Metal Roofing Residential Roofing

Prepare Now To Avoid Future Metal Roof Hail Damage

If you have a metal roof on your home, you know that there’s very little that can actually cause serious damage to it. A well-installed metal roof can withstand fluctuations in temperature, water, snow, and high winds. However, something you do need to be aware of is the effect hail can have on a metal roof.

Here’s what you need to know, and how you can prepare to avoid metal roof hail damage in the future.

How Can Hail Damage Your Metal Roof?

No roof is impervious to damage, and that includes metal roofs. If you are unlucky, you may find that hail can actually cause some real damage if it’s left untreated. Here’s what you need to know and look out for if you have hail storms in your area:

Dents: Most commonly, you will see heavy hailstone storms leaving dents in your metal roof. If the storm wasn’t too severe these dense may be quite light, but if you had a very heavy hail storm you can get some really pronounced denting on your roof.

Scuffing and scratches: As well as potentially denting your metal roof, you may also see scratches or scuffs in the coating on it. This will be something you need to address quite quickly, as those coatings are used to protect the roof from corrosion. Any gap in the coating can lead to corrosion or water damage, leading to more expensive repairs later down the line.

Damaged fasteners: Fasteners are what hold your metal roof together and onto the roof deck, and these can take on damage too during a hailstorm. Again, this will need to be handled quickly because if a fastener is loose or missing, that will allow water to infiltrate the roof and start causing more issues.

Leaking: If you’ve had a hail storm recently and haven’t checked your roof, the first sign you have of damage to the roof will be leaks in your home. That can be water stains on your ceiling, or mold or wood rot setting in in the timbers of your roof itself. Again, you must check for this quickly because if the damage is left unchecked it’s going to be much worse to repair in the long run.

Metal Roofs And Impact Damage

Seeing all the damage that a hail storm can do to your metal roof is going to be alarming, but the damage that can happen does depend on several factors. You’ll have to consider the following when you are looking to prepare your roof for a coming hail storm:

Metal thickness: This is potentially the most crucial factor when it comes to hail and your roof. If your roof is made of a thicker gauge metal, then it will be less prone to sustaining dents or other damage.

Roof pitch: Something else to consider is the pitch or slope of your roof. If you have a steeper slope on your roof, then that will help reduce damage from hail storms. A flatter roof will take on more damage as it will take the full force of the hail as it comes down.

Roof coating: When you have your metal roof installed, you will see that there is a wide range of coatings that you can apply to it. Many homeowners will choose to use a weather-resistant coating, to help their metal roof resist the elements. These coatings will also help resist impact damage from hail as well.

Prepare To Avoid Metal Roof Hail Damage

With all this in mind, how can you protect your metal roof from a coming hail storm? There are several things that you can do to lessen any potential damage.

Consider hail when having your roof installed: The first thing you need to do is consider future hail storms when you are having your metal roof installed. If you live in an area that is prone to hail storms, then you can take steps to pick the right metal design to resist damage. That could include picking a thicker metal, having the roof pitched higher, and picking the right coating. Your roofer will be able to advise you on what would be best for your home.

Do regular inspections: Whether you are expecting a hail storm or not, you should be doing regular inspections on your roof. These will show you if there are any existing issues, that could be made worse by incoming hail. If you do spot an issue, you can have it put right by a roofer before an incoming storm, so if there is any damage it should be lessened.

Do temporary repairs: If you do find issues with your metal roof before a storm, you may not want to do the full repairs until after the storm has passed. However, you don’t want to leave your roof open to the elements when the hail storm is coming. In this case, you can look at doing temporary repairs to protect your roof until the storm has passed. In some cases, that may simply mean putting down waterproof tarps over the roof to protect it from water damage until the storm is gone and you can have full repairs done.

Look into insurance: In many cases, you will see that your home insurance should cover roof damage and all associated costs. Of course, that will depend on the specific cover you have, and what’s their specific insurer handles. Right now, it’s a good idea to contact your insurer and inquire whether your insurance covers hail damage. If it currently doesn’t, you should look into adding that to your plan so that if there is damage in the future, you can ensure that the repairs are covered by them. 


While a metal roof is at risk of being damaged by hail, there are lots of factors that affect this. If you are aware of them and take steps to prepare your metal roof before any hail storms, you can mitigate the worst of the damage.

And if you live in Virginia areas such as Warren, Middleburg, Winchester, or Fairfax, we’ll be happy to help you with your gutter and reroofing needs.

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