Home Improvement

Benefits of Metal When Roofing Loudoun County

Any homeowner will attest that replacing a roof is one of the most tedious, expensive, and perhaps frustrating parts of owning a home. It is tedious, expensive, and frustrating because asphalt shingles don’t last longer than fifteen to twenty years—at most. Because of this, roof replacement is a battle homeowners must fight often. This is even more true, and a more irritating part of homeownership, if you live in an area that is battered by high winds, storms, hurricanes, or all three. Roofing Loudoun County can be the boon of owning a home—that is, unless you opt for residential metal roofing.

Used often for sheds and commercial applications, more and more homeowners are opting to try metal materials when roofing Loudoun County. Instead of the usual wood and asphalt shingle options, metal is becoming more popular. And it’s no wonder–the benefits are not only cost effective, but will make a home safer, and more comfortable. Metal roofs can be a great choice for more than just homes. Businesses, historic buildings, and barns can also reap the benefits of this construction choice.

When roofing Loudoun County, metal will provide your home with a long-lasting, energy efficient, watertight and fire resistant roof without sacrificing the visual appeal of your roof.

Roofing Loudoun County: Roof Options

Choosing a metal roof has a lot to offer to Loudoun County, Virginia, specifically. Located just northwest of the Washington, D.C. metro area, it has at one point or another been home to historic personalities such as President James Monroe, Madeleine Albright, and World War II General George Marshall.

Loudoun has grown significantly from a primarily rural county to one with an increasingly more suburban atmosphere. Homes here typically receive a pretty average amount of rainfall and wind for a temperate climate. Loudoun can occasionally be subject to the violence of particularly strong hurricanes that make their way further north. In addition, Loudoun County has a strong equine industry, with many farms and stables that would benefit, if they aren’t already benefiting, from metal roofs.

The county is also a very historic area, having been a great contributor to the Continental Army during the American Revolution. It boasts over 90 buildings on the National Historic Register. Historic buildings can benefit exceptionally well from this roofing, as they are typically fragile and require as much support and protection as they can get.

Options for Metal Roofing Virginia

Like most aspects of home improvement, metal roofs come in a variety of colors, styles, and metals to fit your needs and design preferences. A few popular options for roofing Loudoun County include:

  • Scalloped, terracotta panels for a Mediterranean, Spanish look
  • Steel roof panels constructed to look like asphalt shingles. These are great for those who want the look of asphalt with the benefits of this roofing
  • Copper in either roofing shingles or slate roofing
  • Steel coated roofing that can be colored to look like wood roofing

Benefits of Metal

Residential metal materials offer many benefits to homeowners. Many view a metal roof as a large investment, but in reality, it is extremely cost efficient. Some of the benefits of choosing metal when roofing Loudoun County include:

  • Longevity and Durability
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Water Tight
  • Fire Resistant

Longevity and Durability

One of the greatest benefits of this roofing compared to regular wood roofing with asphalt shingles is the unique longevity and durability of metal roofs when roofing Loudoun County. Most wood and asphalt roofing jobs last, at most, two decades—and ideally, your home will last longer than that. Standing seam metal roofing is not prone to the damage and wear that wood and asphalt shingles are, making their life span at least fifty years! If you don’t want to worry about replacing your roof any time soon, metal roofing should be at the top of your list of construction options.

For historical building applications, this type of roofing Loudoun County provides durability. It also provides the assurance that roof repairs won’t be necessary in the near future. Metal roofs will be sure to last as long as the home will last.

Energy Efficiency

For the homeowner looking to save big on energy costs, choosing metal when roofing Loudoun County is the ideal roofing choice. Because these roofing surfaces are reflective, they do not absorb the heat of the sun but instead reflect it. This will keep your home cool in the summer, but also warm in the winter as it a great insulator. It also won’t develop air leaks during the cold winter months. This roofing allows homeowners to save significantly on heating and air conditioning costs each year.

For equestrian applications, roofing Loudoun County with metal roofs make all the differences in a stable especially during the hot summer months. As with homeowners, it also saves business owners a great deal of money each year on heating and air conditioning.

Watertight and Fire Resistant

A metal roof also better protects your home from the elements. In the event of rain or snow, metal is watertight, so you won’t be at the mercy of a leaky or drafty roof. More importantly, a metal roof is lighter than a usual wood and asphalt roof. This removes concerns of large amounts of snowfall making your roof dangerously heavy.

Perhaps the best quality of residential metal for roofing is that they are fire resistant. Few things are as devastating as a house fire, and a metal roof will ensure that roofing Loudoun County does not contribute to the ignition or growth of flames. This is especially valuable in equine applications where hay and other flammable materials are stored near the roof in lofts. Metal materials, just as any other roofing material, can also be grounded if there is any concern about the possibility of lightning strikes.

For historic building applications, metal ensures preservation in that the building will receive protection from leaks, wind damage, and fire damage.


Metal roofing has a great deal to offer the homes, business, and historic landmarks of Loudoun County, and elsewhere. With many options to choose from in regard to color, style, and metal, this type of roofing will not only provide you with a long-lasting, durable roof, but it will also enable you to save significantly on energy bills by keeping your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

When roofing Loudoun County, metal is a good choice as it provides an extra layer of protection to your home, be it from the weather, like rain, snow, and wind, or from disasters like fires and hurricanes. Regardless of your design preferences or preservation goals, metal roofs offers homeowners, above all, a beautiful roof—and peace of mind.

Blog Residential Roofing

How To Clean A Metal Roof: Tips And Tricks For Metal Roof Cleaning

There are many reasons to have a metal roof installed. They’re attractive, easy to maintain, and can be sturdier than a traditional roof. However, like all roofs, you do need to keep them maintained to keep them at their best. With a metal roof, though, it’s actually a lot easier. Here’s how to clean a metal roof, and keep it looking good all year round.

Why Clean Your Metal Roof?

Most homeowners won’t even think about cleaning their roof. Why would you need to clean it? The simple answer is because it helps the roof last for longer. It’s subject to a lot of issues, such as debris falling on it, rain, mold, mildew, and more. If these issues are allowed to build up over time, then they can reduce the lifespan of the roof. In extreme cases, the roof will need to be replaced if it’s subjected to too much damage.

Luckily though, this is easy to avoid. You can easily wash your own roof. Keep these issues from building up by learning how to clean a metal roof. Use this guide to help you get the most out of metal roof cleaning.

How To Clean a Metal Roof

Now, you need to know how to clean a metal roof. It’s actually quite simple, and any homeowner can do it. Just be sure to follow these steps:

Step one: Ensure that you’ll be safe to work on the roof. Use a safety rope and harness if needed, and have someone help you to ensure your safety as you’re cleaning.

Step two: Create the solution needed for cleaning. You’ll need half a cup of Tri-Sodium Phosphate (TSP) and a gallon of water. The TSP can be bought any good hardware store.

Step three: Get on the roof and scrape away any excess paint or corrosion if necessary. Use a wire brush for this step, but don’t use any metal tools as they could damage your roof.

Step four: Use a soft brush to scrub away mold and mildew with your TSP solution. This should be enough to get most stains off your roof.

Step five: Now you’ll need to rinse your roof to remove the solution and get it really clean. The best way to do this is with a power washer. Plain water should be enough to remove any dirt that’s left on the roof.

Step six: If you had to remove paint or corrosion, now you’ll have to repaint the sections you scraped. Make sure you use a primer to help the paint stick properly and last longer on the roof.

Tips For Metal Roof Cleaning

There’s a few ways you can make metal roof cleaning easier and get the job done well. Here’s some tips from the experts:

  • When you power wash the roof, make sure that you’re getting everything. You don’t want any residual detergent on there, as it can cause damage to the roof and that will cause bigger problems for you later down the line.
  • Keep an eye on your energy levels. If your metal roof is poorly maintained, then the energy will just go up and out of the roof. If you keep it clean and well kept though, this shouldn’t be a problem.
  • Remember, some deposits on your roof can actually cause it to rust. This doesn’t become as much of a problem if you have your roof properly painted and sealed, but it can still happen. Make sure you’re keeping an eye on your roof to keep it in good condition.
  • Check with your roof manufacturer before you clean your roof for the first time, to see what they recommend. They may have another kind of detergent they recommend for their roofs, so ensure you’re using the right product for the job.
  • Ensure you’re diluting your detergent properly. Some metal cleaners are slightly corrosive, so you need to ensure you’re diluting them correctly. If you don’t, you could actually cause damage to your roof.

DIY Or Professional Cleaning?

Now that you know how to clean a metal roof, you may be wondering whether you should clean your roof yourself, or have a professional come do it for you. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and it can come down to personal preference.

If you do the job yourself, you can save cash by getting out there and washing your own roof. You can do it whenever you have a spare weekend, and take satisfaction in a job well done. However, you could end up making mistakes and even damaging your roof if you’re not careful.

A professional company will have the expertise and the knowledge to clean your roof well. They’ll do it safely too, so there’s less chance of damage to the roof. However, this can cost you if you want a good service.

Painting Your Roof

Another good way to maintain your metal roof is to have it painted. It’s aesthetically a good choice, as you can have almost any color you want, and it will add a lot to the appearance of your home. As well as this, a properly painted and sealed roof will hold up against the elements and help it live longer.

You can either have the roof painted by professionals or do it yourself. Both are good options, but it’s only really a good idea to do it yourself if you’re experienced. A professional team can use the right tools to get the job done well first time, as well as get it done safely.

If you do choose to paint your roof, ensure that you’re both priming your roof and sealing it properly. If you don’t, the paint can start to peel off. This creates more work for you later on, and results in a lot of wasted time.

So, there you have it, here’s how to clean a metal roof. Metal roof cleaning is easier than you’d think, so follow these tips and give it ago. You’ll keep your roof clean and in good condition for years to come, with just a bit of elbow grease.

Blog Metal Roofing

How To Give Your Barn Roof An Upgrade

As we head towards the fall, it’s time to think about giving that old barn some TLC. No matter what you want to use it for, it’s going to take some abuse from the elements in the coming months. Rain, snow and wind can all do a number on it, especially the roof. Here’s why upgrading the barn roof can be the best thing to do before fall comes in this year.

Why Upgrade Your Barn Roof?

Before you start ripping that roof off, you’re going to need to think about why your barn roof needs upgrading. That barn can be put to many uses all year round. These include:

  • A place to keep animals in the colder months, where you can keep them together and keep them warm.
  • Creating an office. If you work from home and need the space to work, away from the rest of the home, the barn can be the best place to do it.
  • Give the children their own space. If your children need a space of their own, the barn could be just the thing for them.
  • Build a new man cave or entertainment escape. If you’ve ever wanted your own home theater or pool hall, then this is the space to convert.

If you convert your barn roof, it can go a long way towards creating a barn that’s useable all year around. Whether the building is housing animals or your collection of kung fu movies, it will keep the elements out and keep the barn warm and dry.

Take A Look At Your Existing Roof

If you feel your barn roof needs an upgrade, the first thing you need to do is get up there and take a look at it for yourself. You’ll need to know what kind of condition the current barn roof is in before you can start taking action. Is it in salvageable condition, or will the whole thing need to be replaced?

First of all, get a ladder and take a look at the roofing close up. You’re looking for any signs of wear or damage that could mean that water has got inside the roof. Warped roofing tiles, missing tiles, and blocked gutters are all a problem. If the gutters are blocked, clear them out to allow water to flow again.

Then, go inside the barn and take a look at the inside of the roof. You’re looking for any chinks of lights that are coming through from outside, or beams that are suffering from mold or rot. If you see this, the roof will need to be replaced.

Replacing Your Roof

Now that you’ve examined the barn roof, you’ll have to decide if it needs to be replaced. If it’s suffering from several of the issues mentioned above, especially mold or rot, then it’s probably going to need to be replaced.

To find out for certain, though, you’ll have to call in a roofing company that specializes in barn roofing to take a look at it for you. They’ll do their own checks, and then confirm with you what needs to be done. As this will often be a quote, they may come out for free. Check with the company before you call them.

Replacing Your Roof With Metal

So, the roof on the barn needs to be replaced. What are you going to do? You can go back with a traditional roof, but these do require a lot of upkeep. They’re also prone to letting the elements in, so you don’t want to take that risk again.

Instead, now may be the time to consider having a metal roof installed. There are many reasons why they’re perfect for barns. These include:

  • Extended lifespan: On average, metal roofs last much longer than traditional roofs. They’re often backed by their companies for up to 50 years.
  • Can stand up to the elements: The metals used in roofing are tough, and can take a lot when it comes to the weather. Even snow will just slide right off it. It’s a good idea if you deal with extreme inclement weather where you live.
  • Can be installed quickly: Metal roofs are much easier to install, as they come in sheets. Once the sheets are in place, then the roof is ready.
  • Fire safety: If you’re concerned about the safety of your barn, a metal roof can go a long way towards making it safer. Metal, of course, isn’t flammable, so it’s a good precaution to have in place in case of a fire. In fact, most metal roofs have a Class A rating, when shingle roofs have a Class C typically.

Maintaining Your Roof

Once you’ve had the roof installed, you can then start enjoying it right away. However, like all home improvements, you’ll have to take care of it to keep it going for longer. Luckily, a metal roof takes much less work than you would expect.

Firstly, make sure you get up on the roof every now and then and take a good look at the roof. Ensure that the gutters aren’t blocked, and that there’s no damage to the roof itself.

It’s also worth considering painting your roof. It adds a layer of protection to it, as well as helping your roof blend in with the rest of the property. It’s often best to have a professional come in and paint it, to ensure the paint job lasts properly.

Finally, ensure you clean it on a regular basis. A mild solution of soap and water should be enough to clean off most dirt on the roof. That way, your roof will be looking brand new for a long time.

Upgrading your barn roof can really breathe new life into your barn, and the property in general. No matter what you’re using it for you’ll have a barn that will be inviting to everybody in the home. Get started today, and you’ll be able to use your barn no matter what the weather’s like.

Blog Metal Roofing

Going Modern with Metal Roof Material

Homes everywhere utilize metal roof material to provide energy savings, beauty, and protection that lasts. The exciting thing about metal roofing is that it is available in a wide variety of designs to complement any style home. Offered in a rainbow of colors, your metal roof can be a traditional vertical seam profile, or be manufactured to resemble wood shake, slate, shingles, or clay tiles.

The Benefits of Metal Roof Material

Thinking about going metal? Compared to conventional roofing materials, there are many benefits for choosing this versatile material for you home.

Metal Roofing Endures

Properly installed, a metal roof should last a long time, sealing out water, surviving high winds, and easily shedding snow. Metal is resistant to fire, mildew, insects, and rot. Warranties vary widely, but most companies back their products for 20 to 50 years. Paint finishes typically have a 30-year limited warranty.

Lightweight Metal Saves Money

Metal roofing only weights 50-150 lbs per square, and can experts install them on top of an existing roof. This avoids the need for taking off the old roof. This reduces waste and disposal of the old roof. If you are building a house or an addition, you can often downsize or reduce the number of roof support members, saving money on building materials.

Metal Roof Material Installs Easily and Quickly

Unlike other roofing materials, metal roof material comes in multiple-shingle sections that 12-36 inches wide, so it goes up faster. Time is a huge benefit during inclement weather. When you expose your roof for less time, it’s less likely that there will be rain damage to the structure.

Metal Works Well for Low-pitched Roofs

Metal roofs do not pose as much of a leaking hazard as other materials when used on a low-pitched roof. The minimum roof pitch for a metal roof is a 3 inch rise every horizontal foot.

Metal Roofing is Fire Resistant

Metal roofs are non-combustible and given a Class A rating as the material with the most fire resistance. This rating is lowered to Class C when the metal roof is installed over an existing combustible material like wood shingles.

Sun-reflecting Metal Saves Energy

When the midday sun heats up, metal reflects the sun’s rays, saving energy needed for air conditioning your house. For better insulation, some systems utilize the air space between the metal roofing and the existing structure and save on heating bills as well by utilizing a dense foam insulation or other material.

Metal Sheds Rain and Snow

Because metal roof material is designed to interlock while also being hard and slick, it easily repels rain and snow. You greatly reduce the chance of leaks with a metal roof when water and snow doesn’t sit on the roof for long periods of time.

Metal Roof Material is Better for the Environment

You’ll save money with metal, but you’ll also be doing your part of the environment. You can install metal roofs over existing roofs as well. This eliminates the need for tearing off and disposing of the existing roof. This saves landfills from some of the estimated 20 billion pounds of waste that results when conventional roofs are torn off and replaced. Another eco-friendly feature of metal roofs is that many utilize reflective pigment technology, which lowers utility bills. Not only that, but metal roofs are manufactured from 30-60% recycled material.

The Drawbacks of Metal Roofing

Metal Roofs can be Noisy

Depending on your noise tolerance, metal roofs may be undesirable because of the sound of the rain pounding on the roof in a storm. You can control some of the noise using sound-deadening insulation and plywood sheathing under the metal. For some, though, the sound is not a drawback but an enjoyable sound.

Dents are a Possibility

Depending on the type of metal roof, there is a chance that it could dent in the event of a bad hailstorm or if it is necessary to walk on the roof for a home repair. Softer metals like aluminum and copper will dent easily. However, other types of metal have a guarantee to not dent.

Metal Roofs can be Difficult to Replace

Because metal roofs are installed in larger pieces, replacing one of the pieces is a much bigger repair than simply replacing one shingle. They also can be difficult to match if you put on an addition.

Lightning Might be an Issue

Some homeowners worry about a lightning strike with a metal roof, although it may be more likely for lightning to strike a tree next to your house than the actual roof. Concerned homeowners can have the roof grounded by a lightning protection company.

Metal Expands and Contracts

As it warms and cools, metal expands and contracts, so most new products have fastening systems that accommodate movement. On hot days, the expansion and contraction of the roof may cause a wavy effect.

Must Take Care with Metal so it Does Not Mar

Some painted metal roof finishes can peel, chip, fade, scratch, or chalk, although nearly all are guaranteed for 30 years. During installation and anytime it is necessary to walk on the roof, care must be taken to prevent marring of the metal.

The Biggest Drawback is Cost

When it comes to residential metal roofing, you are not only paying more for a higher quality material than asphalt shingle, but you are also paying for a more costly, professional installation that requires specialized skills, expertise, and equipment. Keep in mind that there are factors that may influence your final price for a new metal roof. These include the type of metal and the roof style you choose. It also includes your geographic location, and the overall complexity of the roof. The good news is that because metal roof material lasts so long, you ultimately save the difference if you stay in the house for a long time.

Aside from the few drawbacks, metal roofing could be the last roof you will need to purchase for your home, giving you years of protection. Particularly in areas with extreme weather, a metal roof can withstand any conditions that Mother Nature brings. If you are ready to make the leap and try metal roof material on your home, you can find many ideas for any style of home: colonial, historic, contemporary, and rustic and even see how your own home will look with a metal roof.


Metal Roofing Blog

5 Reasons Why You Should Try Metal Roofing

You noticed the trickle of water down the bricks of your fireplace. You saw it first a few months ago, and now it’s happening again. This time it’s more than a trickle, so you call in a roofing contractor, who delivers the news—you need a new roof.

Now you must decide what type of material you want for the roof—asphalt, wood, slate, tile, or metal. You’ve seen metal roofs on some of your neighbors’ houses, and you think they are very attractive. It also makes sense to you that they would last a long time because of the durability of metal. But beyond that, you know little about them.

Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing metal roofing:

Metal Roofing Lasts Longer

Metal is a term that covers quite a bit of territory. Here is a list of the most popular types of metal roofing material. Keep in mind that these materials are low-maintenance and will last two to three times longer than an asphalt roof. They usually carry a 20 to 40-year warranty, but many will last much longer:

  • Galvanized G-90 steel: Long-lasting but is subject to corrosion in salt-spray environments near the ocean. It’s frequently chosen because of its low cost.
  • Galvalume steel: Zinc and aluminum coated steel that’s more expensive but longer lasting than G-90.
  • Aluminum: Second in popularity to steel, it lasts longer than steel but costs much less than premium metals like copper. Suitable for coastal areas.
  • Copper: The most durable of the roofing materials, it can last for over one hundred years. Because of its high cost, however, it is often used sparingly as an accent above bay windows or porches.

Lightweight and Fire-resistant

Some roofing materials, including asphalt shingles and wood shakes, are less resistant to fire than others. Metal roofing is one of the materials that is recommended as a safer option. It is recognized by fire departments and by building codes across the country for its resistance to flames.

Although other materials—tile, for instance—are also fire-resistant, they are heavy and more likely to collapse. Because of this, firefighters cannot safely go inside a burning house with tile roofing for fear of losing their life or, at the very least, injuries. With a lighter weight metal roof, it is safer for them to go inside and fight the fire more efficiently.

Even if it’s not your house that’s burning, embers from a fire in your neighborhood can land on your roof. A metal roof offers protection from that, too.

Saves Money and the Environment

Installing a reflective metal roof can save you up to 40% in cooling expenses. Highly emissive metal roofs, either pre-painted or granular coated, can reduce urban air temperatures by as much as 12 degrees. Not only do these roof systems reflect most solar radiation, but they re-emit any radiation that is absorbed.

Since most metal roofing comes in larger sections, a contractor can install it quickly, giving it another money-saving feature.

If those savings aren’t enough, in some states you can get a homeowner’s insurance discount of up to 35%.

Also, since most metal roofing has 30-60% recycled material and can be installed directly onto an existing asphalt roof. This speeds up installation and helps to reduce landfill waste. Traditional roofing products, which include asphalt shingles, add approximately 20 billion pounds of waste to U.S. landfills annually.

Another environmental plus: Metal roofing material is 100% recyclable at the end of its service, making it an economical and environmentally-friendly choice.


Metal roofing is one of the toughest, most maintenance-free roofing materials available. When compared to asphalt shingles, it is much sturdier and better able to resist rot, mildew, the wind, and termites. Some metal roofs come with a 50-year warranty, and the replacement cycle is over three times longer than with typical asphalt shingles.

It’s recommended that you use baked-on enamel finishes with rustproof undercoating that are warranted for the life of the product. The finish won’t crack, and those little granules on asphalt shingles won’t be shedding. So, you won’t be climbing there to scoop them out of the gutter every spring and fall.

There are two types of rust-proof undercoating. For reliable protection from rust, The Metal Roofing Alliance recommends:

  • For galvanized zinc undercoating: A galvanizing thickness level of at least G-90
  • Galvalume undercoating: Thickness levels of AZ-50 or AZ-55

Looks Great

Do you picture barns and airport hangars when someone mentions a metal roof? It’s no longer true. Metal is a smart look for your home, and with a broad range of styles and colors, they are quickly catching on. In addition to the standing seam panels–those with ridges running from the peak to the eaves—new metal roofing includes products that mimic slate, clay tiles, and wood shakes.

Don’t believe the most common myths about metal roofing.

  • A metal roof will not increase the risk of lightning striking your house. If lightning does hit your house, your metal roof will disperse the energy safely throughout the structure.
  • They are not noisier than other types of roofing. If installing over solid sheathing, a metal roof will make no more noise than an asphalt roof.
  • They are not susceptible to rust. Either premium G-90 galvanizing or an anti-corrosion aluminum/zinc coating covers the metal.
  • Metal roofs do not dent easily. They can withstand hail, high winds, and heavy snow.
  • In the long run, they are not expensive. A metal roof can last a lifetime, increase the resale value of your home, and reduce your cooling costs by as much as 40%.

The extra investment in a metal roof is an excellent value for anyone looking for longevity, appearance, and performance in their new roof. It only takes a little research to understand why so many people are choosing metal as their next roofing purchase.



Metal Roofing Blog

4 Reasons to Choose Metal Roofing Panels

The roof is one of the most important components of your home. It is responsible for keeping your family and your personal belongings protected from the elements. Neglecting the roof can cause serious damages to the structure of your home. It can also pose a health risk, should mold and mildew occur from a leaking roof. If you are considering replacing the roof on your home, you will have several roofing materials to choose from, including metal roofing panels.

Why Choose Metal Roofing Panels?

Metal has become a popular choice in roofing materials because of the number of benefits it provides. There are many benefits of metal roofing panels, which we discuss below.

Maintenance and Longevity

One of the best benefits of choosing metal roofing panels is the low maintenance requirements. There is little to no maintenance required and a metal roof can last 50 years or longer, even in the harshest weather conditions. Metal roofing panels are unable to grow mold, so it maintains the aesthetic appeal without the need to routinely clean it.

Weather Resistant

Unlike asphalt shingles that can be ripped away in high winds or break down due to high UV exposure, metal is not easily ripped away and it does not break down. Environmental elements, such as snow and rain can wreck havoc on asphalt shingles, especially when the moisture is allowed to sit on the shingles. Metal is resistant to high winds, snow, rain and heat. Melting snow and rain simple run off of the metal as opposed to puddling, which can damage the structure of your home.

Energy Efficient & Environmentally Friendly

The majority of metal roofs is treated with a specialized paint that reflects the heat of the rays of the sun. This makes a metal roof incredibly energy efficient, even in the hot summer months. It is common for many people to think that metal is not a very eco friendly roof, but the truth is, it is one of the most environmentally friendly materials used. The metal used for roofing materials is typically recycled metal and if you ever decide to replace the roof, the metal can be recycled again.

Increased Home Value

A metal roof can add significant value to your home. Because of the ease of maintenance and the longevity of the metal, a prospective home buyer knows they don’t have to worry about replacing the roof immediately after purchasing the home. Metal roofing panels may also help save money on your homeowners insurance, because it is fire resistant.

A metal roof can also be installed to resemble other traditional materials, such as cedar shake, asphalt shingles or tile. Metal roofing panels are available in a number of beautiful colors and styles, and can enhance the look of any style or age home.

Residential Roofing Blog

The Metal Roofing Cost Can Be Worth the Investment

Depending which part of the country you live in, you might be familiar with metal roofs on homes and commercial buildings. Other regions don’t often venture away from asphalt shingles or shakes. But it is worth getting acquainted with metal as a roofing material because there are many upsides to going this route when you are facing a roof replacement. Because of this, the metal roofing cost can be worth the initial investment. The metal roofing cost is between $5.50 and $12.00 per square foot according to a roofing calculator. To get a better estimate, call us today for a free quote!

Although metal roofs cost more than other materials, it pays off in the long run. Let’s take a look at how the metal roofing cost can be worth this investment.


Durability is the key feature of metal roofing material. It is ideal for areas of the country that get a lot of stormy weather, and it holds up well under the weight of heavy snowfall. Some of the lighter materials, such as aluminum, can help keep your home cooler in the summer. The average metal roof lasts much longer than one with asphalt shingles. Many metals are rated to last 60 years or more. Plus, in high winds you won’t have worry about chasing loose shingles around the yard or climbing a ladder to replace them. Because of its durability, it is a common roofing material for Virginia.


One of the biggest drawbacks to other roofing materials is that they harbor the growth of moss and mold. This is an issue in places with a lot of rain, dark skies, and snow. The benefits of metal roofs include resistance to this type of growth due to their flat facades and inhospitable profile. Because the surface doesn’t have any nooks and crannies for the moss to start growing, the organisms look for a different place to call home.


Metal roofs come in a variety of materials, colors, and coatings. The sheets can have decorate ribbing or textural patterns. Just because you choose a metal roof does not mean your house’s topper has to look boring.

There are myriad benefits to a standing seam metal roofing option if you wish to explore this option for your next remodel. Think about these upsides when making your decision.

Residential Roofing Blog

Four Reasons Quality Metal Roofing Is a Great Option

When you are looking at different roofing materials, you may look at quality metal roofing and wonder how that could benefit your home. There are many reasons that metal is a great option, with the following being just a few:


When you have a metal roof installed, you do not need to worry that it will cave in every time it snows. In a lot of cases, each square is somewhere between 50 and 150 pounds each. If you are building a new home, the lightweight roof can cut down on the amount of roof supports needed.


Quality metal roofing is a lifetime roof. As long as they are installed and maintained properly, they are expected to last up to 50 years. These roofs are resistant to rotting, insect damage, fire and mildew, which means that there is not a whole lot that can damage the roof. For this reason, they are highly sought after when homeowners are looking to improve their homes.

Energy Efficiency

In order to save on energy bills, there are some common home improvements that could be made. Installing a metal roof is one of those. The heat of the sun is reflected from the metal roof during the day. This makes it unnecessary to run the air conditioner as much as you would otherwise. Additionally, it blocks heat from leaving during the winter. This allows you to cut down on the amount of time the heater is on.

Installation Time

The shingles or panels that make up a metal roof make it easy to install. Most metal roofing contractors have it down to a science and can get repairs done quickly in the aftermath of a storm. When you are short on time, a quality metal roofing might be the right option for your home.

Whether you are building a new home to begin with or replacing the roof on your existing home, quality metal roofing is a great option. Because it is lightweight, lasts a long time, is energy efficient and takes little time to install, many homeowners choose it for their homes.

Residential Roofing Blog

Busting Myths About Sheet Metal Roofing

Improving the look of your home can be as simple as adding a new roof. Instead of replacing your standard shingles, create an entirely new, modern look with sheet metal roofing. If you are hesitant to use the material, having heard some tales, learn the true story behind these five common myths.

Common Sheet Metal Roofing Myths

As with everything that begins to gain popularity, there are undoubtedly questions about it. There are many questions, and myths, surrounding sheet metal roofing. To gain a deeper understanding of this type of roofing material, we explain the four common myths about sheet metal roofing.

Myth #1: It will be too heavy.

This is a very common myth, because it seems to make sense. Despite being made of metal, which is typically considered a heavy material, roofing slats are not. They can weigh as much as 65 percent less than fiberglass, and 75 percent less than clay or slate. Because of this, sheet metal roofing is a great, light-weight option for your next roofing project.

Myth #2: It will be difficult to remove my old roofing.

Standing seam metal roofing installation can be quick work because the new materials can be installed right over your existing asphalt, fiberglass or composition shingles, providing there are no more than two layers. Instead of having to fully remove your old, existing roof, you can install a metal roof over shingles, or whichever material you used previously.

Myth #3: It will cost too much.

It is true that metal is more expensive initially than some other materials, but you need to factor in long-term costs of sheet metal roofing. Consider the following:

  • A copper or stainless steel roof can last for 50 years or more
  • It requires little to no maintenance
  • Asphalt shingles last an average of only 15 years
  • It will increase the chance of being hit by lightning.

While metal does conduct electricity, it does not attract it. If lighting does strike your rooftop, the material will disperse the current across it, just as it does when you are sitting in a car. Metal can actually be safer because it is not flammable.

Myth #4: I won’t be able to walk on it.

Never fear, you can still hang up Christmas lights with a metal topper. Check with the material manufacturer or professional installation company to learn how to properly walk on yours.

Make your roofing decision with confidence knowing there are plenty of benefits to installing sheet metal roofing. Take advantage of the chance to improve the look of your house, save money long term, and reduce possible fire damage by installing a metal roof on your home.

Residential Roofing Blog

Benefits of Metal Roofing Orange County

If you are considering a new roof, metal roofing Orange County is becoming a very good option. Metal roofs offer many benefits to your home, including environmental, beauty and durability. More architects and builders are utilizing metal roofs because it is practically maintenance free and will complement many styles. It comes in a variety of colors and will last long time.

What Are the Benefits of Metal Roofing Orange County?

Metal roofing Orange County offers both aesthetic benefits, along with performance benefits. Not only are metal roofs beautiful and long-lasting, but they help protect your entire home. Here are the most common benefits of using metal roofing in Orange County, Virginia.

Energy Efficient

Metal roofing that is lighter in color is very reflective. Instead of absorbing heat and making your air conditioner work harder, the roof reflects the heat so that your attic and other rooms close to the top of your house stay cooler. Because the climate of Orange County ranges from 27 degrees (F) to 88 degrees (F), your roof has to be able to protect you during both the summer months, and the cold winter months.

Recycled Materials

Metal roofs are often made from recycled material. Its smooth surface lends itself well to rain harvesting, because unlike asphalt shingles, it will not have small particles from the shingle or even chemicals in the runoff. If you recycle rainwater, a metal roof can provide you with more opportunities to catch runoff.

Fire Resistant

Many homeowner’s insurance companies will reduce rates when you have a metal roof installed. It will increase the resale value of your home because it lasts so much longer than asphalt shingles. It should not to be replaced every ten years. Metal roofs are very tough and resistant to hail and wind damage, and they have a noncombustible class “A” rating which is the highest fire safe roof rating. Metal roofs are treated so that they will not react to lightning strikes.

Easy to Maintain

Metal roofing Orange County is extremely safe and easy to maintain. If your roof becomes dingy from air pollutants, it can be cleaned with a high pressure hose. Your metal roof can be painted if you want to update the look of your home.

Consider replacing your current roof with metal roofing Orange County. You will save money on your heating bills and have the peace of mind knowing your roof will last for many years in all kinds of weather. Discuss your roofing needs with a professional roofer to make the best choice for your home.

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