualify for these incentives in the state where you live before you install your solar panels. There is a huge benefit in doing your homework before you make your decision. It doesn’t cost anything but time. In the long run you may be setting yourself up for a more prosperous retirement in the future.

Solar Panels are Low Maintenance

What’s especially nice about the high financial returns of installing solar panels is that they won’t cost you time or money to maintain them. Because they have no moving parts, nothing can damage them very easily. Solar panels require very little maintenance after the initial installation. Just a basic yearly maintenance and cleaning will keep them in good working order for 25 years or more.

Increase Your Home’s Value

Homes with solar panels sell faster and for more money, because realtors and homebuyers know that the home will have lower electricity costs, without the initial cost of the installation. Research shows that most home owners will see a $5,911 resale value increase per installed kilowatt. That means if you install a 3.1 kilowatt system, you could improve your home’s resale value by nearly $18,000.

Protect Your Roof

Solar panels are most commonly installed on the roof where it is easiest to get sunshine. They are take up very little space and can be added to any size home.

While it is important for your roof to be in good condition prior to installing your solar panels, it’s also a way of protecting that roof over the long run. Solar panels cover the roof from heat, sun, wind, and rain—and may even offer additional insulation to keep temps in your home more consistent.

Benefits of Solar Panels: A Cleaner, Quieter, Sustainable Future

There are many benefits of solar panels. There are also many reasons why they are better for the environment than other sources of energy. Here are a few:

  • Solar power is a renewable resource: We won’t run out.
  • The sun can power the world: When properly harnessed and stored, just one hour of energy from the sun could power the entire global population for a year.
  • Renewable energy improves public health: Coal and natural gas plants produce air and water pollution that is harmful to human health.
  • Solar power protects natural resources: While fossil fuel production, particularly hydraulic fracking, requires significant water resources and causes water pollution, solar energy requires little to no water to operate.
  • It works during drought or heat wave: Coal, natural gas, and nuclear power use large amounts of water for cooling.
  • Solar power creates jobs in clean energy: Fossil fuel technologies often rely primarily on mechanical components, but creating solar energy is more labor intensive and requires more human energy which means more jobs.

Solar is Easier than Ever

Installing solar panels on your home was a long process before. There were a limited number of companies that offered solar installation and it was difficult to find the best deal.

Now, with so many more solar companies on the market and the wealth of information available online, homeowners have an easier time than ever installing solar on their homes so they can save money right away. Another option for homeowners who may have limited resources available is the pay-as-you-go system for solar.

With all the benefits of solar panels, it makes great sense to check out a solar installation for your home. You won’t regret harnessing the sun’s powerful energy for your daily needs and saving yourself money in the process.


Blog Residential Roofing

It is Essential to Repair or Replace Damaged Roofing Materials

One of the most important features on a building may not seem exciting, but it is essential to protect the building’s interior structures such as the wooden frame, walls, and plumbing devices. You probably never inspect a building’s rooftop unless severe weather has passed through the area, and there is a good chance that your home or business has shingles or damaged roofing materials that require repair or replacement. When only a few shingles are missing or loose on a building’s rooftop, a lot of moisture from rain, snow or ice can leak onto the underlying materials, leading to massive damage caused by mold growth or rotting wood.

Popular Types of Roofing Materials

There are several types of roofing to choose from, including:

  • Asphalt
  • Plastic
  • Metal
  • Cement fiber
  • Flagstone
  • Slate
  • Wood

One of the most popular materials is metal because of its lower price point, making it an affordable option for large commercial roofing. Replacing or fixing a roof is a complex process. It requires using a tall extension ladder or bucket truck to reach the surface. Simply replacing the topmost layer of the damaged roofing material is not always acceptable because the underlying layers provide vital protection from temperature changes and moisture.

Using Top-Quality Roofing Materials can Save Money Each Month

When a roof on a building is old and decayed it is time to replace the waterproofing and insulating layers to keep a building warmer, cooler or drier. Companies now manufacture higher quality materials that can keep a building cool during the daytime or warm during the winter. Investing in top-quality roofing materials can save money over several years by reducing your monthly utility bills. With proper installation from knowledgeable roofers, the roof is less likely to become damaged during high winds when storms occur.

How to Choose a Roofer

When choosing a roofing company, you must make sure that it has been in business for many years and talk to satisfied customers who are willing to permit you to see the roof that the company installed for them. They will also be able to tell you if you need to repair or replace your damaged roofing material.

Residential Roofing Blog

Choose Metal With an Albemarle County Roofing Company

If you need a roof repair or replacement in Virginia, then you must find a knowledgeable Albemarle County roofing company for routine or emergency services. The roofs on commercial and residential buildings in our area experience a lot of moisture from snow, ice and rain.

The moisture and high winds from a storm can cause damage to any type of roofing materials, including metal. When a roof has severe damage, it requires a repair right way to protect the underlying materials along with the building’s contents.

Because of the climate in Virginia, an Albemarle County roofing company is often called. We’ll explore why metal roofing is so popular in Albemarle County, and the advantages of this type of roof.

Metal Roofs are Popular. Why?

In many cases, business managers and homeowners are unable to enter a building because it has a damaged roof, and you require a roofing contractor in Virginia who can arrive quickly to make essential repairs.

Metal roofs are popular because the materials are affordable, easy to install and are fire resistant. Metal roofing materials are frequently used for large commercial buildings to reduce the cost of building insurance.

Advantages of Choosing Metal With an Albemarle County Roofing Company

Metal roofing materials provide several advantages, including:
• Available in a lot of sizes, shapes, textures and colors
Costs less than asphalt shingles
• Durable and long-lasting materials
• High insulating levels during cold winter weather
• Reflects sunlight to reduce cooling costs in the summer
• Coatings on metal can provide waterproofing
• Requires little maintenance

Types of Metal Used for Roofs

Depending on the design of a building and the roof’s slope, a metal roof can augment the structure’s appearance. You can choose materials that match or complement the colors of a building’s siding or other decorative elements. A roofing contractor in Virginia might offer an assortment of metal materials that include:
• Tin
• Stone-coated steel
• Aluminum
• Stainless steel
• Metal tile sheets
• Standing seam metal
• Corrugated galvanized steel

A contractor can arrange to have an old roof removed for a completely new metal roof installation or place metal materials over an old roof. With the correct choice of metals, you can recycle the other materials when it is time for a new repair or replacement to reduce the cost of buying new tiles or sheets.

Blog Residential Roofing

What To Look For In a Roofer

A homeowner has put one too many buckets beneath leaking areas of the ceiling whenever it rains. It’s time to call in a professional roofer. But what should one look for when the time comes to get the roof taken care of? Here are some tips:

Do the Research

Homeowners shouldn’t just flip open the Yellow Pages and pick any contractor randomly! The roof of a home, barn or place of business is too important to be left to a substandard contractor. A client should do a bit of research before hiring a roofing professional. This includes asking neighbors to recommend a roofer they’ve been satisfied with to checking a roofing contractor’s reviews on the Better Business Bureau’s website. Former clients should ideally not only be happy with the job, but would use that contractor again. This is ultimately the most important step in finding a reputable roofing contractor.

Meet With the Roofer Face-to-Face

It’s always a good idea to invite the professional over to the property. That way, the contractor can have a better idea of the job, and the client can have a better idea of the roofer. The roofing contractor should be courteous, knowledgeable and eager to answer any questions the client has. He should be ready and able to perform whatever roofing job the client requires. He should be ready to show a potential client proof that he’s licensed and insured.

Another thing to keep in mind is that some types of roofs require special skills to install or maintain. These include metal roofs, flat roofs and slate roofs. If the client has one of these special-case roofs, she should make sure the roofer knows how to handle it.

Ask for References

A roofer should also provide references, and if it is possible, to let the potential client take a look at previous worksites. If not the actual site, there should be images taken of previous roofing projects that they would be happy to show you.

Put Everything In Writing

When the job is agreed upon, the client and the roofer need to draw up a detailed contract. This contract will cover everything from the payment schedules to the date the job starts and ends to the materials used. It should also cover worker’s compensation and other liabilities.

By doing this, you will be able to find reputable roofing professionals who will meet your needs and expectations.

Blog Residential Roofing

Avoiding Winter Roof Damage

The first official day of winter is almost here, making it a great time to think about protecting your home from extreme weather conditions. Heavy snow and ice have the potential to cause some serious winter roof damage. A snow and icicle-covered roof couldn’t look more magical. However, this beauty could end up costing you thousands of dollars to both the outside and inside of your home.

The Weight of Snow

As snow piles up on the roof, it compacts and becomes heavier. A square foot can easily end up weighing about 50 pounds. This is a lot of weight sitting on the roof of your home. Older homes are especially vulnerable because they are not always rated to support that kind of weight.  While full roof cave-ins are rare, the stress can easily cause cracks in your drywall. This often leads to further winter roof damage.


Ice dams can also occur once the snow begins to melt. As water freezes, it can cause significant damage to the roof and inside of your home. Water can seep under shingles and refreeze. This causes it to expand and causes even bigger problems that lead to leaks and cracks on the ceiling and walls of your home. For this reason, trapped water on your roof needs to be removed immediately.

What You Can Do

Being prepared before the first snow falls is always the best idea. Having to scrape snow and frozen water off a roof can damage shingles and take years off its life. Snow protection systems like snow guards can help prevent ice damming as well as damage to gutters. Being prepared will save you money in the long run from having to repair the roof and possible interior areas of your home.

If you are not sure if your roof is winter-weather ready, have an expert out to ensure you will avoid winter roof damage and keep your home safe.

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