Emergency Roof Repair Services

How to Find the Best Roof Repair Company

Whether you’ve just gone through a storm, have just realized that your roof is hitting a significant anniversary, or are noticing other signs of wear and tear, roofing repair is not something to attempt on your own. Roof repair is undeniable, and is something for which you should seek out the best roof repair company possible.

Today, modern roofing materials, such as standing seam metal or rubber, provide longer life and less maintenance. However, when it’s time for repair or maintenance, choosing a qualified contractor is critical to making sure your home gets the best protection.

Here’s what to consider when searching for a contractor to perform roof repairs:


Your Contractor Should Work Effectively With Your Insurance Claim

If your repairs will be covered by your home or building insurance, take the time to find a contractor who is experienced with handling insurance claims.

A good roof repair company has the ability to navigate the complications of the claims process for you and can be your best ally.

When they are willing to work directly with the insurance company, it will streamline the process.


Your Roof Repair Company Should Have Experience

A good roofing company will have both the years of experience under their tool belt and the confidence to share references from satisfied customers.

Ask for them.

Follow up on them.

Ask how long the company has been in business in your area.

Reputable companies will have photos and locations that represent their completed work.

Quality roof repair companies are essential, and a good contractor will be open and transparent about previous jobs.


Your Roof Repair Company Should Be Local

Unfortunately, some contractors take advantage of home and business owners after a storm or another natural disaster that has happened in an area.

Avoid being taken in by the unscrupulous by making sure the roof repair company is local.

They should be licensed in your state.

If problems or warranty work needs occur down the road, a non-local company could leave, and be impossible to contact.

The popular line “Shop local” is definitely a winning proposition, when it comes to your roof repair company professionals.



Your Contractor Should Be Familiar With Your Roof Type

Virginia contractors that feature everything from lovely slate roofs to more traditional shingles to newer types, such as durable rubber should be on your list when deciding who to contact.

Be sure that they have the specialized experience that your roof material requires.

For example, although durable and low maintenance, rubber roofs can benefit from a regular check to ensure small problems are fixed quickly before they can progress.

Slate roofs, with their incredible longevity, should be only be serviced and installed by experienced professionals.

If there is a need for a slate roof alternative, your contractor should be well-versed in acceptable alternatives.

And, someone experienced with metal roofing should be your first choice when dealing with a replacement or repair of your stamped metal roof.


Your Contractor Should Understand the Special Needs of Your Type of Architecture

The Virginia area has a wide variety of architecture and buildings. From new construction to historic homes, there are special considerations to consider.

Because of this, roof repair companies must involve professionals who understand the different types of architecture around Virginia.

Standing seam metal roofs are one of the most popular roofs on old houses.

In fact, they have been used with almost every architectural style since the mid-1800’s.

Slate roofs are another traditional material, and your contractor should be able to understand both the historical significance of roof type, as well as be able to offer suggestions about repair and replacement.

If you are the proud owner of a historical home, do your homework when selecting your contractor.

Again, they should be able to show you a portfolio of previous work on similar homes, and offer references.


Your Contractor Should Be Able To Advise You on Accessories

For roof repair Fairfax, a good contractor will also be able to advise you on helpful upgrades, such as gutters or snow guards.

Snow guards can effectively halt roof avalanches and hold the ice in place until it melts. This makes a real difference in your enjoyment of winter.

The guidance of an experienced contractor on gutters can be invaluable.

From copper that will set off the natural elements of your home, to classic zinc that will enhance the elegance of your modern exterior, there are options that you may have never considered.

Both placement and material is equally important in maintaining an efficient and beautiful home. Allow your roof repair company to help you make the best decision.



Your Contractor Should Have the Highest Contractor Class Rating

In Virginia, the Class A Contractor’s License is the top ranking, and the one that you should insist upon when choosing your roof repair company. Contractors who have received this designation are qualified to take on any size project. They have also passed the original licensing exam, and must keep their license in annual good standing.

Your contractor should have adequate and verifiable insurance.

They should be able to provide you with proof of workers compensation and insurance that has been made for roofing: Code 5551.  If you do not receive a certificate, this means that the insurance is not valid. In other words, there is no protection in case something goes wrong and causes damage.


Your Contractor Should Provide a Warranty

They should supply a workmanship warranty to you. Any roof repair company who is not willing to do this should be a cause for caution.

As mentioned above, the contractor who installs or repairs your roof should be local and available in surrounding areas. This will provide you with a safety net should anything need repair during the warranty period.

Insist on this written warranty.


Your Contractor Should Come With Recommendations From Manufacturers and Distributors

A competent roof repair company will be well known and respected by customers. They will also be respected by the manufacturers and distributors of the materials they use on your home.

Checking with a local distributor about the contractors they are familiar with and would recommend can be an invaluable source of information.



Undertaking roof repairs is one of the most important tasks that you can undertake. It is essential in maintaining your home or building.

Ensuring that you find an experienced, local roof repair company with good references and expertise in the type of building and roofing you own and require will pay off in the long run.

A good roof repair contractor will provide a warranty first of all. They will also have a Class A contractor rating, and possess Code 5551 insurance for roofing. By following these guidelines, you’ll have a positive experience with your roofing project, no matter what the weather.


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