Residential Roofing

How To Prevent Roof Damage From Animals

Animals are always looking for a safe habit to stay warm and dry. Don’t let it be in your home! Learn  more about how to stay critter free and prevent roof damage from animals this winter.

There are so many things that can cause damage to your roof. From high winds to falling tree branches, there’s so many dangers that you need to be aware of. One thing you may not have thought of is the threat of roof damage from animals.  They cause more damage than you’d imagine to your roofs, so you need to be prepared. Here’s how you can stop them causing that damage and creating large repair bills.

Why Are Animals Such A Threat To Your Roof? 

In the colder months, animals are looking for somewhere warm to stay. Your roof offers the perfect solution. It’s warm, undisturbed, and they won’t be under attack from predators. There’s all kinds of reasons why animals will want to hang out in your attic.

There are lots of animals that would love to set up home in your roof. These include:

  • Bats
  • Possums
  • Raccoons
  • Mice
  • Squirrels, and more
  • If they find a chink in your roof’s armor, they’re going to find their way in.

Types of Roof Damage from Animals

Animals usually cause damage to your roof by trying to get in, or by destroying parts of the roof in order to create a nest. When they try to get in, they will often gnaw at areas to create a hole they can get into. Most often, they’ll come in through soffits and soffit vents. If they find a hole, they’ll tear at it until it’s large enough to get in through.

Roof damage from animals can also remove shingles, and gnaw through rotting wood to make their way inside. Once they’re in your roof, they’re going to cause even more damage. As there’s now a hole in your roof, water is going to find its way in.

That’s going to cause rot and mold, two things that will damage your roof from the inside out. You’ll also need to be aware of animals like mice and squirrels instinctively gnaw on things to keep their teeth at the right length. They may chew through electrical wiring and wood, which will cause even more roof damage.

There are other problems that animals pose too. If they get in through vents, they’ll block them up with their nests. This is dangerous to your home, and can even allow carbon monoxide to build up. As they build nests they’ll build up flammable material. If this comes into contact with exposed wiring, it’s a serious fire hazard.

How To Stop Animals In Their Tracks

The best way to stop animal damage to your roof is to prevent it. Here are ways you can prevent any roof damage from animals.

  • Trim Your Trees: If you have trees near your home, look at trimming the branches. Animals very commonly climb up trees and along branches in order to get access to your roof.

To stop this, all you need to do is trim the trees back. This also stops branches falling on your roof and causing damage, so it’s a very good idea. If you feel the tree is too close to the house, you can also have it removed.

  • Check Your Attic: You should always be doing regular inspections of your roof from the inside and out, and that includes looking for evidence of animals getting inside. When you check out your attic, take a look for droppings, or chew marks in your wood.

These are signs that animals have got into your attic. You’ll need to call for a pest control service right away, to stop them from causing more damage.

  • Replace Missing And Broken Shingles: An animal can easily get into your roof if there’s a missing or broken shingle. They’re your first line of defense, so ensure that they’re all in good condition.

Take a good look at the roof from the ground. Can you see any shingles that need repair? Get them replaced as soon as possible, to prevent animals from getting in that way.

  • Clean Out Your Gutters: There are lots of reasons why you should clean out your gutters. Debris settles in them, and that stops water from flowing through them as it should. The water then overflows onto your roof, causing water damage and high repair bills.

You’ll also see that birds love to nest in the gutters when they’re blocked. That makes the problem worse, leading to more damage down the line. It’s easy to clear out your gutters, simply grab a pair of gloves and a trash bag, and scoop the debris out. You can also add a gutter guard. These stop debris falling into the gutter, and will deter birds from nesting there.

  • Cover All Gaps And Cracks: The problem is with many animals, they can squeeze through even the tiniest gaps. Mice in particular are very dexterous, and you’ll be amazed at how small they can make themselves in order to fit through gaps. That’s why you need to fill up every gap you find on your roof.

These are most commonly found between the soffits and the bricks, and where wood has rotted. You’ll also need to take a good look at the flashing on your roof, as this covers the seams on your roof. If it has broken or come away, then that’s a good way to get roof damage from animals.

  • Cap Chimneys And Vents: You need your vents to be clear, for air to flow through them. However, that does offer an invite to animals as they’re so easy to get through. The same goes for your chimney. You can stop this happening by using covers on your chimney and vents in order to stop the animals from getting in. These stop infestations, but they’ll still allow air to flow.

Keep Your Roof, and Your Home Safe

Now you know how to stop roof damage from animals. Use these tips to help you stop them getting into your roof, and running up those repair bills. Be vigilant and you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.


What To Do If You Have Storm Damage To Your Roof

Is your house prepared to withstand storm damage? Learn what to do if you have storm damage on your roof.

No matter how well you take care of your roof, you can’t control the weather. If a heavy storm rolls by, storm damage will take its toll on the roof of your house. If that happens, what do you do next?

Here’s everything you need to know, so you can be prepared in case a storm happens near you.

Be Prepared

As with most home repair issues, the best thing to do is be prepared for a storm before one is even forecast. The better you shore up your roof’s defences, the better it will be able to cope with any storm that passes through.

Take a look at the trees that are near your roof. Are there any branches that are hanging near it, or even over it? Look into having those branches trimmed. If a bad storm comes through, those branches may fall off onto your roof. They could pull shingles off, or even punch holes into the roof itself. Trimming the branches back now eliminates that problem.

Inspect your roof if bad weather is on the way. You can get up there on a ladder, or bring in a roofer to do it for you if heights aren’t your thing. You’ll need to look for missing, curled or cracked shingles. These could be pulled off by high winds and let water in, so replace them now.

Get into your attic space and take a look at your roof from the inside, too. You’re looking for any daylight that’s coming in through gaps in the shingles. If you see any gaps, get them filled now before the bad weather comes.

Damage That Can Be Done By Storms

If you’ve already had a storm and encountered damage to your roof, then you’ll be seeing some of a variety of different issues.

In many cases, high winds will catch any loose shingles on the roof, pulling them up and in some cases pulling them away entirely. If you hadn’t inspected your roof recently before a storm hit, you may find that many shingles have been pulled away by the wind. Even if the shingles are a little loose, then this gives the wind leverage on them and so can pull them up off the roof.

If there were tree branches overhanging the roof, then you may be dealing with fallen branches too. These cause all kinds of damage that you’d much rather avoid. Even if they haven’t fallen off and hit your roof, they still cause problems thanks to their leaves.

These are easily pulled off the trees by the wind, and they’ll end up in the gutters of your roof. This causes blockages, a problem when you’re also dealing with rain.

Hail damage is something that you will have to look out for, too. If there was a hailstorm, the hailstones will have hit your roof with some force. In some cases, you can even see the dents the stones cause on metalwork on your roof, such as AC ducts.

Even if they haven’t done that, they can still ‘bruise’ your shingles. This is where they hit them with force and leave an indentation, or a ‘bruise’. Over time, this damages the integrity of the shingle and lets water in.

This leads us to water damage to your roof. With heavy rain or hail, coupled with blocked gutters from fallen leaves and other debris, you can easily get water in your roof. You’ll see if you have water damage if there’s water overflowing from the gutters, or if water is leaking into your home. You’ll see this in any water stains that start appearing on the ceiling of your home.

You’ll also want to check your attic, as water gets into your timbers holding your roof up, causing mold and mildew. Left unchecked, these cause serious damage and can even lead to a new roof needing to be fitted.

What To Do If You Have Storm Damage

The first thing to do after a storm is to take a look at your roof, and see what damage has occurred. As you would when you normally inspect your roof, you should take a look at the outside on a ladder, as well as getting into your attic and taking a look.

Look for any damage that you haven’t seen before, such as water damage, missing shingles, and so on.

If you see damage, you may be able to take some of the repair work on yourself. If you have spare shingles stored away, you can replace the ones that have been damaged. This is a fairly simple job, and you can find guides on how to do it online.

If debris has found its way into the gutters, then you can simply pull it out with your hands, to unblock them. If you want to ensure the blockages don’t happen again, you can buy a gutter guard to go in them. These stops any more debris getting in, and are very inexpensive.

Call Your Insurers

If there’s any extensive storm damage to your roof, you’ll want to call your insurer before you start looking into replacing it. In some cases, you’ll be able to make a claim for the costs of repairing it. The insurer will send an expert out to examine your roof, and determine whether this is the case for you.

If you have a claim, then you’ll be able to get the cost of repairing your roof covered. Check with your insurer if they have a list of approved roofers that they work with. It may be the case that you’ll have to use one of their roofers to get the repairs done.

If you’re prepared, a storm won’t pose too much of a threat to your roof. Inspect it regularly and ensure that there are no problems that can be made worse by bad weather.

Keep up with maintenance, and when there’s a storm check right away for damage. If you act quickly, you can keep damage to a minimum.

Emergency Roof Repair Services Blog

5 Simple Signs of Water Damage in Your Roof

No one wants to think about it, but if the worst happens, your roof can take water damage.

It’s a problem, but if you catch it quickly then you can rectify it without too much stress or cost.

Here’s 5 signs your roof has taken on water damage, and what you can do about it.


How Can Your Roof Take Water Damage?

There’s a few different ways in which your roof can be damaged by water.

– Holes

In most cases, the roof will have developed a chink in its ‘armor’, meaning that water has been allowed to get through.

For example, if there are shingles missing, then water can get underneath and start causing damage.

– Gutter Problems

You can also get damage if your guttering is overflowing.

This usually happens when there is debris in your gutters, meaning water overflows out of them and onto your roof.

It can also happen when water freezes in the gutters over the winter, and thaws out, overflowing onto the roof itself.

– From Within Your Home

Water damage in your roof can come from the inside of your home, too.

If there is poor insulation in your home, especially your roof, then condensation can start to form.

When this happens, water starts pooling and it can start to rot roof timbers. This is why it’s so important to check your attic space as well as the outside portion of your roof.



5 Signs Your Roof Has Taken Water Damage

So, how can you know if there’s water damage in your roof? Here’s the signs you should be looking for:

1. Curling Or Buckling Shingles:

This is a sign that you’ll spot as soon as you get up on your roof. Obviously, your shingles should be lying flat when they’re on your roof.

If they’re curling up at the edges, or buckling, that’s a sign that they’ve been in excessive contact with water.

Water could well be pooling beneath them, so you’ll want to address this as soon as possible.

2. Water Spots On Your Ceiling:

Nearly everyone has experienced water spots on their ceiling at one time or another.

If you see these in your home, it’s a sign that you need to handle a water leak, sooner rather than later.

Sometimes they may not be the sign of a leak, but you’ll want to check them out as soon as possible.

3. Mold In Your Attic:

If there’s condensation in your attic, then you’ll find that mold is building up.

This can be what’s causing the water spots on your ceilings.

This can be cleared up fairly easily, but you want to catch it quickly to ensure that it’s not causing more damage.

4. Loose Or Rusted Flashing:

This is the sign you want to look for when you don’t have an attic to go into and check.

When your flashing is loose or rusted, that’s a sign that water has got in underneath it and has started causing damage.

Check the damage, and have it repaired before you replace the flashing itself.

5. Missing Granules:

The granules on your roof will add texture to your shingles, but they also have several important uses.

They add to the roof’s UV protection, prevent fire damage, and make the shingles generally more durable.

Over time, you will lose some, but a lot of lost granules in a short amount of time isn’t good.

If you’re seeing granules around the perimeter of your house, then your roof is less protected from the rain and in danger of suffering water damage.


How To Check For Damage

Now  you know what you’re looking for, you’ll need to ensure that you’re checking your roof.

Twice a year, you want to get up on a ladder and check your roof for the signs of water damage above.

When you do, ensure you’re not walking on the roof unless you really have to. This keeps you safer, and prevents further damage to your roof that you’ll have to repair later.

You’ll also want to get into your attic space and take a look around.

Check carefully for water damage, and see if you can see light coming in through the roof. This is a sign that there’s shingles missing from your roof, which can let water in.



How To Prevent Water Damage In The Future

There’s a few things you can do to ensure that you keep your roof safe from leaks in the future.

1. Inspect Your Roof

Firstly, when you inspect your roof, take note of any missing shingles. You’ll want to replace them as soon as possible, to ensure that your roof is fully protected.

If you have a flat roof, you’ll want to be on the lookout for ‘ponding‘. This is when water begins to collect on the roof.

If you’re seeing any ponding on the roof, you’ll want to fix it as soon as possible.

If you don’t, the water can start making its way through and causing damage.

The best thing to do is call a roofing company and ask them to handle it for you, to stop anything from happening.

2. Keep Gutters Clear

You’ll want to keep your gutters clear, to stop them from overflowing.

You can get up there regularly and clear them out, or install a gutter guard that will stop debris from falling in.

3. Check Your Roof Flashing

Finally, check your flashing to ensure it’s not damaged or coming loose.

The flashing will protect any puncture points in your roof, such as from solar panel installation.

If you see damage, have it replaced as soon as possible.


How to Repair Your Roof After Finding Damage

In some cases, if you’re quite handy with home repair, you can repair some of the damage to your roof yourself.

This is especially true if you’ve caught a problem quickly. Issues like mold can be solved yourself, with the appropriate products and know how.

If there’s more established damage though, you’ll want to call in the experts.

An expert roofer can help repair the damage, and put in safeguards to ensure that you won’t suffer another leak again.

Now you know how to spot and prevent water damage on your roof. With regular inspections, you can keep your roof in good shape.

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Crucial Maintenance Steps to Take On Your Roof

The roof is an integral part of your home, as it’s what keeps the elements out of your home. In order to keep your roof great in terms of structure and looks, there are certain steps that are going to need to be taken. These steps can be performed safely and efficiently when you seek help from a Roofing Northern VA company.

Shingles are crucial to maintain on your roof. If they become cracked or chipped, they need to be replaced. Otherwise, water could seep between them and cause severe water damage. Roofing specialists can remove shingles from your home quickly, as they have a tool called a roofing spade. This tool has metal points on the end, which allow repair specialists to remove shingles in one smooth, easy motion.

After damaged shingles have been removed, professionals will secure new shingles to your roof using a coil roofing nailer. This device, once hooked up to an air compressor, shoots out nails at fast speeds. This allows professionals to secure nails to shingles without having to exert a lot of energy. These nailers have shingle guides on them, helping professionals line up shingles evenly before securing them to your roof.

Sometimes the flashing around your skylights may break apart, letting water seep through. You don’t have to worry, though, as roof specialists can put an adhesive sealant around the flashing. This sealant is temperature-resistant. So no matter how hot or cold it gets outside, the sealant will not break down. The adhesive sealant is also waterproof, preventing water from breaking it down as well. Thanks to these roof specialists, you don’t have to worry about a thing in regards to the condition of your roof.

When it comes to your roof, the steps above are important to consider. They can be done correctly when you get help from a Roofing Northern VA company. They will do everything in their power to give you a roof that is in pristine condition.


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Blog Residential Roofing

Signs You Need a Roofing Expert

Most roofs last between 15 to 20 years, but harsh elements or shoddy craftsmanship can change that figure. Other than a leaky roof, you may not recognize the signs you need roof repairs. You can call your claims adjuster every so often, but they may get suspicious after a few times. Learn how to identify signs that you need a roofing expert to provide repairs to your roofing in Leesburg.

Signs You Need a Roofing Expert

There are some obvious signs that you need a roof expert. These can include a leaking roof, or a roof that has tears. Here are some indications that it’s time to call in the professionals.

Worn Shingles

Your shingles will give indications that they are wearing out. They may buckle or curl if they are in direct sunlight or get moisture underneath. If they are losing granules, they are probably past their life expectancy. You can check this by examining your gutters for residue. If your roof is still under warranty, they may be defective and you should contact a licensed roofing contractor to help you determine how to proceed.

Missing Shingles

The valleys of your roof take the most stress as rain flows through these places into your gutters. If you are missing shingles in this area, it will compromise your roof. Missing shingles anywhere on your roof is not a good sign. If your new shingles were placed over old shingles, this may be harder to recognize but you should be able to tell that some shingles look newer than others. If you are missing shingles, it’s time to call a roofing expert before the damage gets worse.

Go up into your attic on a sunny day to see if you notice daylight coming through the roof. You may also have moisture in your insulation even if you have not had any rain. This is very dangerous because mold and mildew from can cause health problems. If water is coming into your attic, this is a professional clean-up and repair job.

Your roof is exposed to the elements 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This exposure can cause quick breakdown if you ignore small problems. It is a good idea to make a roof inspection part of your spring cleaning chore list. When you discover issues with your roof, let a roofing expert inspect your roofing in Leesburg to give you the best options.

Residential Roofing Blog

Roof Protection: Protecting the Roof Over Your Head

The roof over your head is important for many reasons, therefore it’s incredibly important to ensure proper roof protection. It protects you and your loved ones from the elements. It also represents the stability of the household and the shelter it offers. Your roof represents a vital part of the home, the feeling of comfort when you step inside at the end of a day. Which is why having that comfort disrupted by a leak or other damage can be such a concern. Especially during turbulent fall and winter weather, your roof can be at risk for damage from rain, snow, hail, and even falling trees. For others, the wear occurs over time. An old roof can suddenly find itself with multiple leaks to stop up. This is where a roofing repair company comes in. By finding the right one, you can be sure you have proper roof protection that will keep you and your family safe.

Proper Roof Protection

There are a variety of solutions for roofing in Fredericksburg, depending on the customer’s needs, whether they be budgetary, schedule related, or otherwise. Many involve plastic cement which is generally good for repair. However, stronger and longer lasting solutions such as flashing cement may also be available. The right company will often first examine the roof and evaluate its needs. They will determine the proper roof protection needed, and how extensive the repair must be. Some may even offer such an evaluation simply to check up on your roof and anticipate future problems. Though a leak may not seem like a big problem at first, if left unchecked it can result in dangerous mold growing within the structure of your house. It can also lead to rot and decay in the wood, which creates greater problems in the future. Getting your roof diagnosed and repaired as soon as possible is your best insurance against big roof problems.

The Importance of Proper Inspection

The right roofing repair company in Fredericksburg is ready with trained professionals to get your roof back in working order. Not only can this prevent widespread damage to the rest of the roof, but it will keep you secure in the knowledge that your home will continue to protect its inhabitants. No matter what you need, whether it is a full repair or a diagnostic examination, assistance is there for you.

If you are concerned about your roof, or are in need of an inspection, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Blog Emergency Roof Repair Services

How to Decide Between Roofing Repair and Replacement

If a big storm has recently moved through your area, or if your roof is springing leaks frequently, you may be contemplating your next steps. Making the right decision means more than just keeping water out of your home. It can also mean saving money in the long term. There are some situations that call for a simple roofing repair, but others will demand a total replacement.

Depending on the type of roofing material originally used, there are key signifiers to look for that can help indicate whether a home needs to be repaired or replaced by a roofing company. However, it’s not always easy to decide between repair and replacement.

How to Decide Between Repair and Replacement

To begin the process of determining if a roofing repair is needed, you should begin by inspecting the interior ceiling and attic of a home. If the structure appears to be drooping, thinning, or marked with leaks and water damage, it is time to contact a roofing company.

Even if everything appears to be normal on the inside of a roof, it is still essential to look for exterior damage.

The following are some ways to better determine between roofing repair and replacement.

Torn Shingles

Shingles that are torn or damage can typically be replaced easily and with little expense. A qualified contractor can simply remove the damaged pieces and slip new ones into place. Unless you have leftover shingles from the original installation, it is possible that the new pieces may not match your existing roof. However, a quick roofing repair can extend the life of your roof for up to a decade, if done correctly.

Sometimes damage is not contained to just a few shingles. If the harm is more widespread but is just on one side, you may want to consider partial re-roofing. This option can cost thousands of dollars less than replacing the entire roof.

There are a few downsides to this option. For example, while the overall cost of the project may be less, the cost-per-square is more expensive. If your roof is older, the new and old sections may not match both in color and even in height. Asphalt roofs have layers, all of which will need to be removed and replaced. This may leave you with the possibility for a lopsided effect at ridges.

While roofing repair or partial replacement can be good options, a total roof replacement may end up costing you less in the long term. This is an especially good option for homeowners who have roofs that are nearing the end of their lifetime. Take into consideration your climate and the likelihood of having to replace your roof sooner than later. It may be worth it to do the job now and save yourself time and money down the road.

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