Residential Roofing Roofing

5 Main Causes Of Roof Leaks And How To Repair Them

Is your home suffering from roof leaks? If so, it’s important to learn about the main causes in order to properly repair. Read below for all the details.

There’s nothing worse than a leak in your home’s roof. There are all kinds of things that can cause them, and when that water comes in it’ll cause all sorts of damage. You’ll know that any leak is a sign of water damage to your roof, so the sooner you deal with it, the better.

If you want to deal with a leak, you’ll need to work out what’s causing it. Here are some of the most common causes of roof leaks, and how you can repair them.

1. Ice Dams on the Roof

In the winter, ice dams are a real problem that you need to contend with. They’re a common cause of leaks in the colder months, so you need to be aware of them.

These happen when warm air is trapped in your attic, and so melts snow on top of the roof. That runoff makes its way to the gutter, where the air is a lot colder. It refreezes there, and so any more melted snow builds up against this ice dam. As the water sits on the roof, it will eventually make its way into the roof itself, causing leaks.

There are two ways you can fix ice dams. Firstly, you can invest in roof rakes. These allow you to reach up and safely remove snow from your roof, getting it off before it can start causing ice dams. Secondly, you can look into ventilating your roof. If warm air is being trapped, that’s a sign that you don’t have adequate ventilation. When there’s proper airflow, the snow shouldn’t melt on your roof as quickly.

2. Shingles are Missing

Another very common reason for leaks in your roof is missing shingles. These are your first line of defense against the rain, and they will usually keep the water out. Over time though, those shingles can break and come off.

This is usually due to exposure to the weather. Under the harsh sun, they’ll dry out, crack and curl up, allowing water in between the cracks. If there are high winds, the shingles can be pulled off if the wind can get underneath them.

The best way to repair them is to replace the shingles as soon as possible. It’s important to inspect your roof often, so you can spot these problems before a leak happens. Keeping a spare box of shingles when you replace your roof is always a good idea, so you’ll have matching shingles on hand when you need them.

3. Guttering is Clogged Up 

One rather simple reason why your roof is leaking is all the debris in the guttering. This is similar to ice dams, in that the gutters get blocked, allowing water to back up onto the roof itself. Debris usually collects during high winds, as these blow leaves and other vegetation into the guttering.

This is fairly easy to repair and prevent. If you’ve found debris in the gutters, scoop as much of it out as you can, into a garbage bag. Regular inspections will again help stop this from happening, so keep an eye on the gutters and keep them clean. If you want a helping hand with it, a gutter guard will allow water in but nothing bigger, making it much easier.

4. Condensation in the Attic

One leak risk you may not have thought of is the condensation in your attic. Again, this can come about if there’s not enough ventilation. As there’s warm air trapped in the attic, coming against the cold air outside the roof, that’s going to cause condensation.

If you can see mold or mildew growth, or smell a musty odor coming from the attic, that’s a sign that condensation is causing leaks. Again, look into installing proper roof ventilation to solve this problem.

5. Skylights are Improperly Installed 

With the rise in attics being converted into extra rooms, more and more skylights are being installed. The problem is, when they aren’t installed properly, they will cause leaks in the roof. These are very easy to find, as they will be letting in the water around the window.

Clear the skylight off, and look for any gaps around the frame. If you find any, seal them up with clear silicone to stop the water. If this doesn’t fix the problem, then you may need to replace the flashing around it to stop the leak.

How to Find Leaks in Your Home

When you think of leaks in your roof, you’ll think of something dramatic enough for you to notice water dripping through. However, you won’t always see this. Sometimes leaks go unseen until it’s too late, so you’ll need to be on the lookout for leaks.

To find them, you’ll need to inspect both the outside and inside of the roof. Sometimes those leaks will be easy to find. If a shingle is missing for example, then you know where the water is coming in from. There may be other signs on the top of your roof too, such as an item that’s penetrating the roof. A broken tree branch, for example, can do more damage than you’d think.

Inside the roof, look for tell-tale signs like black mold, water stains, and black marks. These will all show you where the water is coming in.

If you’re having trouble finding that leak, there are things you can do. Get a helper to get up on the roof with a hose. Have them start spraying water on it, doing it in sections. You’ll be in the attic, looking to see if anything comes through. Ensure you stay on one section for a few minutes at a time. That will give the water time to come through if the leak is there.

Fix Your Roof Leaks

These are the most common causes of roof leaks. Use this guide to find them, repair them, and prevent them from happening again. With the right protection, you won’t have to worry about leaks.

Emergency Roof Repair Services

How To Find A Leak In A Metal Roof

Rain is the number one enemy of your roof, and July is the rainiest month of the year in Virginia. So this year, learn how to find a leak in a metal roof and keep your home safe.

As Virginia is pounded by rain this time of year, you need to be more vigilant than ever about leaks in your roof. How can you find them, and what do you do if there is a leak in your roof?

Here’s everything that you need to know.


How Does Heavy Rain Affect Your Roof?

No matter what your roof is made of, you’ll find that if you’re not careful about roof maintenance, water can get in and cause all kinds of damage. The main issues it causes is that of wood rot and mold.

When water gets in under the metal roofing, it will stay in the wood that’s underneath it, as it has nowhere to go. If wood stays wet for long enough, starting to rot away.

If the wood rots enough, it will significantly weaken the whole roof and lead to a whole replacement needing to be done. This is expensive and time consuming, so obviously you want to avoid this at all costs.

When mold gets into your home, it’s very difficult to remove. When you get a leak and it goes unnoticed for long enough, you’ll see that it can lead to mold developing in the rest of your home, too.

Mold is dangerous, especially if there’s anyone in your home with allergies. Mold is linked to several health issues, so stopping it from taking it hold is crucial.


How Does Water Get Under Your Roof?

If you find a leak in a metal roof, it’s because water got through.

So, how does water get into your roof? There are several ways in which this can happen.

  • Firstly, if there are seams on your metal roof that aren’t sealed or flashed properly, then you’ll be looking at a gap that water can get in through.
  • You’ll also find that if your gutters are blocked, water will overflow back onto the roof rather than through the guttering. The water again will have nowhere to go, so it will sit on your roof and get through any gaps it finds.

Your roof will be able to repel most water, but if any water gets underneath, then the underlay is meant to carry the water away from the roof structure.

If the underlay has failed in some way, then you’ll find that water will get under that and allow leaks to happen. The underlay can start to rot, or may not have been installed properly when you had the roof installed.


How To Find a Leak in a Metal Roof

So you know why your roof can start leaking, so now you need to be able to find a leak in a metal roof – and quickly.

1. Spots on Ceiling

Firstly, if you’re seeing damp spots or leaks happening on your ceilings, that’s a sign that the roof has started to leak. You’ll need to get up into your attic and find out where the water is coming from.

Be aware that in some cases, the roof may not actually be leaking, but poor ventilation is causing condensation to form and so creating leaks in your ceilings.

2. Inspect from the Outside

If you’re taking good care of your roof, then you’ll know the importance of regular inspections. When you’re taking a look at the outside of your roof, look for any signs that water is getting in.

Often, poor installation will lead to leaks. That means you’ll see:

  • Incorrectly installed flashing and seams
  • Failed sealant,
  • Incorrectly installed screws

Any of these can allow water in.

While you’re up on the roof, you may also see spots where the roof has been damaged, letting water in. This includes rust spots, holes, dents, and more. If there’s any damage, that’s a sign that water could be getting in.

3. Check the Attic

Finally, your attic will tell you a lot about what is getting through your roof. Get up into the attic and look around for any water or water damage you can see.

This will include wood rot and mold. If you see any, that’s a sign that water is getting in.

4. Perform a Water Test

If you’re still not sure where the leak is happening, you can perform a water test. This requires two people and a water hose.

One person stands inside the attic with a flashlight, and the other stand outside, flooding the roof with water. They will start from the eaves and work their way up.

As you watch, you should start to see where the water is coming from. You can then mark the spot with chalk, ready for repair.

Now that you know how to find a leak in a metal roof, what should you do after you find the source?


What to Do If You Spot a Leak

Now you’ve found a leak, what are you going to do? Luckily, you have a few options to get the leak fixed, and quickly.


If the flashing or sealant is what’s causing the leak, you will need to repair it. You can DIY this job, or call in a professional to do it for you. The existing flashing will need to to be totally removed and replaced, to ensure there are no more leaks.

This is the same if there are parts of the roof that are letting in water, such as rotted underlayment or a damaged sheet of metal.

Water Damage Inside

Once the entry point has been repaired, you’ll need to handle the water damage inside as well. This means dealing with any wood rot or mold that you find in the eaves of your roof. In most cases, the wood will need to be taken out and replaced.

If you find a leak in a metal roof due to water damage, you’ll need an expert to repair rot, so ensure that you call a well respected roofer to do this job.

If there’s water damage anywhere else, such as in the ceiling or along the walls, then again this may need to be taken out and replaced. It’s no need to panic though, as replacing drywall is fairly simple and you won’t need to worry about it once it’s been done.



Learning that your seamless metal roof contains a leak can be a stressful thing.

Now you know how to find a leak in a metal roof, and what to do once you’ve found it. If you take good care of your roof, you’ll be able to stop leaks in their tracks.

If you’re still unsure about your roof leaks, contact Piedmont Roofing today.


Emergency Roof Repair Services Blog

5 Simple Signs of Water Damage in Your Roof

No one wants to think about it, but if the worst happens, your roof can take water damage.

It’s a problem, but if you catch it quickly then you can rectify it without too much stress or cost.

Here’s 5 signs your roof has taken on water damage, and what you can do about it.


How Can Your Roof Take Water Damage?

There’s a few different ways in which your roof can be damaged by water.

– Holes

In most cases, the roof will have developed a chink in its ‘armor’, meaning that water has been allowed to get through.

For example, if there are shingles missing, then water can get underneath and start causing damage.

– Gutter Problems

You can also get damage if your guttering is overflowing.

This usually happens when there is debris in your gutters, meaning water overflows out of them and onto your roof.

It can also happen when water freezes in the gutters over the winter, and thaws out, overflowing onto the roof itself.

– From Within Your Home

Water damage in your roof can come from the inside of your home, too.

If there is poor insulation in your home, especially your roof, then condensation can start to form.

When this happens, water starts pooling and it can start to rot roof timbers. This is why it’s so important to check your attic space as well as the outside portion of your roof.



5 Signs Your Roof Has Taken Water Damage

So, how can you know if there’s water damage in your roof? Here’s the signs you should be looking for:

1. Curling Or Buckling Shingles:

This is a sign that you’ll spot as soon as you get up on your roof. Obviously, your shingles should be lying flat when they’re on your roof.

If they’re curling up at the edges, or buckling, that’s a sign that they’ve been in excessive contact with water.

Water could well be pooling beneath them, so you’ll want to address this as soon as possible.

2. Water Spots On Your Ceiling:

Nearly everyone has experienced water spots on their ceiling at one time or another.

If you see these in your home, it’s a sign that you need to handle a water leak, sooner rather than later.

Sometimes they may not be the sign of a leak, but you’ll want to check them out as soon as possible.

3. Mold In Your Attic:

If there’s condensation in your attic, then you’ll find that mold is building up.

This can be what’s causing the water spots on your ceilings.

This can be cleared up fairly easily, but you want to catch it quickly to ensure that it’s not causing more damage.

4. Loose Or Rusted Flashing:

This is the sign you want to look for when you don’t have an attic to go into and check.

When your flashing is loose or rusted, that’s a sign that water has got in underneath it and has started causing damage.

Check the damage, and have it repaired before you replace the flashing itself.

5. Missing Granules:

The granules on your roof will add texture to your shingles, but they also have several important uses.

They add to the roof’s UV protection, prevent fire damage, and make the shingles generally more durable.

Over time, you will lose some, but a lot of lost granules in a short amount of time isn’t good.

If you’re seeing granules around the perimeter of your house, then your roof is less protected from the rain and in danger of suffering water damage.


How To Check For Damage

Now  you know what you’re looking for, you’ll need to ensure that you’re checking your roof.

Twice a year, you want to get up on a ladder and check your roof for the signs of water damage above.

When you do, ensure you’re not walking on the roof unless you really have to. This keeps you safer, and prevents further damage to your roof that you’ll have to repair later.

You’ll also want to get into your attic space and take a look around.

Check carefully for water damage, and see if you can see light coming in through the roof. This is a sign that there’s shingles missing from your roof, which can let water in.



How To Prevent Water Damage In The Future

There’s a few things you can do to ensure that you keep your roof safe from leaks in the future.

1. Inspect Your Roof

Firstly, when you inspect your roof, take note of any missing shingles. You’ll want to replace them as soon as possible, to ensure that your roof is fully protected.

If you have a flat roof, you’ll want to be on the lookout for ‘ponding‘. This is when water begins to collect on the roof.

If you’re seeing any ponding on the roof, you’ll want to fix it as soon as possible.

If you don’t, the water can start making its way through and causing damage.

The best thing to do is call a roofing company and ask them to handle it for you, to stop anything from happening.

2. Keep Gutters Clear

You’ll want to keep your gutters clear, to stop them from overflowing.

You can get up there regularly and clear them out, or install a gutter guard that will stop debris from falling in.

3. Check Your Roof Flashing

Finally, check your flashing to ensure it’s not damaged or coming loose.

The flashing will protect any puncture points in your roof, such as from solar panel installation.

If you see damage, have it replaced as soon as possible.


How to Repair Your Roof After Finding Damage

In some cases, if you’re quite handy with home repair, you can repair some of the damage to your roof yourself.

This is especially true if you’ve caught a problem quickly. Issues like mold can be solved yourself, with the appropriate products and know how.

If there’s more established damage though, you’ll want to call in the experts.

An expert roofer can help repair the damage, and put in safeguards to ensure that you won’t suffer another leak again.

Now you know how to spot and prevent water damage on your roof. With regular inspections, you can keep your roof in good shape.

Emergency Roof Repair Services

How To Find a Roof Leak: 4 Detection Tips


Your home should be a warm, dry, and safe place to keep you and your family shielded from the elements– and the roof is the main factor that makes this happen. However, from time to time, you may stumble across the dreaded signs that your roof is not quite doing its job. A leaking roof poses dangers to the structural soundness of your home, and more importantly, dangers to your own health and safety. Because of this, it’s incredibly important to understand how to find a roof leak.

While avoiding a leaky roof altogether is preferable, it is important to keep damage to a minimum by knowing and understanding the signs that a leak is imminent or already occurring. Keep tabs on your roof’s status so you can feel confident that it is keeping you and your family safe and dry all year long.


Dangers of a Leaking Roof

There are many dangers that come with a leaking roof—some are invisible and may cause damage without your knowledge. The most obvious danger is that water may seep past the barrier of protection that the roof provides your home. The water may saturate the wooden structural support system of your home that will soon weaken and possibly fall apart from water damage.

While you may notice signs such as water spots on the ceiling, it may be too late to avoid serious repair costs by the time the symptoms are detectable. Additionally, with a leaky roof comes the potential for mold to infiltrate your home. Mold poses a serious threat to the health and safety of your family.

There are a number of dangers of a leaking roof. It is best if you know how to find a roof leak to catch the problem early before it is too late.


How to Find a Roof Leak in Shingles

Shingles are a common roofing material covering roofs across the United States, and can often tell you a lot about the risk of a leak. You should know how to find a rook leak just by looking at your shingles. Here are two warning signs.


1. Dark Stains On Roof

If the shingles have any abnormal appearance, you know that a leak is certainly a risk. On a larger scale, take notice of any dark stains on your roof, or if shingles are completely missing. This implies that your home is much more exposed to the elements and vulnerable to damage from the weather.


2. Consistency of Granules

If you take a closer look at your shingles, note the consistency of the granules attached to them. Granules are small pebble-like pieces that help protect your roof from the sun. If there are large portions of your roof devoid of granules, it means the sun can cause serious damage and weaken your shingles, causing exposure of your roof to the elements.

If your home’s roof is made of another material, or you are unsure about the status of your shingles, there are several issues related to roof leaks that can be detected from inside your home.


How to Find a Roof Leak from the Inside

Finding a roof leak from looking at the outside of your roof can be difficult. Therefore, you should also know how to find a roof leak from signs within your home as well. Usually, signs of a leak inside the home indicate that damage has already occurred. Here are two ways how to find a roof leak from the interior of your home.


3. Bulging Ceiling

A suspiciously bulging ceiling may indicate that water is building up without draining from the ceiling. It can cause even more serious damage by completely falling into the room below. If you notice your ceiling is bulging, call an experienced roofing contractor immediately. They can inspect your roof and ceiling and give advice on the best course of action.


4. Dark Water Spots or Moisture

Additionally, you may notice less severe symptoms, such as dark water spots on your ceiling. This is an additional sign that a leak may be occurring and requires repair before more serious damage is done. In general, moisture without a clearly identifiable source could be a sign of a roof leak.

It’s also important to look for these water spots on the uppermost level of your home. Any water spots on the lower levels may be a sign of internal water leaks from a bathtub, toilet, or other appliance.

When looking for the cause of excess water in any part of your home, consider inspecting your roof—it could save you money in the long run.


How to Avoid Roof Leaks

Many of the typical causes of a leaking roof can be avoided by employing the services of a trusted roofing repair service to do the initial installation of your roof. Finding a trusted roofing expert will give you the peace of mind of knowing that your roof was installed the right way, so the risk of a leak due to faulty workmanship is unlikely.

Additionally, regularly inspect your roof as it ages for damage, especially if your area encounters frequent storms or inclement weather. If you find any damage or missing shingles, be sure to replace them immediately.

Even if you suspect that you have a leak in your roof, it is important to repair it right away. The cost to repair a leaking roof is far less than the cost to repair the damage that it can potentially cause.

Finally, know when a reasonable time is to replace your roof. From time to time, this will be a must, and every type of roofing material has a different life span. Keep track of when your roof’s lifespan comes to an end, and prepare a plan in your budget for a roof replacement. This will save you a bundle from the financial surprises that come with water damage from roof leaks.



A leaking roof is one of the most dangerous and sometimes one of the hardest problems for homeowners to detect. It is not only a threat to your home’s aesthetic appeal, but it is also a threat to the health and safety of your family as well. By knowing how to find a roof leak, you can avoid some of these issues, saving you money in the long run and keeping your family safe.

A dark spot on the ceiling and a few missing shingles may seem like no big deal, but beyond these insignificant symptoms could lie a host of other issues such as mold and serious structural damage eating away at your home. At the first sign or evidence of a leak, it is best to take the necessary action to have your roof inspected and thoroughly repaired, if necessary.

Employing the assistance of a trustworthy roofing company will ensure that you avoid any future problems. Many leaks are caused by faulty installation, so choosing a high-quality roofing contractor is a step towards avoiding any future leaks.

Your roof is your home’s barrier to the outdoor elements, from rain, to snow, to wind—make sure that it is leak-free to ensure the continued safety and comfort of you and your family!

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