Metal Roofing Residential Roofing

Metal Roof Types: Which Is Best For Your Home?

For those looking to replace their roof, many will be looking to have a metal roof installed as that replacement. They come with a lot of benefits, making them an excellent option for many different homes. If you have decided to go with a metal roof, you will soon see there are lots of different options available to you. Which metal roof type is going to be best for your home?

Metal Roof Types

Firstly, you will need to decide on the roofing type in general that you have installed. There are two different ways that metal roofs are made, and can be used on buildings:

Corrugated metal roof: When you think of a metal roof, this is probably what you are imagining. These roofs are often found on industrial and agricultural buildings and offer a lot of benefits in this regard. When you are looking at adding a metal roof to your home, they will likely not be what you are looking for. They can be noisy when it rains, and the look isn’t going to be the best.

Standing seam metal roof: When it comes to residential metal roofs, this is often the style that you will want to have. They are made up of several panels of metal, which have ribs on the edges that help them connect and create a watertight seal. That not only makes them an excellent option for protecting your home but ensures that they look better too.

It’s also worth noting that you can have a metal roof that is made to mimic the look of other roofs. For example, you can have metal sheets that are molded to look like slate tiles or clay tiles. That’s something you’ll want to keep in mind when you are considering which metal roof you want. Your roofer will be able to advise you on what you could have installed.

Metal Roof Materials

If you are considering a metal roof, you will soon see that there are many different metals you can have the roof made from. It can feel quite daunting to pick the right one, but it’s fairly easy once you know the benefits of each metal type.

Steel: Steel is very commonly used in creating metal roofs, as it offers a resistant material against the elements. It’s also often galvanized or coated with different materials, to give it a longer lifespan. As such, you will often see steel on residential roofs.

Copper: If aesthetics and curb appeal are important to you, then copper would be a good option. As the metal is easily manipulated and formed, it can be used to make several different shapes to make really attractive roof styles. Of course, copper will attain a patina over time as well, so you can get a very attractive look even as the roof ages.

If you do consider copper, you do need to remember that it does come up more expensive than a lot of other metal roofs. If it’s in your budget though, then you could take advantage of what copper can give you.

Aluminum: Aluminum is another popular option when it comes to metal roofing. It’s often used in roofing thanks to its lightweight design, ensuring that no extra stress is placed on your roof. That’s always worth considering, some other roofing types would require you to reinforce the roof before you could have the materials installed. 

You will also see that aluminum roofs are highly fire resistant, something that is often useful if you live in an area that is prone to wildfires, or you are looking to reinforce your home against fire in general.

Zinc: Zinc is another metal that can attain a patina over time, which helps improve the attractiveness of the roof and your home in general. It’s also a naturally occurring and easy to use metal, so you are seeing more and more of it being used on roofs. It is more popular in Europe right now, but more homes in the US are choosing zinc roofs.

While it does look attractive when it does attain the patina, it can take a while to do so, and the color can be inconsistent. Again, this is something to discuss with your roofer as they will be able to tell you more.

Why Consider A Metal Roof?

There are plenty of metal roof types out there. Whichever you choose, they will give you plenty of benefits that you can take advantage of. That includes the following:

Long life span: One of the biggest reasons why homeowners go for metal roofs is because they have one of the longest life spans out there. Currently, a well cared for metal roof can last for anywhere up to 70 years. When you compare that to the average lifespan of an asphalt shingle roof, which is typically around 25 years, you can see just how much more you can get out of that roof.

Fire resistance: As noted above, metal roofs have an excellent fire resistance rating, making them the best option for those who are worried about fire. Those who live in wildfire-affected areas are currently changing to metal roofs, as burning debris landing on their roof won’t be able to burn the material there and cause widespread damage.  

Lots of design options: Some may put off the idea of a metal roof because they are picturing the corrugated metal roof used in industrial and agricultural areas. However, a standing seam metal roof can look amazing when coated and shaped in different ways. You can use different paints and shapes to create the look of any other roofing type, so you can make that roof as attractive as you want it to be. 

There are lots of metal roof types for you, so you can pick something that makes sense for you and your home. Talk to your roofer about what you will need.

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