Metal Roofing

Your Guide To Metal Roof Accessories

What are metal roof accessories and how can they increase the protection of your home? Learn more about these items below and why they’re worth considering.

Are you having a new metal roof installed? The design of the roof will ensure that it will last for years to come. To get the most out of them though, you’ll need accessories that work with the roof to make it secure and ready to stand up to anything.

Here’s what you need to know about metal roof accessories.

Choosing the Right Accessories 

When planning your new roof, you’ll need to think about the accessories you’ll need. Because you’ve already decided on a metal roof, that will narrow down your choices a lot, which makes things easier.

Here’s what you need to take into consideration:

The Weather in Your Area

What’s the weather like where you live? Do you see a lot of sun, or rainfall? Do you get storms? How about snow? These all affect your roof in different ways, and you’ll need to adapt your roof to suit them.

How You’ll Protect the Roof From Water

Water is a concern, no matter what the weather is like. How will your roof stand up to water? You need to ensure that it can’t get in through the roof itself. With a metal roof you’ll already have a lot of protection, but you’ll need to consider it from all angles.

How You’ll Take Care of Your Roof

How much are you willing to do to keep the roof in top condition? As you’re going with a metal roof, you shouldn’t have to worry about replacing shingles or anything like that. Do you want be clearing snow off it though? How about clearing gutters?

These are things things that can be done in different ways, so if you don’t want to do it manually, there are options for you.

Types of Metal Roof Accessories

What kind of accessories can you get? There’s plenty available right now, so here are some that you are most likely to need on your roof:

Trim and Flashing

These strips of metal are what guard the seams in your roof against water. For example, you’ll find flashing in between the seams of a roof, or around the chimney or vents. These are the weak spots in a roof, so they add extra protection. If you ever find your existing flashing is damaged, you will need to replace it as soon as possible. Leaving it will leave your home open to water damage, such as mold, more quickly than you’d think.

Gutter and Spout Sets

These are a common roof accessory, one that you may not have thought about replacing. However, you may need to, especially if you’ve had a new roof installed. A good guttering system will collect rain water that has rolled off the roof, and direct it to the drains on the ground. If the system isn’t working as it should, you may find water collecting on the roof, or spilling out through breaks in the guttering.

If this is happening, you’ll need to decide what kind of guttering to replace it with. Many use uPVC guttering, as it offers a lot of benefits. However, metal guttering also has its place. Modern metal guttering is built to last, and will fit in with the style of many older homes.

Whichever style you choose, upkeep is important. Ensure you clear debris out of the gutters regularly so they don’t get clogged and let water back up. Consider installing a gutter guard along with your new gutters, to stop this from happening and make the job of clearing them easier.

Snow Guard Systems

If you live in an area prone to snow, this is something you need to consider. Snow can cause a lot of damage to roofs if it’s not managed properly. Heavy snow adds weight to a roof and can damage it that way. If the attic is not properly insulated, warm air melts the snow which then refreezes at the gutter level, creating ice dams. You can also get snow slides, which pose a danger to anyone around the home.

A good snow guard system will ensure that the snow doesn’t clump up on your roof, but instead is spread out evenly. That means when the sun comes out, the snow will melt more quickly and find its way into the guttering, where it will simply drain away. They’re also invaluable as they eliminate the need to climb onto the roof to clear away snow. It’s a dangerous task, and one that you don’t want to do if you can get away with it.

Finally, snow guard systems can be decorative as well as functional. You can pick a system that fits in with the existing roof so it adds to the overall curb appeal of your home, as well as protecting from snow.

Solar Panel Fasteners

Many home owners right now are choosing to add solar panels to the roof of their home. It’s a smart choice, for many reasons. With solar panels, you can easily reduce your impact on the planet. They help create energy for your home, reducing your energy bills, too. They work well in the summer when you need to run the air con, but they are capable of collecting energy all year round.

To attach these panels to your roof, you’ll need solar panel fasteners to do so. These are strong metal fasteners that hold the solar panel in place, even when there are adverse weather conditions. If you’re thinking of adding solar panels to your roof once it has been replaced, talk to your roofer. They will be able to recommend the right fasteners, to keep that investment secure.


These are just a few of the accessories you’ll need for your metal roof. Talk to your roofer and see what they’re able to offer you. They’ll be able to create a roof perfectly suited to your needs, and the climate you live in.

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