Blog Residential Roofing

How to Avoid Roof Leaks In Heavy Rain

Discovering roof leaks in heavy rain or during a storm is often a nightmare.

They can be sneaky and show up in any number of spots around your home – it’s not always the stereotypical drip from the ceiling.

With the heavy rains we’ve experienced already this year, you may have been eyeing your roof and ceilings with trepidation. Stormy seasons will show you what is good and bad about your roofing situation – and if it’s the latter, it’s at the worst possible time.


Can You Avoid Roof Leaks In Heavy Rain and Wind?


Protecting your roof is imperative during storms or heavy rain. However, there are steps that must be taken before the storm hits.

So, let’s work on avoiding this problem.

There are plenty of ways to assess and prepare for any existing roof damage that can lead to a big problem down the road. We’ll cover what to look for, and how to figure out if and where the problem exists.

Preventive maintenance is the way to keep the rain out. If you’re ready to head up on the roof, here are some of the common problem areas that lead to roof leaks in heavy rain.


Problem Area 1: Around roof vents

There are two kinds of vents that can allow leaks to enter. They’re installed differently, and will require different treatment.

The first type is a plumbing vent boot. This will look like a plastic pipe that is sticking up out of your roof, about a foot high. These are connected to the roof by a metal flashing at the base level. They will also have a rubber “boot” that extends part-way up the pipe to help seal it off.

It is common for the rubber to split and crack after several years. This can lead to failure of the seal at the main metal flashing attachment and a leak that will show up on the ceiling below. The best way to deal with this is to replace the entire unit. There have also been some improvements in the boot construction that can reduce the chances of future leaks.

The second type has different looks but the same function – to keep air circulating under the roof. Depending on your home, you may have a turbine style, a ridge vent, or a flatter vent that rises a few inches above the roof. These can all leak, whether from the rain being driven into the sides from strong winds, actual damage to the vent hood, or because of leaking around the unit.

You’ll want to check each of your vents for visible damage, loose flashing or shingles, or for areas that need to be caulked or sealed. It is also possible to add a shield around the vent to slow down the driving rain, or to completely replace a damaged unit.



Problem Area 2: Chimneys

Chimneys are a common problem area for roof leaks in heavy rain or storms.

This is because there are several points of weakness that can fail over the life of your home.

Starting at the top, you’ll want to check the chimney cover for any cracks or holes. Another area that can deteriorate is the chimney crown. Depending on the material used, you’ll want to check for cracks or breakage in the mortar, stone or brick.

Further down the chimney, check for any flashing or shingles that are loose or need to be replaced. You may have a clue about this sort of leak if there are already stains on the underside of the roof below.

Some problems with water building up during heavy rains and snows can be handled with the installation of a new “cricket” – this diverts the rain and moisture away from the chimney, so that it can drain to a better spot on the roof.


Problem Area 3: Skylights

It’s essential to consider your skylights when avoiding roof leaks in heavy rain.

These are prone to leaks as they age in place. As shingles age and move slightly, and as debris catches on the upper portion of the unit, they can allow rain in.

You may already be aware of issues, since this is a pretty obvious point of leaks during a heavy rain. The way that skylights are installed will always make them vulnerable to the degradation of their connecting pieces. It’s really just part of regular home maintenance to help keep them sealed tight.

With a visual inspection, you can also get an idea if the unit needs to be caulked or sealed, or if any shingles or flashing around the unit need to be replaced.  It’s normally the attachments that need maintenance, not the actual skylights.


Problem Area 4: Gutters

Gutters get clogged with leaves and other debris. If you haven’t cleaned them recently, they’re liable to overflow during heavy rains.

The issues with gutters that fail to do their job are pretty broad-reaching. If the water does not go down the gutter spout as intended, it can overflow and run directly down walls.

With heavy, long-lasting rains, this can actually take out flower beds, damage the foundation, flood basements, and damage walls. Fortunately, this is a fairly simple fix: clean and maintain your gutters.



Problem Area 5: Roof valleys

These are the “V” shaped joins on your roof. Just like gutters, they can be subject to clogging up with tree debris and leaves. They can not drain well during heavy rains.

If there are some loose shingles or poorly placed nails from the last roofing installation, you may be looking at a source for leaks in the next storm.

During your inspection, make sure that these valleys are clean of any debris, and check for damaged shingles. It’s possible that they may need to be replaced in these areas, if they are showing signs of weathering beyond the rest of the roof.


Problem Area 6: Shingle problems

Sometimes, you have a bad shingle – or a bad section of shingles. Or sometimes the whole roof is over 15 years old and up for replacement. Because of this, you’ll want to check for problems all over the roof.

Shingles can fail in many ways. They can begin curling, they can break off, they can crack, and they can simply be worn and start losing their ability to hold out the elements. Or, they can just be missing.

All of these will point to existing or future roof leaks in heavy rain, storms, or wind. Often, if one shingle has gone bad, there will be others in that section that will need to be replaced. It’s important to determine if this is localized to one spot, or if you are looking at a problem that could extend over your whole roof.



Once you’ve determined where the leaks are, or could come from, you’ll want to get ahead of the problem.

It’s unusual to find just one item that needs attention on a roofing inspection.

Roof leaks in heavy rain are a common problem for many homeowners, but they are preventable.

Some simple repairs might be suitable for a homeowner, but it’s best to go ahead and consult a professional roofing company to diagnose and repair all kinds of problems from clogged gutters to flashing repairs and entire roof replacements.

Don’t wait for the next leak to start before you get help – one leak can create problems from top to bottom in a home.

Blog Home Improvement

Mold On Roof? Use These 11 Tips to Remove It

Mold on roof: this can cause serious harm to your home. Use these 11 tips to remove mold from your roof and keep your home safe and secure.

Without a doubt, your home’s roof is one of its most important structures. The roof provides support, climate control, and safety; it also adds value and aesthetics to the residence. It’s a major investment that will last many years if properly installed and maintained.

However, there is a silent attacker: mold on roof.

Although most people are aware of the ruinous effects of things like loose shingles, missing soffitt, and storm damage, few are able to recognize hazards posed by mold.

Following these guidelines you’ll learn how to identify a mold problem, how to prevent it, and how to get rid of it.


How to Identify You’ve Got a Mold Problem on Your Roof

Microbial overgrowth from algae, moss, mildew, and mold are common in homes located where there is high humidity, or insufficient roof drainage.

Unfortunately most homeowners mistakenly characterize the signs of a mold problem as a cosmetic issue or one of old age.

Here’s what you should look for when looking for mold on roof:


1. Know the difference between algae, moss, mildew and mold

You can’t properly that the problem unless you can accurately identify it. All three organisms pose their own set of complications.

  • Algae grows naturally and is normally harmless, but excessive growth in the right conditions causes property damage. It’s distinguished by its green or black-green color that resembles a surface stain. Algae is slick and slimy to the touch.
  • Moss is a normally benign organism that grows naturally in many areas. It’s obvious by its fuzzy bright green color.
  • Mildew isn’t a healthy organism. Its powdery residue spreads quickly in warm wet climates. Its color varies but is normally light gray-green.

Mold, unlike the other organisms, isn’t a healthy occurrence. It’s unattractive and often smells rancid.

Mold usually grows on moist wood or drywall and is identified by the dark splotches it leaves on the material’s surface.


2. Pay attention to odors

A vacation home that’s been closed up for awhile may smell musty, but if the odor continues after you’ve aired out the space then you may be facing a mold problem.

Odors originating from the attic space are a clear indication that you’re facing mold growth.


3. Prolonged illnesses can be a sign of mold on roof

There are lots of different kinds of mold; although only a relative few are considered toxic. Despite that, even non-toxic mold can still cause significant health problems.

Mold infestations have been found responsible for respiratory issues including infections, excessive runny nose and eyes, worsening of asthma, and even skin rashes.


4. Visual interior signs are evidence of an extensive outbreak

Water intrusion through a roof leak, even a small leak, into the attic and drywall space creates an optimal environment for mold growth. And because these areas are largely enclosed you won’t notice you’ve got a problem until it’s too late.

Discoloration along the joint between the ceiling and wall is a common indication of having a leak. You’ll also find paint around the windows starting to peel or bubble.

Roof mold affects wood in the attic and wood exposed for decorative purposes. Wood gets dark, splotchy, and will often soften.



How to Prevent Roof Mold From Developing

The easiest way to deal with mold on your roof is to prevent it from developing at all.

Take measures during your periodic roof inspection to reduce the circumstances that make your home vulnerable to mold growth.


5. Manicure shade trees

Keep branches of nearby trees trimmed about three feet from your roof line. Overhanging branches cause shade that prevents water from quickly evaporating. Trapped water is a breeding ground for microbial growth that starts generating mold on roof.


6. Keep gutters clean

Remove and dispose of debris, trash, and dirt that gets lodged in your gutters. Clean gutters let water drain from the roof onto the ground.

Clogged gutters trap water on the roof creating the perfect environment for mold to grow on your roof.


7. Install ridge vents

Ridge vents are installed at the peak of a sloped roof.

They allow warm wet air to escape the attic and roof structure. This air flow keeps those areas cooler and drier than they would be without a vent, making them less hospitable for mold, mildew, and other microbes.


8. Apply a moisture and/or microbial barrier

Roofing materials and technology has advanced greatly within the last few decades.

One of those advances is the ability to apply chemicals to your existing roof that repels water, or prevents algae and mold from developing. New roofs are often constructed of materials that have these properties impregnated into them.



Tips to Eradicate Mold From Your Roof

Despite your best intentions and preparation your home may still succumb to mold infestations on your roof.

Luckily, if you catch it early then you can take steps on your own to get rid of it.


9. Apply a bleach solution

A solution of equal parts bleach and tap water can be sprayed onto the affected area to kill the microbes. Allow the solution to penetrate the mold then rinse off with a normal garden hose.

Refrain from scrubbing or using a pressure washer; both can damage asphalt shingles.


10. Install copper or zinc strips

These metal strips prevent algae from growing. Some asphalt shingles are manufactured to include them, but older roofs may not have them.

You can install metal strips in strategic areas such as around the chimney.


11. Vinegar solutions work against moss

A solution of equal parts apple cider vinegar and water has long been touted as an effective herbicide and pesticide. Using it does kill algae and moss, but not mold.

And caution must be taken to protect nearby bushes and plants because overspray will damage them. Vinegar quickly changes the pH of the soil making it inhospitable to most plants.


Final Thoughts

The roof is a vital component of your home’s structure. When properly installed and maintained it provides years of service.

Regular maintenance and repairs, including that which addresses mold, is integral to the longevity of your roof.

Make sure you are able to identify microbial overgrowth and mold on your roof — and take steps to prevent it from developing. If you do wind up with microbial growth, catch it early to properly repair your roof and avoid potential disasters.


Blog Residential Roofing

8 Reasons You Need a Prince William County Roofing Contractor

Roofing problems rarely happen at a good time: leaks are found as it’s raining or when you’re in the process of another renovation; shingles get ripped off during a bad storm; or a seemingly basic issue inadvertently morphs into something major. This is why you need a quality Prince William County roofing contractor.


The Importance of a Professional Prince William County Roofing Contractor

Prince William County sees 42 inches of rain per year, more than the United States average. This county also sees a winter low around 24 degrees Fahrenheit.

Because of this, it’s extremely important to have a roof that will protect you from this heavy rainfall, and provide protection from mother nature.

For many homeowners, managing a roof repair is an exhausting experience.

A quality Prince William County roofing contractor simplifies the repair process, making it less frustrating and ensures that the project is safe.

We describe all the benefits of hiring a Prince William County professional below.


1. They have the expertise.

Roofing repairs are technical procedures that require specialized tools and techniques.

Professionals have gone through training to properly and safely use the tools involved, different building codes, and to use the most effective approach for your specific problem. Also, professionals have worked on numerous roofs so they’re more capable of handling any unexpected occurrences that arise.


2. They are fast.

Because professional roofers have acquired skills over a long period of time they are able to work faster than the average do-it-yourself homeowner. Completing the job quickly means less lost time for the homeowner. It would require more time to do the same amount of work if attempting it yourself. Speed decreases the amount of interference that the repair causing on the family.

Homeowners typically spend more time than expected completing a project. Most do-it-yourselfers account for time spent performing the actual repair work but often forget to factor in time spent renting tools, researching appropriate materials and techniques, dealing with the local building department.


3. Professionals put safety first.

Working on the roof is inherently dangerous because of the height and heat involved; most homeowners are simply not used to working in those conditions so accidents are more likely to happen. Professionals will see and maneuver around dangers that amateurs and do-it-yourselfers easily miss.

A professional is also less likely to make mistakes that put their safety at risk.

Not only are contractors safer when performing the work, they also include back-up safety measures that are built in to their business model. A reputable Prince William County roofing contractor is licensed and insured to work within their industry and location. Such licensing and insurance is a safety measure because it protects the homeowner from unsavory practices.



4. Quality is paramount for a contractor.

Professionals pride themselves on producing high-quality results and are dedicated to making sure their customer is satisfied. Contractors who produce sub-par results aren’t likely to stay open for very long. So, it’s really in their best interest to complete the best work possible.

Quality work encompasses more than the obvious outside appearance of the finished work. It also includes the company’s respect for your time and home, and how well they treat you as a customer.

Roofers will return phone calls and emails promptly; they will keep their work area clean and orderly so that it doesn’t disrupt everything around it. Professional roofers will be available to answer any questions regarding the job itself. They are knowledgeable in the permitting and inspection process, or other customer service issues.


5. Contractors are familiar with the paperwork.

Most homeowners don’t realize that much of the work done on their home requires extensive permitting with adherence to building codes and formal inspections.

This process is different for each locality, and codes are frequently updated. Acquiring everything is pretty daunting and tedious unless you’re familiar with the necessary forms, waiting periods, and requirements. Contractors are accustomed to working through the system and can do so with fewer obstacles than most homeowners would be able to.


6. Professionals offer security.

Reputable roofing companies will have insurance coverage that protects you and them in the event of an on-site accident or mistake.

It ensures that you aren’t liable or financially responsible for things. Some examples include a technician injury while working on the roof; their equipment damages your driveway or lawn; or a broken window during roof repair. On the other hand, homeowners who do work themselves or hire companies without a license are responsible for all the costs of accidents.

Reputable contractors also offer security in the form of licenses. License requirements vary greatly from state to state, and even city to city, but obtaining one typically entails a company proving they have the skills, insurance, and knowledge to safely, accurately, and reliably perform the services they advertise.

It’s possible for contractors to work without a license, but consumers working with them have no recourse for shoddy or incomplete work. One popular scam involves unlicensed contractors accepting large deposits for a project, beginning demolition, then never returning to the jobsite again.


7. Contractors have warranties.

Warranties are a guarantee that the materials and craftsmanship used in conjunction with your project will meet a certain standard of quality for a specific duration of time upon its completion. The contractor is responsible for repairing or replacing malfunctioning parts of the job during that specified time.

Let’s say you had a simple leak repaired, but a few weeks later you notice the spot is leaking again. If you completed the initial work yourself instead of hiring a Prince William County roofing contractor you’d have to spend additional time reinspecting the area. You then may have to purchase materials, and possibly do the work again.

On the other hand, a contractor’s warranty would mean that the company is responsible for any additional materials and labor associated with extra repairs.



8. Hiring a contractor isn’t as expensive as you think.

Homeowners often avoid hiring a professional because they think it will be cheaper to do the work on their own. But given the time and expense related to permitting, specialized tools, and safety provisions that’s usually not the case.

The cost of hiring a Prince William County roofing contractor is at least comparable to doing it yourself once you also consider the superior quality of work and swiftness of completion.



Your next roofing repair doesn’t have to be stressful and frustrating, no matter how inconveniently it happens.

Professional roofers offer experienced fast labor. Plus you get the peace of mind knowing that you have protection in the event of a problem.

Hiring a professional Prince William County roofing contractor saves you valuable time and money. More importantly, it saves your sanity and safety.

Blog Home Improvement

Sun Damage To Your Roof: What You Need to Know

Your roof is designed to take all kinds of damage, as it’s under attack every day. Rainfall washes away protective elements, and if it gets under your shingles it can cause all sorts of damage. Falling debris, like tree branches, can create holes in your roof if you’re not careful. But, have you ever thought about any sun damage to your roof?

Here’s why it’s a danger, and how you can protect your home’s roof from it.


The Sun And Your Roof

When you think about it, your roof is under attack by the sun almost every day.

It’s beating down heat and ultraviolet rays down on the tiles all day, every day.

You don’t think about the sun being damaging to your roof, as you think of roof damage as being more violent and sudden.

Don’t allow yourself to be lulled into a false sense of security, though.

If you want to keep your roof safe, you’re going to need to protect it against the sun.

How is the sun damaging your roof, and how can you stop it?


How The Sun Causes Damage To Your Roof

The damage the sun causes to your roof is slow, but effective. Once there is damage, there’s no going back.

Here are five common types of sun damage that occurs to your roof:

  • Heat dries up your roof tiles: Your roof tiles are made with oils, that are designed to help your roof expand and contract when needed. With the hot sun beating down on your roof, though, those oils can quickly dry up. Once there’s no more oil, the roof tiles can start tearing at the weatherproofing, creating gaps. Once those gaps are there, holes can form and serious leaks can happen.
  • Expanding and contracting can damage your roof: When your tiles get hot, they’ll expand with the heat. When the weather gets cooler at night, they’ll contract again. When the weather is hot, the tiles will expand and contract more dramatically. Again, this will open up your roof to damage, such as pulling flashing away from corners and letting water in.
  • UV damage breaks down your roof: Ultraviolet rays are invisible but incredibly dangerous. You know about protecting your skin from them, but did you know that you should protect your roof from them too? They will break down your roof tiles slowly but surely, leading to them coming apart and needing replacement.
  • Warping and cracking: This happens most often to materials such as plastic roofing materials. These materials can heat up quickly in the sun, changing shape. The stress can be too much, and they’ll crack and break, weakening your roof.
  • Bleaching of your tiles: If you’ve ever seen driftwood out on a beach, you’ll know how direct sunlight can bleach items. It can happen to your roof too. The side of your roof that’s in the most contact with the sun will often become bleached, fading to a lighter color than the rest of your tiles.



How To Avoid Sun Damage

That’s a lot of things that can go wrong with your roof, just by being in contact with the sun. How can you stop this sun damage?

Luckily, there are some actions you can take.

Here’s what you can do to avoid sun damage:

  • Inspect your roof: You should already be regularly inspecting your roof, to ensure that there’s no damage being done to it by rain and storms. During those inspections, look for sun damage too. The quicker you spot it, the easier it will be to rectify.
  • Change the materials you use: Stone panels or clay tiles are often used in hotter climates, as they can stand the heat better, and won’t change shape as much as regular roof tiles will. Similarly, metal roofs help to keep your home cool and help reduce sun damage.
  • Pick your color carefully: Sun bleaching isn’t a major problem, but if you’re worried about your tiles looking worn, you can avoid it. When you change your tiles, pick a grey, tan, or white tile color. These are the least likely to bleach and will stay looking good in the sun.
  • Try a reflective roof coating: There are ways to bounce heat and UV radiation back off your roof, lessening the damage they do. A reflective coating on your roof could be the way forward. Some tiles already come with the coating, so if you’re replacing your tiles keep an eye out for them.
  • Stay off your roof: If you need to get up and look at your roof, make sure you’re not walking on it if at all possible. The more you walk across your roof, the more damage you’re likely to do to it. You want to lessen the damage happening, so stay off it as much as you can.
  • Don’t be afraid to replace your roof: There are times when you’re going to have to replace your roof, either in part or in full. Don’t be afraid to do this. The roof you have now may not be the best one for sunny weather, and so by replacing your roof you’re making it that much stronger.


Call In A Roofer For An Expert Opinion

Some homeowners aren’t too confident about checking their own roof for damage.

After all, they’re not sure exactly what’s damage, and what’s normal for their roof.

Does this sound like you? If so, the best thing to do will be to call in a certified roofer to handle the check for you.

It’s amazing what kinds of sun damage can attack your roof.

Heat and UV rays are dangerous, causing breaks and cracks in the roof that invite further damage over time. If you keep on top of the repairs though, you’ll have a roof that can stand up to all kinds of weather.

Blog Emergency Roof Repair Services

When Do You Need Frederick County Roof Repair?

Knowing when to replace or repair your roof is a crucial aspect of homeownership. Homeowners in Frederick County, Virginia may come across several reasons throughout the year to contact a professional specializing in Frederick County roof repair.

Typically, when the big problems arise, homeowners know that they’re going to need to call in the professionals–like when storms inflict noticeable damage, or when hail or ice leave dents, holes, or lost shingles.

But homeowners don’t always know when to call in the pros when the problems are less noticeable.

In Frederick County, Virginia, consider the following instances when you should consider calling a roofing professional so they can give your roof some much needed attention.


About Frederick County

First of all, it’s important to remember the weather and climate in Virginia and how it can affect the need for Frederick County roof repair.

Frederick County, located just west of Washington, D.C. and Leesburg, receive a fair range of temperatures and relatively well-defined seasons throughout the year.

The county can see remarkable snowfall and ice in the winter, as well as high heat and thunderstorms through the summer.

So it’s completely normal that rooftops in Frederick County will need regular maintenance and repair.


Hiring a Quality Roof Repair Contractor

Homeowners should also keep in mind a few tips when hiring a contractor for roof repair.

First, do a little online research with the contractor to get a feel for their skills, experience, and vision.

Be sure to speak with them over the phone or in person and get a quote, to avoid any financial surprises later on. Reading reviews online, especially on third party websites, can be helpful as well.

Ultimately, be sure to meet your contractor in person and make sure you’re comfortable with their work ethic and plans before giving them the greenlight to begin a job.



5 Times You Need Frederick County Roof Repair

There are five particular instances when you might need specific Frederick County roof repair.

Consider the following, and remember that roofing problems can exist whether they are noticeable from the ground or not.


1. Wood rot:

Wood rot is one of the worst ways your roof can become weak and damaged, and the worst part is that it’s difficult to pinpoint and almost impossible to see from the ground.

Rot can often be found along the upper crevices of siding the meet your rooftop, around chimneys, and gutters.

It weakens your roof and can lead to more leaks and further damage if it is not addressed immediately.

These sorts of problems can be best identified by a yearly or seasonal roof inspection.


2. Winter storm damage:

Winter storms can wreak havoc on rooftops–especially roofs that are already in bad shape or already have weak areas.

Ice and snow are very heavy, especially when frozen on rooftops for days at a time, and only serve to weaken the roof in general.

In Virginia especially, this is one of the most common reasons to need a Frederick County roof repair company.

After winter storms have passed or after the snow and ice have melted, consult with a roofing professional to address the damage and to see if your roof needs attention in the middle of winter.

You may also want to consider installing heating coils that will keep ice and snow from accumulating on your roof.


3. Prep for winter:

Just because your roof looks healthy through the summer and fall doesn’t mean it doesn’t need attention from a professional.

It’s a good idea to have a roofing professional come inspect your gutters, roof, and chimney before the harsh weather of winter begins to set in.

This will help you identify any potential problem areas, re-secure gutters to the side of the house, and replace any loose or cracked shingles before ice and snow puts further stress on your roofing materials.



4. Lost shingles after thunderstorms:

Thunderstorms can do a number on asphalt roofing, and are another reason to need Frederick County roof repair.

Wind, fallen tree branches, and hail damage can loosen, crack, or completely tear off asphalt shingles.

This not only leaves bare spots on the roof, but can also pave the way for more problems down the road.

If your roof is not protected by asphalt shingles, water can more easily seep in, raising the risk of wood rot and weak spots.

After severe thunderstorms, it’s crucial to inspect your roof and to contact a roofing professional if there are any identifiable problems.


5. New roof needed (rot, holes, etc.):

If you decide that it’s just time to stop repairing and start replacing, you’ll want to talk with a roofing repair professional.

You may discover that your roof is not in as bad of shape as you thought. If this happens, repairing will be the more economical option.

Or, you may begin to explore options for a new roof.

You may want to explore other options aside from asphalt roofing, such as metal roofing, which has many benefits and can last significantly longer than asphalt shingles.

Regardless, discussing your options with a professional will be a great first step.



To conclude, there are a number of reasons that will lead homeowners may need Frederick County roof repair.

Most of these have to do with weather or natural disasters, but you’ll also want to reach out to a professional about roof repair if your roof is already showing signs of wear and tear and needs to be replaced.

Frederick County, Virginia receives a slew of harsh weather–from snow and ice to unbearable heat–that can do quite a bit of damage to your roof.

Take the time to hire a contractor you can trust and feel comfortable working with to ensure the best result.

Further, planning a yearly or seasonal roof inspection will help stay ahead of any problems that may arise with your roof due to weather, wood rot, or wear and tear.

In general, if you are proactive and focused on taking good care of your roof, you’ll be able to address problems as they come up and ensure the best result for your roof.

Roofing Blog

5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Hiring a Roofer

Hopefully, hiring a roofer is something you don’t have to do very often. It can be a nerve-wracking expensive process that most people don’t look forward to doing. Thankfully though, modern techniques and materials are designed to last a long time. But that shouldn’t mean that you are lax about hiring a roofer.

Hiring a roofer that works for an experienced, quality roofing company ensures that your investment lasts as long as possible, that the process goes smoothly, and that your hard-earned cash is well spent.

Avoid the following mistakes that are commonly made by homeowners.

1. Not Vetting a Company

Before hiring a roofer you need to verify that they are operating legally. Contractors in most states are required to obtain professional licenses that attest to their skills and qualifications. They’ll also be required to obtain a business license, and carry insurance.

All these things can be checked online. The company’s website usually notes having these items but be sure to double-check your local government database.

Also check their reputation through Google and social media such as Facebook. Sites such as Yelp are a great source of legitimate customer reviews. Make sure to thoroughly read the reviews that you find; it’s not uncommon for angry customers to leave low ratings without explaining why. Understanding why a contractor received low ratings helps you determine if it’s a characteristic you are okay with.


2. Failing to Get a Written Estimate or Quote

Contrary to popular usage estimate and quote aren’t exactly the same thing. Though you should get either of them in writing before the job begins.

Estimates are a preliminary figure that tries to be accurate but the final price may fluctuate upon completion of the project. Quotes are also a preliminary price but they’re intended to be finite and cannot change upon completion of the project.

Both documents should stipulate exactly what labor and materials will be used for the work. It should also indicate for how long the document is valid. Getting this information in writing makes it easier to compare the services of multiple contractors, but, more importantly, it ensures that neither you nor the contractor make last minute changes that would change the cost.


3. Only Getting One Estimate

When you’re in the market to have a large repair done it’s a good idea to get more than one estimate. Having more than one contractor look at your roof often gives you multiple ways of approaching the problem; each contractor may have a slightly different idea of what needs to happen.

Generally though, you should find that estimates fall within a certain range. Obvious outliers that are significantly higher or lower than the average should be a red flag.

You don’t need a lot of estimates to make an educated decision,usually three or four is plenty. You can get away with fewer estimates, though, if you have a good idea ahead of time about what to expect. Talking to your neighbors or friends is a good way to get a idea what service and price to expect.


4. Hiring a Roofer Solely Based on Price

Price is one the biggest factors that homeowners must consider when looking to have roofing done, and it’s tempting to use price as the reason for choosing a particular contractor. But going with the cheapest quote isn’t necessarily the best choice you could make, especially if the quote is significantly lower than others you’ve received.

Some contractors will use an unrealistically low quote in order to get homeowners to agree to the work but then request changes once the job is started. Unscrupulous roofers will claim to have encountered unforeseen circumstances on the jobsite then pressure you to approve additional work.

In other instances a very low quote is indicative of the contractor cutting corners. They may use inferior materials, rush to get the job done, or not have proper licensing.

Sometimes, unlicensed contractors take advantage of homeowners by offering a low quote, accepting a deposit on that work, then either not showing up or stopping in the middle of the work.

And remember, there are other attributes, besides price, that are important. You want a contractor who is respectful, knowledgeable, and uses the most current industry standards. Most importantly you want to be hiring a roofing who communicates well, in terms you can understand, and who quickly returns phone calls, texts, or emails. Hiring a roofer that is skilled may cost more upfront but will save you headaches and repair costs.


5. Trying to Do it Yourself Instead of Hiring a Roofer

Roofing is a trade requiring specialized skills, materials, and tools. Additionally, it poses several safety risks. Because of that, roofing should only be completed by trained professionals. There are many reasons it’s a bad idea to attempt this work on your own.

Lots of people think that the project will be less expensive by doing it on their own, but that’s not really the case. On its surface labor may seem cheaper because you’re not paying someone else, but there are other factors and expenses to consider.

Roofing requires machinery and tools that most homeowners don’t have on-hand. Renting them is an option, of course, but that’s an added expense and you don’t know how well that equipment has been maintained.

Unless you’re familiar with roofing, doing the job yourself will likely take longer than having a professional do it. You’ll need extra time to research and practice, plus you’ll be slower overall when performing the work.

Safety is also a concern. Accidents and injuries are common for people not accustomed to working on high, slanted surfaces. That coupled with having to move heavy equipment and materials using a ladder, is a recipe for disaster. Professionals are insured so they’re covered if an employee in injured, but you’d be stuck with hefty medical bills… and an unfinished roof.



Roof repair is a large project that requires extensive planning. Hiring a roofing that is skilled is instrumental to having the work completed well, on-time, and within budget. Avoiding the common pitfalls we discussed will saves you lots of frustration and cash in the long run.


Blog Emergency Roof Repair Services

9 Signs You Need a Roof Repair

If you’re like most people, your life is already filled with appointments, and there’s still a long to-do list waiting to be checked off. So when did you last have time to inspect your roof to determine if you need roof repair? Probably after the last snow that left several inches standing on it, or after the big storm littered it with branches, twigs, and leaves.

Other than those times that catch your attention, you ignore your roof and take it for granted. But your roof is one of the most important parts of your house. It protects you from the rain, snow, and the wind. It helps keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Without it, you would be left with four walls and a foundation.

Keep in mind, however, that your roof is aging just like everything else in your life, and at some point, it will wear out. But, just like the human body, some symptoms warn of impending trouble and give you an opportunity to call a roof repair specialist before it becomes an emergency.

9 Signs You Need Roof Repair

Here are nine signs that might be warning you to replace your roof before you wake up to a major leak:

You Have an Old Roof

When it’s correctly installed, an asphalt shingle roof will last between 20 and 25 years. So, if your roof is older than 20 years, there’s a good chance it’s a candidate for replacement.

Even if your roof looks fine, there may be underlying problems that you can’t see. So if your roof is older than 20 years, have it checked out by a roofing repair professional. If your roof isn’t that old, you may only need repairs to the damaged areas instead of a complete replacement.

It’s Sagging

There are many roofing issues to be concerned about, and sagging is one of them. If your roofing sags noticeably, there could be a serious structural problem. The boards under the roofing may have been exposed to moisture and are rotting. Or there might be something wrong with the foundation.

As soon as you notice that your roof is sagging, call in a roofing professional. You can prevent further damage from occurring to your home by taking action immediately after noticing a sagging roof.

Your Shingles Curl and Buckle

Shingles that are curling or buckling is another roof repair warning sign that you may need a new roof. Check the areas of your roof that get direct sunlight, and if you notice the shingles are curling at the edges and losing granules, it probably means they are past their life expectancy. There is also the possibility that the roof is defective.

Call in a roofing contractor to make the final determination whether you need a simple roof repair, or a possible replacement.

There are Leaks around Chimney Flashing

Flashing seals the seams around chimneys, skylights, and vents, so it’s another area of concern. Eventually, flashing will fail, at which point it can break or crack, leading to leaks and water damage. Most new flashing is made of metal and can easily be replaced by a professional.

But if you have an older roof, your flashing may be made of tar or cement, and you should consider replacing it with metal flashing right away.

Your Attic Leaks

The first place to look for leaks is in your attic. If you see wet or dark stains on the interior surface of your roof in the attic, especially after a driving rain, then your roof has a leak. The leak could be caused by failed flashing or inadequate shingle underlayment. Or, your roof’s surface could have suffered damage from a fallen tree limb.

Inspect your attic to see if there is daylight coming through the roof boards. And be sure to check for moisture in the insulation.

You’re Noticing Higher Energy Costs

If your home has higher than average energy bills, your roof might be one of the causes. In many cases, the problem is with the ventilation in the attic, which is causing the home’s heating and cooling system to run more often.

Homeowners are well aware of the benefits of properly insulating their homes, caulking their windows, and setting the thermostat a little lower. But they forget that a substantial amount of their home’s heat goes right through the roof.

If your roof is deteriorating, you can be sure your heating costs will increase. Replacing your roof will help to insulate your home, thereby reducing your heating expenses in the winter.

You Find Shingle Granules in the Gutters

Asphalt shingles have a layer of granules on their surface, but roofs tend to lose those granules toward the end of their life cycle, resulting in smooth shingles. Look in your gutters to see whether they are loaded up with shingle granules. Inconsistent or a darker color on some parts of the roof is another sign the granules have worn away to determine the level or roof repair you will need.

As soon as you spot bald shingles, call a roofing professional. You probably need to replace your entire roof. When the shingles shed a lot of their granules, your roofing quickly loses its usefulness.

There are Stains on Interior Ceilings and Walls

Everyone knows that water rolls downhill, so if you have a leaky roof and don’t climb into your attic often, then the leak will find its way onto the interior ceiling and down the walls. You will begin to notice drip stains, along with mold or mildew growth. This usually happens because of faulty shingle underlayment or inadequate ventilation in the attic.

You have Moss on Your Roof

Moss can look great in the woods behind your house, but on a roof, it spells trouble. Moisture can get trapped in the roofing and result in moss, mold, and fungi growth that can ruin it.

To get rid of any moss that collects in shaded corners of your roof, use a stiff brush. Then address the underlying problems right away.

Forewarned is Forearmed

Be diligent in checking your roof. Roof repair and replacement can be a significant expense, but you don’t want to add the costs of ruined drywall and carpeting from a devastating leak.

As soon as you notice any of the nine warning signs of roof problems, get on top of them before they get on top of you.


Home Improvement Blog

Benefits of a Sustainable Roof

The idea of having a green, sustainable roof and home is something that more people than ever are interested in. After all, humans are causing damage to the Earth faster than it can repair itself, and we don’t want to end up without a planet to live on, do we?

An element of the house that it is easy to overlook in this aspect is the roof. Yet, you might be surprised to find that there are a number of easy and interesting ways of getting a sustainable roof that helps you to live an eco-friendly life.

What Is a Sustainable Roof?

To start on this subject, we need to consider what a sustainable roof is in the first place. The truth is that there is no one definition on what this sort of roof should look like.

This is because it can be sustainable to help the planet in a number of ways. The approach that is best for each property really depends upon many factors. These include the current state of the property and the climate near the house location.

The following are a few of the best approaches and their benefits that you can implement to create a sustainable roof.

The Green Roof and Its Benefits

One of the most exciting ways to get a sustainable green roof is through adding a green, living element to it with grass, plants, and even trees. The green roof idea is something that has a long and interesting history throughout the centuries in different countries.

It has recently become more popular, though, as modern techniques and technologies mean that properties with grass and plants on their roofs are now becoming far more common all over the world. From quaint houses to big factories and office buildings, this is a type of roof that adds to the character and looks of a building.

A big advantage to this type of roof is that it stops excess rainwater from simply running off. It can also help to keep the property warm in a natural way, lowering heating costs. It also helps native plants to flourish even in the middle of a big city. Of course, it can also help the Earth to produce more of the vital oxygen that we all need in order to survive.

The Solar Roof and Its Benefits

Another approach that it is worth considering is adding a solar roof. Basically, this means fitting solar panels on your roof that provide the property with clean, renewable energy.

Using this type of roof means that there is usually no need for the use of other types of energy. This is great news for homeowners, and the planet’s resources. In some cases, solar panels produce enough energy for the homeowner to sell some of it back to their grid. This provides people around them with cleaner energy at home too.

As for the people who live in the home, they should find that over time the solar panels pay for themselves and then eventually lead to money savings as they carry on giving free, green energy day after day.

The White Roof and Its Benefits

You may be surprised to see that white roofs are also rated as being among the most sustainable and environmentally friendly types of roof around. This is because a white colored roof will reflect far more of the sunlight than a dark colored one would.

The importance of this is that it keeps the property cool. On the one hand, this means that the owners don’t need to use air conditioning during a hot summer. It also means the town or city they live in gets a helping hand in the battle against global warming and urban hotspots or heat islands.

As with any other type of eco-friendly approach taken at home, it is easy to think that it makes little difference to the planet overall. Yet, if we all moved to a more sustainable type of roofing, then it is clear to see the huge benefits this would bring. Not only does this roof help the environment, but it is easy to implement as well. It’s as easy as choosing to paint your roof a lighter color.  Making this type of change is a sensible thing to do.

The Blue Roof and Its Benefits

Not everyone is aware that a blue roof is another option for getting more of an eco-friendly house. This kind of roof is one that is cleverly designed to capture and store rainfall or other water.

There are different kinds of blue roofs around and each of them has its own list of benefits. For example, they can be used to lower the impact of rainfall runoff, to store water for irrigation or to keep the building cool.

There has been a lot of work done in this area in recent years, with some terrific results. Typically, the water that is stored will be slowly released, which is good for the environment. This can lower the strain on sewers and rivers during periods of heavy rain.

The Benefits of a Roof in a Good State of Repair

Finally, no matter what type of roof a home has, you should keep it maintained. Keeping it in a good state of repair is something that is beneficial for both the homeowner and the environment. For example, if the roof is damaged then far too much heat could be escaping from it. This means that the homeowners need to crank the heating up higher and in the end will consume more energy.

By replacing damaged tiles or getting an aged roof replaced, any home can become instantly warmer and more energy efficient. This is great news for the people who live in it and also for the planet that we live on.


There are now numerous ways to make a roof greener and more sustainable. By taking some time to think about the options you should be able to find the perfect option for your sustainable roof.

Even just taking some simple steps to keep your existing roof in excellent condition will make sure that you are making an effort to help the planet. Start making your plans today.

Blog Residential Roofing

How To Clean A Metal Roof: Tips And Tricks For Metal Roof Cleaning

There are many reasons to have a metal roof installed. They’re attractive, easy to maintain, and can be sturdier than a traditional roof. However, like all roofs, you do need to keep them maintained to keep them at their best. With a metal roof, though, it’s actually a lot easier. Here’s how to clean a metal roof, and keep it looking good all year round.

Why Clean Your Metal Roof?

Most homeowners won’t even think about cleaning their roof. Why would you need to clean it? The simple answer is because it helps the roof last for longer. It’s subject to a lot of issues, such as debris falling on it, rain, mold, mildew, and more. If these issues are allowed to build up over time, then they can reduce the lifespan of the roof. In extreme cases, the roof will need to be replaced if it’s subjected to too much damage.

Luckily though, this is easy to avoid. You can easily wash your own roof. Keep these issues from building up by learning how to clean a metal roof. Use this guide to help you get the most out of metal roof cleaning.

How To Clean a Metal Roof

Now, you need to know how to clean a metal roof. It’s actually quite simple, and any homeowner can do it. Just be sure to follow these steps:

Step one: Ensure that you’ll be safe to work on the roof. Use a safety rope and harness if needed, and have someone help you to ensure your safety as you’re cleaning.

Step two: Create the solution needed for cleaning. You’ll need half a cup of Tri-Sodium Phosphate (TSP) and a gallon of water. The TSP can be bought any good hardware store.

Step three: Get on the roof and scrape away any excess paint or corrosion if necessary. Use a wire brush for this step, but don’t use any metal tools as they could damage your roof.

Step four: Use a soft brush to scrub away mold and mildew with your TSP solution. This should be enough to get most stains off your roof.

Step five: Now you’ll need to rinse your roof to remove the solution and get it really clean. The best way to do this is with a power washer. Plain water should be enough to remove any dirt that’s left on the roof.

Step six: If you had to remove paint or corrosion, now you’ll have to repaint the sections you scraped. Make sure you use a primer to help the paint stick properly and last longer on the roof.

Tips For Metal Roof Cleaning

There’s a few ways you can make metal roof cleaning easier and get the job done well. Here’s some tips from the experts:

  • When you power wash the roof, make sure that you’re getting everything. You don’t want any residual detergent on there, as it can cause damage to the roof and that will cause bigger problems for you later down the line.
  • Keep an eye on your energy levels. If your metal roof is poorly maintained, then the energy will just go up and out of the roof. If you keep it clean and well kept though, this shouldn’t be a problem.
  • Remember, some deposits on your roof can actually cause it to rust. This doesn’t become as much of a problem if you have your roof properly painted and sealed, but it can still happen. Make sure you’re keeping an eye on your roof to keep it in good condition.
  • Check with your roof manufacturer before you clean your roof for the first time, to see what they recommend. They may have another kind of detergent they recommend for their roofs, so ensure you’re using the right product for the job.
  • Ensure you’re diluting your detergent properly. Some metal cleaners are slightly corrosive, so you need to ensure you’re diluting them correctly. If you don’t, you could actually cause damage to your roof.

DIY Or Professional Cleaning?

Now that you know how to clean a metal roof, you may be wondering whether you should clean your roof yourself, or have a professional come do it for you. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and it can come down to personal preference.

If you do the job yourself, you can save cash by getting out there and washing your own roof. You can do it whenever you have a spare weekend, and take satisfaction in a job well done. However, you could end up making mistakes and even damaging your roof if you’re not careful.

A professional company will have the expertise and the knowledge to clean your roof well. They’ll do it safely too, so there’s less chance of damage to the roof. However, this can cost you if you want a good service.

Painting Your Roof

Another good way to maintain your metal roof is to have it painted. It’s aesthetically a good choice, as you can have almost any color you want, and it will add a lot to the appearance of your home. As well as this, a properly painted and sealed roof will hold up against the elements and help it live longer.

You can either have the roof painted by professionals or do it yourself. Both are good options, but it’s only really a good idea to do it yourself if you’re experienced. A professional team can use the right tools to get the job done well first time, as well as get it done safely.

If you do choose to paint your roof, ensure that you’re both priming your roof and sealing it properly. If you don’t, the paint can start to peel off. This creates more work for you later on, and results in a lot of wasted time.

So, there you have it, here’s how to clean a metal roof. Metal roof cleaning is easier than you’d think, so follow these tips and give it ago. You’ll keep your roof clean and in good condition for years to come, with just a bit of elbow grease.

Blog Metal Roofing

How To Give Your Barn Roof An Upgrade

As we head towards the fall, it’s time to think about giving that old barn some TLC. No matter what you want to use it for, it’s going to take some abuse from the elements in the coming months. Rain, snow and wind can all do a number on it, especially the roof. Here’s why upgrading the barn roof can be the best thing to do before fall comes in this year.

Why Upgrade Your Barn Roof?

Before you start ripping that roof off, you’re going to need to think about why your barn roof needs upgrading. That barn can be put to many uses all year round. These include:

  • A place to keep animals in the colder months, where you can keep them together and keep them warm.
  • Creating an office. If you work from home and need the space to work, away from the rest of the home, the barn can be the best place to do it.
  • Give the children their own space. If your children need a space of their own, the barn could be just the thing for them.
  • Build a new man cave or entertainment escape. If you’ve ever wanted your own home theater or pool hall, then this is the space to convert.

If you convert your barn roof, it can go a long way towards creating a barn that’s useable all year around. Whether the building is housing animals or your collection of kung fu movies, it will keep the elements out and keep the barn warm and dry.

Take A Look At Your Existing Roof

If you feel your barn roof needs an upgrade, the first thing you need to do is get up there and take a look at it for yourself. You’ll need to know what kind of condition the current barn roof is in before you can start taking action. Is it in salvageable condition, or will the whole thing need to be replaced?

First of all, get a ladder and take a look at the roofing close up. You’re looking for any signs of wear or damage that could mean that water has got inside the roof. Warped roofing tiles, missing tiles, and blocked gutters are all a problem. If the gutters are blocked, clear them out to allow water to flow again.

Then, go inside the barn and take a look at the inside of the roof. You’re looking for any chinks of lights that are coming through from outside, or beams that are suffering from mold or rot. If you see this, the roof will need to be replaced.

Replacing Your Roof

Now that you’ve examined the barn roof, you’ll have to decide if it needs to be replaced. If it’s suffering from several of the issues mentioned above, especially mold or rot, then it’s probably going to need to be replaced.

To find out for certain, though, you’ll have to call in a roofing company that specializes in barn roofing to take a look at it for you. They’ll do their own checks, and then confirm with you what needs to be done. As this will often be a quote, they may come out for free. Check with the company before you call them.

Replacing Your Roof With Metal

So, the roof on the barn needs to be replaced. What are you going to do? You can go back with a traditional roof, but these do require a lot of upkeep. They’re also prone to letting the elements in, so you don’t want to take that risk again.

Instead, now may be the time to consider having a metal roof installed. There are many reasons why they’re perfect for barns. These include:

  • Extended lifespan: On average, metal roofs last much longer than traditional roofs. They’re often backed by their companies for up to 50 years.
  • Can stand up to the elements: The metals used in roofing are tough, and can take a lot when it comes to the weather. Even snow will just slide right off it. It’s a good idea if you deal with extreme inclement weather where you live.
  • Can be installed quickly: Metal roofs are much easier to install, as they come in sheets. Once the sheets are in place, then the roof is ready.
  • Fire safety: If you’re concerned about the safety of your barn, a metal roof can go a long way towards making it safer. Metal, of course, isn’t flammable, so it’s a good precaution to have in place in case of a fire. In fact, most metal roofs have a Class A rating, when shingle roofs have a Class C typically.

Maintaining Your Roof

Once you’ve had the roof installed, you can then start enjoying it right away. However, like all home improvements, you’ll have to take care of it to keep it going for longer. Luckily, a metal roof takes much less work than you would expect.

Firstly, make sure you get up on the roof every now and then and take a good look at the roof. Ensure that the gutters aren’t blocked, and that there’s no damage to the roof itself.

It’s also worth considering painting your roof. It adds a layer of protection to it, as well as helping your roof blend in with the rest of the property. It’s often best to have a professional come in and paint it, to ensure the paint job lasts properly.

Finally, ensure you clean it on a regular basis. A mild solution of soap and water should be enough to clean off most dirt on the roof. That way, your roof will be looking brand new for a long time.

Upgrading your barn roof can really breathe new life into your barn, and the property in general. No matter what you’re using it for you’ll have a barn that will be inviting to everybody in the home. Get started today, and you’ll be able to use your barn no matter what the weather’s like.

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