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Signs Your Roof Life Is at Its End

Sometimes a situation makes it obvious that your roof life is at its end, and you need a new roof. This could be a tree branch crashing into it during a storm. Other circumstances are not so cut-and-dry. Issues like water damage may require only a repair. You do not want to jump the gun if you do not have to, but you also do not want to hold out longer than you should, because that could make the problem worse. Here are some signs that you need new roofing in Culpeper.

Signs Your Roof Life Is At Its End

Interior and exterior checks are both important. You probably want to start inspecting the inside of your house first, because it is easier. To check your roof life, head up to the attic and look for any sunlight coming through the tiles. Also look for areas of the roof that are sagging, dark spots of algae, and leakage or other water damage. All of these point to the fact that your roof is getting weaker and needs a replacement.

Exterior Signs

After a thorough interior inspection, look outside for other possible signs of damage that require new roofing in Culpeper. If you can see that the shingles are curling, buckling, or plain missing, your roof has most likely moved beyond its life expectancy. Missing shingles are an especially serious problem if the holes are located near the roof’s valleys, because flowing rain and snow could cause massive leaks. Lots of granules in the gutters tell you that your roof life is at the end, and the tiles have received a lot of wear and tear and need replacing.

If you are unsure, the best thing to do is to call a trusted roofing company to send over some experienced workers to evaluate your roof life. You can get free estimates on what it would cost for a repair and for a new installation,as well as advice on which one to choose. Getting roof inspections twice every year, once in the spring and once in the fall, can keep little repairs to a minimum instead of letting them worsen over time so you can avoid more problems in the future.

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