Metal Roof Painting Metal Roofing

How Long Does Metal Roof Paint Last?

Having a metal roof installed comes with a lot of benefits. These roofs can take a lot from the elements, without showing any damage. They are also one of the most long-lasting roofing materials out there. If you want to get the absolute most out of them, then it’s always a good idea to have your metal roof painted.

How long does metal roof paint last, and how much can you expect to pay each time you need to have it done?

Why Paint Your Metal Roof?

Firstly, you need to see why you would have your metal roof painted. The main reason for painting the roof is to add another layer of protection against water, snow, hail, and other kinds of damage that can happen to it. With good roof paint, you can ensure you get the full lifespan out of your metal roof.

Also, many people look to paint their metal roofs in order to make them look cohesive with the rest of their homes. This is important to many people who want to preserve their home’s curb appeal or ensure that it fits in with the rest of the neighborhood in line with their HOA.

What Metal Roof Paints Are Available?

If you are looking to paint your metal roof, you will see there are two main types of paint that are used. These are silicon modified polyester paint (SMP), and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) paint.

SMP paint is a more popular option with homeowners, as it’s a very durable paint.  It can pretty much take anything that the weather could throw at it, so your roof will be protected no matter what. It also comes in slightly cheaper than other paints, so if you’re looking to keep your new roof on budget, it will be what you’re looking for. It is worth noting these paints don’t come in as many colors as other types though, so you may not find the shade you are looking for.

PVDF paint gives you access to a large spectrum of colors, so you can pick one that suits your home perfectly. It is able to give you shades that you can’t get in other paints, such as red, greens, and blues. It’s also great for UV protection, as it can retain its shade even in the face of the sun. However, it’s not quite as durable as other paints, and it does end up costing more.

How Long Does Metal Roof Paint Last?

So with this in mind, how long will that metal roof paint last? Typically, the paint you get for your roof will have a warranty, so you can see just how long you can expect from it. Depending on the paint you get, that warranty will guarantee you anywhere from 10 to 40 years.

You will also see that the warranty may cover different things, so make sure you check for this. That can include abrasions, peeling, chipping, faded colors, and cracking.

When To Repaint Your Roof

Now you know what to look for in metal roof paint, you need to know when you should be repainting it. Firstly, if your current roof paint is coming to the end of its lifespan as indicated by the warranty, it’s going to be a good idea to have it repainted.

Also, when you are carrying out your roof inspections, you should be looking for any sign that the paint needs to be redone. That includes any chipping, cracking, peeling, or other damage to the roof paint. If there are gaps in the paint, that leaves the metal roof exposed and potentially could allow moisture in to damage it too.

How Do You Paint A Metal Roof?

When your roof is ready to be painted, there are some things you have to do to ensure you get the best results. Lastly, the roof will need to be prepped. That will include power washing the roof surface, to remove any dirt, moss, and other debris that may have accumulated. This will also be enough to remove any loose old paint. If there is still paint on the surface, a mineral-based solvent will be enough to loosen and remove it.

You will also need to properly remove rust and corrosion, using paint scrapers or abrasive brushes. Once everything has been removed, the roof can then be primed, and then the new metal roof paint is applied. This can be done via roller, or with a spray.

Can You Paint Your Own Metal Roof?

There’s no doubt that keeping your roof in top condition is expensive, and you want to be able to save money where you can. Are you able to paint your own metal roof? 

You certainly can find guides online that show you how the process is done, and someone with some good DIY experience should be able to do it. However, it’s usually advised that you hire experienced roofers to handle the process for you.

This is for a couple of different reasons. Firstly, when dealing with your roof safety should always come first. No matter how careful you are, you are up high when working on your roof and accidents can happen. If you hire a roofer to handle the job for you, you will be able to take advantage of all of the experience and safety equipment, so they can do the job safely and efficiently.

Secondly, like with all home improvements, it is usually better to have an experienced roofer handle this job because they have the know-how to get it done in the most effective manner. With a roofer, the painting will be done right the first time and you will get the full benefit of that roof coating.


Painting your metal roof is always advisable, as it helps improve the look of your home as well as protect the roof from the elements. With most roof paints having quite long warranties, you can be sure that once the paint is on, it will protect your roof for a long time.

Metal Roof Painting

The Benefits of Painting Metal Roofs

Metal roofs have become increasingly popular for commercial and residential properties. They give you a lot of excellent benefits of painting metal roofs that you can’t get with other roofing types. One is that you can paint that roof once you install it, providing a whole host of benefits. Let’s see the benefits of painting metal roofs.

Improve the Overall Appearance of Your Roof

Of course, as a homeowner, you want your roof to look its best. Appearances are one of the most significant considerations when picking a roofing material, and being able to paint your roof will add to the overall aesthetics of your home.

When you paint your roof, you’ll be able to pick from a massive range of colors. Whether you want to make your roof stand out or have it blend in with the other roofs in the neighborhood, you’ll be able to find a paint color that helps you achieve the look.

A painted roof will look new and well kept too, which is essential for curb appeal. If you’re hoping to sell the home soon, painting your roof can add value to your home and show potential buyers that the roof is in excellent condition.

Boost Your Home’s Sustainability

Nowadays, more homeowners are looking into how they can make their home renovations more sustainable. There’s no denying that replacing your roof will impact you, especially as the old roof will most likely end up in a landfill.

A metal roof is a much more sustainable roofing material, as it lasts much longer. You can get up to 70 years or more from them if you maintain the roof well. As well as this, many are made out of recycled materials. Painting your roof will also help make it more sustainable, too.

One of the benefits of painting metal roofs is that you’ll be able to give them a heat-reflective coating. This will deflect UV rays, keeping your home cooler and therefore reducing energy costs in your home. That coating will also help protect the roof, as UV rays damage roofing materials over time.

Increase Your Roof’s Fire Resistance

Many people get metal roofs installed to make their homes more fire resistant. A metal roof is Class A fire resistant, the best qualification it can get. That makes it one of the safest materials you can use in your home.

You can also increase its fire resistance by using fire-resistant paint on the roof. There are several types of paint that you can use to increase your roof’s fire safety, so you’ll want to talk to your local roofer about what options are available to you.

Make Your Roof More Cost Efficient

Installing a new roof is always going to be costly. It will affect just how much you’ll be able to invest and what kind of materials you can use. You’ll need to do your research when it comes to a new roof to decide how much you can budget for that roof.

Metal as a roofing material can get on the pricey side, depending on the metal you use, how large your roof is, and so on. If you decide to install a metal roof, you’ll want to do what you can to protect your investment.

One way you can do that is by painting the roof once it’s installed. Adding that paint job will add another layer to it, which will protect it over time. That will stop UV rays from damaging it, as described above, and add another layer of protection against rain and moisture.

Since water is the number one enemy of a roof, that’s good news for you. Possibly one of the greatest benefits of painting metal roofs is cost-efficiency. Painting the roof will help it stay in good condition for longer, so you can get the maximum life from it before it needs to be replaced again.

Customize the Paint Used on Your Roof

No two roofs are alike, even if they’re made of the same material. You’ll always have unique needs when it comes to your roof. For example, your climate will affect the roof differently, so you’ll need a certain kind of paint to counteract it.

You’ll also need to consider where you live and whether you need your roof to blend in with the others around you, especially if you live in an HOA. You can paint your roof according to your own needs. There are many different roofing paints, and your local roofer can talk to you about what you’ll need and recommend the right paint for the job.

Why Consider a Metal Roof?

This list provides many reasons for choosing a metal roof over other options. They are more expensive than other options, but they’re long-lasting when you take care of them. Their maintenance is fairly simple, too, especially compared to other roofing materials.

When you’re able to paint your roof, as you can with a metal roof, you’ll be able to customize it closer to what you need from your roof, making maintenance a whole lot easier. It also adds that extra layer between it and the elements, so there’s more protection against leaks and other issues.

The Bottom Line

There are plenty of benefits of painting metal roofs. If you’re having a metal roof installed, talk to your roofer about getting it painted. They’ll be able to recommend the best paint for your home, considering your location, climate, and aesthetic needs.

Blog Metal Roof Painting

Benefits Of Painting a Metal Roof (And How To DIY Metal Roofing)

Painting a metal roof, whether you hire a professional or take on the metal roof DIY, can add years to its lifespan.

Metal roofs are becoming more popular with homeowners, and it’s easy to see why. They’re durable, easy to install, and can last as long as your home does. If you have a metal roof or you are thinking of installing one, you should also consider painting it. Below are the benefits of painting a metal roof and how you should go about it if you are planning on taking the metal roof DIY route.

What Are Benefits Of A Metal Roof?

If you’re considering buying a new roof, a metal roof could be the way to go. They’re especially popular in warmer climates and when you read the benefits, you’ll soon see why:

  • Long lasting: A metal roof will last just as long as the house it’s on, if installed properly. They effectively seal out moisture and harsh weather, protecting your home from mold, rot, and other issues. Snow easily slides off it too, meaning your roof won’t get damaged from heavy snow sitting on it.
  • Fire resistance: A metal roof is more or less impervious to fire, so most will have a class A fire rating. If you’re looking to make your home as safe as possible, it could be a good way to go.
  • Heat reduction: Metal roofs are excellent at reflecting heat, so your home will be a lot cooler during the day. Because of this, you’ll find that you’ll spend a lot less on air conditioning, saving both energy and money.

Benefits Of Painting a Metal Roof

Once you’ve had the roof installed, you can leave it in its original condition. However, many homeowners choose to have the roof painted. There are a lot of reasons for painting a metal roof, including the following:

  • Increasing cooling effect: As mentioned above, metal roofs are much better at reflecting heat. You can improve that effect by painting a metal roof a lighter color. Doing so can increase the cooling effect significantly.
  • Air conditioning savings: Using a light color can also drastically reduce the air conditioning in your home even further. In fact, in some homes it can decrease by up to 50%. This will appeal to you depending on the weather conditions of where you live.
  • Improved aesthetics: If you’re looking to improve the look of your home, then painting the roof is an easy and fairly inexpensive way to do it. You can paint it any color you choose so that your home can have a unique look.
  • Improve lifespan of the roof: A metal roof is much easier to repair and touch up than a tiled roof. Even if it begins to rust, the issue can be fixed. This can be done by sanding down the rust back to the metal, priming the spot, and repainting it.
  • Easy to touch up: While on the subject of touch ups, repainting spots on the roof is easy. If you’re using the right paint, it shouldn’t fade. That means you can keep can of the paint, and touch up spots if needed


Metal Roof DIY vs. Professional Painting

If you’re painting a metal roof, you’ll then need to decide just how you’ll get the job done. You can either hire a professional to paint your roof, or choose to metal roof DIY. Here are the benefits of both options:

Hiring a professional:

  • Save time on doing the job yourself, freeing yourself up to get other jobs done around the home.
  • If you’re not too confident about painting the roof, then you can trust a professional to do it the right way.
  • A professional will have all the right equipment to get the job done properly, including ladders and painting equipment.

DIY painting:

  • Will be much cheaper as you’re not paying for labor.
  • Can pick any color you like for your roof.
  • If you’re handy at DIY, the job can be much quicker than you think.

What To Avoid If You Metal Roof DIY

If you choose to go the DIY route when painting a metal roof, then there will be steps to take to ensure that you do the best job. Here’s what you can do to make sure your roof will look good for years to come:

  • Don’t use leftover paint on your roof: Many homeowners find they have paint leftover from painting the house, and decide to just slap it on their roof. However, this will not give you the best results. The best paint to use is 100% latex acrylic paint. This is because metal roofs expand in the heat, and this kind of paint will expand with it.
  • Don’t forget sealant: Before you paint your roof, it’s essential that you use a sealant. This will seal the roof and ensure that the paint sticks to the surface, using chemical bonds. Without it, paint will just flake off the metal. Make sure you research the sealant to make sure it’s compatible with the paint you’re planning to use.
  • Don’t use a non energy efficient paint: As your roof will help you reflect heat from your home, it would be remiss of you not to use a paint that can boost those properties. There are energy efficient paints out there that will boost the reflective properties of your roof, so don’t miss the opportunity to use them.
  • Don’t forget to check on your roof after painting it: Many homeowners paint their roof, and then forget all about it. This means the roof can start looking dirty, worn and unpleasant. Every six months, ensure that you get up and wash the roof using a mixture of water and liquid detergents. Sweep the roof every few weeks to remove debris, which can encourage pests. Finally, check for bald spots in the paint, and touch them up when needed.

It’s clear that choosing a metal roof can bring many benefits. They are easy to install, and can reduce the energy your home uses by a surprising amount. Painting a metal roof only amplifies these effects. Whether you hire a professional or choose to metal roof DIY, painting your roof can add years to its lifespan.

Metal Roof Painting

Can You Paint A Metal Roof?

When you begin to notice that your roof might need replacing, you might first want to ask if you can you paint a metal roof. Learn about the benefits to painting your roof below.

If you have a metal roof that’s starting to show its age, what you can do about it? Many homeowners think that they’ll need to start thinking about replacement, but that isn’t always the case.

You may be able to breathe new life into that roof, and increase it’s longevity just by painting it. Here’s everything you need to know about painting your metal roof.


Can You Paint a Metal Roof Rather Than Replace It?

There’s no denying that replacing your roof is an expensive job. In fact, it’s one of the most expensive jobs you’ll do on your home while you live there. As this is the case, its no wonder that you want to avoid doing that for as long as possible.

When you paint your metal roof, you’re doing a lot more than simply improving the look of it. The best paint will actually protect your roof by making it stronger and ready for anything the weather can throw at it. If you repaint your roof on a regular schedule, you’ll be able to prolong its lifespan and avoid having to replace it before its time.

Below are some of the benefits of painting a metal roof rather than replacing it.


Benefit #1: Makes Your Roof More Resilient

So what about roof paint makes it stronger?

Regular metal roof paint isn’t just a coat that makes your roof look better. It actually creates a solid barrier against anything that could damage your roof.

In most cases, this is water.

  • When water gets into your roof, it causes all manner of problems.
  • There’s the issue with your metal roof rusting and becoming damaged overtime, allowing more water in and causing more problems.

You’ll also see water get into your attic, where it causes mold and even wood rot. Left long enough, this will result in you needing a new roof. You’ll also see leaks starting to appear, causing damage to your ceilings, walls and more.

Painting your roof with the right paint will stop all of this from happening. All good metal roof paints are waterproof, so when you paint a roof fully with it, it creates an unbroken barrier against water. Doing this regularly will help you keep that roof in better condition longer.


Benefit #2: Improves The Look Of Your Home

While painting your roof makes it stronger, there’s no denying that it will also improve the look of your home tremendously. It’s only natural that you want your home to look good, so painting it regularly is the best way to go about it.

This is especially true if you’re thinking about selling your home in the future. Curb appeal is so much more important than you’d think.

  • If a potential buyer sees the outside of your home and sees that it looks run down, they’re not likely to come see inside.
  • You’ve got to make a good impression, and that means taking care of every aspect of the outside of your home.

Even if you’re not thinking of selling your home, you still want to take care of it. There’s a lot to be said of being house proud, and you may also have HOA rules that require you to take good care of the outside of your home. Whatever the reason, you can paint your metal roof and keep it looking good.


Benefit #3: The Cost Of Painting vs. Replacement

When looking into taking care of your roof, an important factor to think about is cost. Replacing a roof, as mentioned earlier, is one of the most expensive renovation jobs you can do to your home.

  • To replace a metal roof, you’re looking at paying around $17,000, depending on the metal sheets you use and the size of your roof.
  • If you paint a metal roof, it will cost around $6,250, again depending on the size of your roof.

That’s a lot cheaper than replacing it, so painting your roof is a good investment to make. Eventually you will need to replace that roof, but painting it helps you put that cost off by taking care of the roof you have.


How to Choose Roof Colors

So you know that you can paint a metal roof, and doing so will prolong the life of it, and that it’ll make your roof look better in the process. To get the best look possible, you’ll need to pick the right color.

The color you choose will very much be dependent on the style of your home. You’ll want to pick a color that matches the style and design of your exterior. If you don’t, the color will stick out, and not in a good way.

A good way to pick a color is to drive around your neighborhood and see what colors are used on homes similar to yours. You can get a good idea of what will work with your home this way.

If you want to go the traditional route, a black or gray paint will work well. If you want the roof to contrast with your home, choose a reddish orange or a lighter tan color.


When Does The Roof Need To Be Painted?

How do you know that you need to paint a metal roof? There will be signs, so make sure you’re looking out for them. They include:

  • The roof color is fading
  • The paint is bubbling or peeling
  • You can see rust on the roof
  • Paint is cracking or flaking off
  • There’s stubborn staining on the roof
  • Your roof has a chalky appearance

If you see any of these issues, you’ll need to take care of the repainting as soon as possible. As there’s cracks in the paint, that means there’s chinks in your roof’s armor. If you leave it for long enough, more serious issues will start to form in the roof, which you want to avoid.



When you paint a metal roof, it is essential to prolonging its life, keeping it in good condition, and making it look good.

It’s also much more cost effective than replacing your roof. Call in an expert today to see how much you will save by having your roof repainted.


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