Blog Metal Roof Painting

Benefits Of Painting a Metal Roof (And How To DIY Metal Roofing)

Painting a metal roof, whether you hire a professional or take on the metal roof DIY, can add years to its lifespan.

Metal roofs are becoming more popular with homeowners, and it’s easy to see why. They’re durable, easy to install, and can last as long as your home does. If you have a metal roof or you are thinking of installing one, you should also consider painting it. Below are the benefits of painting a metal roof and how you should go about it if you are planning on taking the metal roof DIY route.

What Are Benefits Of A Metal Roof?

If you’re considering buying a new roof, a metal roof could be the way to go. They’re especially popular in warmer climates and when you read the benefits, you’ll soon see why:

  • Long lasting: A metal roof will last just as long as the house it’s on, if installed properly. They effectively seal out moisture and harsh weather, protecting your home from mold, rot, and other issues. Snow easily slides off it too, meaning your roof won’t get damaged from heavy snow sitting on it.
  • Fire resistance: A metal roof is more or less impervious to fire, so most will have a class A fire rating. If you’re looking to make your home as safe as possible, it could be a good way to go.
  • Heat reduction: Metal roofs are excellent at reflecting heat, so your home will be a lot cooler during the day. Because of this, you’ll find that you’ll spend a lot less on air conditioning, saving both energy and money.

Benefits Of Painting a Metal Roof

Once you’ve had the roof installed, you can leave it in its original condition. However, many homeowners choose to have the roof painted. There are a lot of reasons for painting a metal roof, including the following:

  • Increasing cooling effect: As mentioned above, metal roofs are much better at reflecting heat. You can improve that effect by painting a metal roof a lighter color. Doing so can increase the cooling effect significantly.
  • Air conditioning savings: Using a light color can also drastically reduce the air conditioning in your home even further. In fact, in some homes it can decrease by up to 50%. This will appeal to you depending on the weather conditions of where you live.
  • Improved aesthetics: If you’re looking to improve the look of your home, then painting the roof is an easy and fairly inexpensive way to do it. You can paint it any color you choose so that your home can have a unique look.
  • Improve lifespan of the roof: A metal roof is much easier to repair and touch up than a tiled roof. Even if it begins to rust, the issue can be fixed. This can be done by sanding down the rust back to the metal, priming the spot, and repainting it.
  • Easy to touch up: While on the subject of touch ups, repainting spots on the roof is easy. If you’re using the right paint, it shouldn’t fade. That means you can keep can of the paint, and touch up spots if needed


Metal Roof DIY vs. Professional Painting

If you’re painting a metal roof, you’ll then need to decide just how you’ll get the job done. You can either hire a professional to paint your roof, or choose to metal roof DIY. Here are the benefits of both options:

Hiring a professional:

  • Save time on doing the job yourself, freeing yourself up to get other jobs done around the home.
  • If you’re not too confident about painting the roof, then you can trust a professional to do it the right way.
  • A professional will have all the right equipment to get the job done properly, including ladders and painting equipment.

DIY painting:

  • Will be much cheaper as you’re not paying for labor.
  • Can pick any color you like for your roof.
  • If you’re handy at DIY, the job can be much quicker than you think.

What To Avoid If You Metal Roof DIY

If you choose to go the DIY route when painting a metal roof, then there will be steps to take to ensure that you do the best job. Here’s what you can do to make sure your roof will look good for years to come:

  • Don’t use leftover paint on your roof: Many homeowners find they have paint leftover from painting the house, and decide to just slap it on their roof. However, this will not give you the best results. The best paint to use is 100% latex acrylic paint. This is because metal roofs expand in the heat, and this kind of paint will expand with it.
  • Don’t forget sealant: Before you paint your roof, it’s essential that you use a sealant. This will seal the roof and ensure that the paint sticks to the surface, using chemical bonds. Without it, paint will just flake off the metal. Make sure you research the sealant to make sure it’s compatible with the paint you’re planning to use.
  • Don’t use a non energy efficient paint: As your roof will help you reflect heat from your home, it would be remiss of you not to use a paint that can boost those properties. There are energy efficient paints out there that will boost the reflective properties of your roof, so don’t miss the opportunity to use them.
  • Don’t forget to check on your roof after painting it: Many homeowners paint their roof, and then forget all about it. This means the roof can start looking dirty, worn and unpleasant. Every six months, ensure that you get up and wash the roof using a mixture of water and liquid detergents. Sweep the roof every few weeks to remove debris, which can encourage pests. Finally, check for bald spots in the paint, and touch them up when needed.

It’s clear that choosing a metal roof can bring many benefits. They are easy to install, and can reduce the energy your home uses by a surprising amount. Painting a metal roof only amplifies these effects. Whether you hire a professional or choose to metal roof DIY, painting your roof can add years to its lifespan.

Metal Roofing Blog

6 Signs You Need a Metal Roof Repair Professional

There are many benefits of choosing metal roofing for your house, but just like any type of material, there comes a time where metal roof repair is essential.

Metal roofs are a popular option among property owners due to their average lifespan of over 50 years. However, these low-maintenance roofs still require some upkeep to ensure they are in top condition. Over the years, contact with tree limbs, harsh weather and debris can create damage that places your property at risk for leaks. As you inspect your roof, keep an eye out for these signs that you need metal roof repair.

When is Metal Roof Repair Necessary?

Metal roofing materials are often seen on commercial and historical buildings, yet they are growing in residential popularity. This is because, as home prices continue to increase, we are seeing more and more homeowners choose to repair and renovate their home, rather than move. Metal options provide homeowners with the longest durability and lifespan over other roofing materials, making the initial cost justifiable.

However, like any material, there comes a time when repair can’t wait:

1. Punctures and Tears

The metal used on your roof is sturdy enough to be walked on, yet it is best to limit the amount of weight that is put on it. Occasionally, a tear or puncture will develop when work is being done on your home, and you may need a metal roof repair company to fix it. Since caulking is only a temporary measure, it is best to limit access to your metal roof to only professionals who understand how to move on the roofing materials without causing damage.

2. Loose Seams

Metal expands and contracts as different weather and elements hit it. This movement can cause separation between the metal as the screws loosen. Once the seams have become loose, water can seep down in between and cause a roof leak. Fortunately, this is one problem that can be easily remedied if the loose screws are discovered quickly.

3. Blow-Offs

A metal roof that is professionally installed is less likely to experience a blow-off, but they do happen. People who live in harsh climates with high winds are at greater risk for blow-offs. Make sure that the roof’s flashing is attached well. Promptly have any loose seams and gaps repaired so that you can avoid this costly problem. In order to prevent blow-offs, you should have a metal roofing contractor inspect your roof yearly.

4. Corrosion and Rust

At install, your roof should have been sealed with a non-corrosive agent that protects it from wet weather. However, the seal may not have been applied correctly, or it could have become damaged. If you have more than one type of metal on your roof, then contact between certain metals can cause corrosion. For example, copper should never touch aluminum. If you see any amount of rust or corrosion, it is important to have a professional identify the cause since it could indicate more serious roof problems that may need metal roof repair.

5. Deteriorating Sealant

Sealants are used around the seams and edges of metal roofs as an additional protection against water damage. Although your roof can last anywhere between 50 and 100 years, sealants typically last for no more than 20 years. It is also important to note that severe weather conditions can cause sealant to break down faster. Having the sealant replaced when it is necessary will protect your roof. This can prevent serious damage such as rust and corrosion. By replacing the sealant every 20 years or so, you have a better chance of avoiding serious problems that need metal roof repair.

6. Worn Paint

Paint serves as an additional form of waterproof coating on metal roofs. However, paint is susceptible to chips and dents due to hail and falling debris. Fluctuating temperatures can also cause paint to wear out. Chipped and thinning paint is not only unsightly, but it can lead to rust if the metal becomes exposed to the elements so schedule a touch up if you notice metal peeking through the painted surface.

Proper care and maintenance will ensure that your metal roof lasts for many years. While metal is one of the sturdiest roofing materials available, it is important to remember that it will still require some maintenance. Making sure to have regular inspections and repairs done to your metal roof will protect your home from costly water leaks that will require metal roof repair to fix.

Piedmont Roofing Can Help

Piedmont Roofing has been serving Virginia with metal roof repair and installation since 1977. Our expertise ranges from residential, to commercial, to barn roofs and historical roofing projects. Because of this, our team will personally meet you and determine your needs – ensuring that every client gets the highest quality of service while ensuring transparency. If you are in need of roof repair or evaluation, contact our team today!

Blog Metal Roofing

3 Different Types Of Metal Roofs To Choose From

With so many different types of metal roofs to choose from, how do you pick the one that’s right for you? 

You’ve got a lot of choices when it comes to roofing materials. Firstly, you’ve got to decide on a metal roof over all the other options out there. There’s lots of reasons why you should do that, as they are incredibly hard wearing and easier to take of than other roofing types.

What Are The Different Types of Metal Roofs?

Metal roofing comes with many benefits. Not only is it extremely durable and weatherproof, but it is also visually appealing and can be customized to meet your style and needs. With a metal roof, you can choose from a variety of colors and applications while ensuring the safety and longevity of your home.

However, once you’ve decided on metal, you have to decide between the different types of metal roofs. Which one is going to work for you? Here are your options, and what you should know about them.

1. Copper

Copper is a roofing material that has been around for hundreds of years, so you know that it’s got staying power. Firstly, it’s an attractive building material that will make your home look amazing once it is installed. When it’s new, it has a beautiful red gold color that will complement your house to the fullest. Over time, the copper will gain a green patina that also looks great too. Many home owners get copper specifically because they want the green look that copper gives them over time.

Structurally, copper is actually very lightweight. That comes with a couple of benefits.

  • Firstly, being so light it’s very easy for roofers to work with.
  • Secondly, the light weight means that it puts a lot less stress on the house over time. Even though it’s light, it still has incredible staying power. There are copper roofs out there that have lasted for over a hundred years, so you can install it knowing it won’t need to be replaced for decades, if you take care of it.

If you’re going for an eco friendly home, then you’ll want a copper roof. These roofs are able to help you conserve energy, so you don’t have to worry about losing energy through them. You’ll also see they can be recycled. Once you do need to replace it, you don’t have to worry about it going into landfill.

There are some drawbacks to copper that you need to be aware of. Firstly, it’s more expensive than other roofing materials, so you’ll need to be prepared to pay for it. Given it’s longevity though, you’ll see that it can be worth the cost if you can pay it upfront. Also, the roof needs to be installed so rain can run off safely, without making contact with the house. If it does, it can cause staining, so be aware of that.

2. Aluminum Roofing

Aluminum roofing is one of the most common types of metal roofs. It’s incredibly abundant, so it makes it easy to obtain and work with. It’s popular as it can stand up to even the harshest weather conditions. You’ll very seldom see it rust, so it’s the perfect metal for homes near the sea, or for wet climates.

Like copper, aluminum is a very lightweight material. You’ll see that it’s much easier for roofers to install it, and it won’t place a lot of weight on the house itself. If you’re looking to choose between copper and aluminum, you’ll see that the latter is cheaper. Many people choose it as it gives you the same benefits but won’t cost as much in the long run.

As aluminum is so easy to come by, you won’t find it hard to get the materials you need to complete your roof. You’ll also see it’s easy to get roofers who know how to install aluminum roofing, too. It’s a stress free way to roof your home with metal.

When it comes to color, you’ll see that aluminium isn’t as attractive as its copper counterpart. This is because as it ages, it becomes washed out and spotty. This is usually counteracted with resins coated aluminum roofs, so you can get the color you want and the benefits of the metal. It’s also prone to denting if anything hits it, thanks to aluminum being a thinner building material. You won’t be able to use it if there are things like tree branches overhanging your roof.

3. Zinc

You may not have thought of zinc as a roofing material, but it’s one of the most popular types of metal roofs that’s gaining popularity in the construction industry. It’s an element that’s found in the earth’s crust, and so is simply extracted and used to fabricate the roofs. As it’s a pure element, there’s almost no toxicity in it even after it has been processed. It also ensures there’s no toxic run off when it rains, something that’s important for protecting the earth.

Zinc is another metal roofing material that lasts for years, being able to last for up to 100 years in the right conditions. It doesn’t need much maintenance, either. You’ll see that it’s ‘self healing’, thanks to the natural outer layer that it has. It can cope with most minor dings and scrapes, so you don’t have to worry about it. Many people get zinc roofs installed as they can install them and then forget them.

They’re a great option for hot climates, as they reflect heat back into the atmosphere. This reduces cooling needs in your home, saving you on energy costs and helping reduce your effect on the planet.

If you want to get a zinc roof, you’ll need to remember that they are an expensive option. Again like copper, if you want to make an investment that will last for a long time, you can investigate using zinc for your roof. You’ll need the right ventilation for your zinc roof, so you’ll need to include that in your plans to avoid damage to the roof long term. Also, be aware that if the roof is improperly sealed underneath, then it can start to corrode.

Final Thought

Along with standing seam, these three options are some of the most popular types of metal roofs. They’re all long lasting, easy to install, and look great. Pick the one with the best properties for you, and you’ll have a roof that both looks amazing and will stand the test of time.


What To Do If You Have Storm Damage To Your Roof

Is your house prepared to withstand storm damage? Learn what to do if you have storm damage on your roof.

No matter how well you take care of your roof, you can’t control the weather. If a heavy storm rolls by, storm damage will take its toll on the roof of your house. If that happens, what do you do next?

Here’s everything you need to know, so you can be prepared in case a storm happens near you.

Be Prepared

As with most home repair issues, the best thing to do is be prepared for a storm before one is even forecast. The better you shore up your roof’s defences, the better it will be able to cope with any storm that passes through.

Take a look at the trees that are near your roof. Are there any branches that are hanging near it, or even over it? Look into having those branches trimmed. If a bad storm comes through, those branches may fall off onto your roof. They could pull shingles off, or even punch holes into the roof itself. Trimming the branches back now eliminates that problem.

Inspect your roof if bad weather is on the way. You can get up there on a ladder, or bring in a roofer to do it for you if heights aren’t your thing. You’ll need to look for missing, curled or cracked shingles. These could be pulled off by high winds and let water in, so replace them now.

Get into your attic space and take a look at your roof from the inside, too. You’re looking for any daylight that’s coming in through gaps in the shingles. If you see any gaps, get them filled now before the bad weather comes.

Damage That Can Be Done By Storms

If you’ve already had a storm and encountered damage to your roof, then you’ll be seeing some of a variety of different issues.

In many cases, high winds will catch any loose shingles on the roof, pulling them up and in some cases pulling them away entirely. If you hadn’t inspected your roof recently before a storm hit, you may find that many shingles have been pulled away by the wind. Even if the shingles are a little loose, then this gives the wind leverage on them and so can pull them up off the roof.

If there were tree branches overhanging the roof, then you may be dealing with fallen branches too. These cause all kinds of damage that you’d much rather avoid. Even if they haven’t fallen off and hit your roof, they still cause problems thanks to their leaves.

These are easily pulled off the trees by the wind, and they’ll end up in the gutters of your roof. This causes blockages, a problem when you’re also dealing with rain.

Hail damage is something that you will have to look out for, too. If there was a hailstorm, the hailstones will have hit your roof with some force. In some cases, you can even see the dents the stones cause on metalwork on your roof, such as AC ducts.

Even if they haven’t done that, they can still ‘bruise’ your shingles. This is where they hit them with force and leave an indentation, or a ‘bruise’. Over time, this damages the integrity of the shingle and lets water in.

This leads us to water damage to your roof. With heavy rain or hail, coupled with blocked gutters from fallen leaves and other debris, you can easily get water in your roof. You’ll see if you have water damage if there’s water overflowing from the gutters, or if water is leaking into your home. You’ll see this in any water stains that start appearing on the ceiling of your home.

You’ll also want to check your attic, as water gets into your timbers holding your roof up, causing mold and mildew. Left unchecked, these cause serious damage and can even lead to a new roof needing to be fitted.

What To Do If You Have Storm Damage

The first thing to do after a storm is to take a look at your roof, and see what damage has occurred. As you would when you normally inspect your roof, you should take a look at the outside on a ladder, as well as getting into your attic and taking a look.

Look for any damage that you haven’t seen before, such as water damage, missing shingles, and so on.

If you see damage, you may be able to take some of the repair work on yourself. If you have spare shingles stored away, you can replace the ones that have been damaged. This is a fairly simple job, and you can find guides on how to do it online.

If debris has found its way into the gutters, then you can simply pull it out with your hands, to unblock them. If you want to ensure the blockages don’t happen again, you can buy a gutter guard to go in them. These stops any more debris getting in, and are very inexpensive.

Call Your Insurers

If there’s any extensive storm damage to your roof, you’ll want to call your insurer before you start looking into replacing it. In some cases, you’ll be able to make a claim for the costs of repairing it. The insurer will send an expert out to examine your roof, and determine whether this is the case for you.

If you have a claim, then you’ll be able to get the cost of repairing your roof covered. Check with your insurer if they have a list of approved roofers that they work with. It may be the case that you’ll have to use one of their roofers to get the repairs done.

If you’re prepared, a storm won’t pose too much of a threat to your roof. Inspect it regularly and ensure that there are no problems that can be made worse by bad weather.

Keep up with maintenance, and when there’s a storm check right away for damage. If you act quickly, you can keep damage to a minimum.

Emergency Roof Repair Services Blog

Roof Repair in Fairfax: The 6 Most Common Problems

After serving the state of Virginia for over 40 years, there are certain roofing problems that we commonly see while performing roof repair in Fairfax. Here are the most common issues in Fairfax.

A roof problem can be extremely problematic if not addressed on time. The sooner you get the roofing system of your home repaired, the better it is.

Sometimes the roofing problems are obvious, while in many cases, they are not visible until the situation gets out of hand.

A faulty roof can result in sleepless nights, lots of stress and in worst cases, may require moving temporarily to another location.

Most people do not realize that they need to hire a qualified roof repairing contractor until something disastrous happens, including people living in Fairfax County.


Important Weather Considerations of Fairfax County

Weather conditions and temperatures in Fairfax County, Virginia are no stranger to:

  • Snow
  • Hail
  • Rain
  • Wild winds

The residents of this region witness a complete spectrum including hot summer days and severe cold winter nights.

It is imperative to keep in mind that snow, hail, ice, storms, high heat and any other thing that Mother Nature showers upon Fairfax can affect roofing.

Thus, inspecting your roof is an important aspect of homeownership for people living here and their roofs need to be taken care of with regular inspection, repair and maintenance.


Should You Hire a Professional Roofing Contractor for Your Repairs?

A professional experienced roofing contractor should be considered when your property’s roof requires repair.

When looking to hire a contractor for roof repair in Fairfax, you should consider some tips:

  • Hire someone with experience as it would impact the quality of repair work.
  • Ask for references to have a clear picture of their experience and past.
  • Research and check online reviews about the contractor.
  • Talk to them and ask as many questions as you can.
  • Get a complete quote so that you don’t end up getting financial shocks.
  • Before finalizing a hire, make sure to meet the contractor in person.


The 6 Most Common Problems We See During Roof Repair in Fairfax

To make it easier to understand what common repairs their roofs may need, here are some of the most common issues we see during roof repair in Fairfax.


1. Damaged Shingles

Shingled roofs are the most commonly found roof types in the United States of America including Fairfax, Virginia.

These provide a classic look to the homes but damaged shingles can be a stressor if not repaired in time.

  • As time goes, these shingles wear out and reach a point, where these are merely pieces of wood or asphalt lying at the top of your house.
  • Cupped, curled and brittle shingles are common if the roofing is too old and it is time to get them repaired or replaced completely.

Replacing the old shingled roof with a new one is a good option but the best fix is to get it replaced with standing seam metal roofing, a better roofing type.


2. Leakage and Mold Problems

A roof that appears picture perfect may also have issues. It may have worn out and may have lost its quality causing leakages and moisture in a house.

If the leaking roofs are not repaired, soon it will give birth to a mold problem, and if it gets out of hand, it will spread.

Rubber roofing helps in protecting homes from leakages and moisture, and a perfect way to stay safe from any mold issues.

You can get these roofs repaired, or replace them with rubber or standing seam metal roofing.


3. Gutter and Spouting Damage

Many people think that gutters and spouting are just for enhancing the look or just an “after thought”. But they are more than that.

If you observe the gutter and spouting damaged, it may be tempting to put repairing them off but that decision is certainly not good for your property in the long term.

The best approach is to get it fixed.

No matter what roof type it is, this system needs to get repaired as soon as possible.

Damaged spouting or gutters let moisture into your homes and in severe cases may cause basement flooding.


4. Blown-off Finished Roofing

Heavy storms and high-speed winds can cause finished roofing to blow-off.

For many, it may not appear problematic but it could lead to many other problems.

This can cause leakage, moisture and disrupt the functionality of the HVAC system of the house.

It is best to install new durable roof types such as metal that can last longer than any other type of roofs.


5. Snow and Ice Damage

Winters are crucial time for roof repair in Fairfax. When snow gets accumulated on the roof, it melts into water which seeps into the home.

This is a problem in itself but if the water that seeps in begins to freeze, the ice will push the roof creating gaps in between, causing more water and snow to seep into the house.

To stay safe in winters and to make sure that the snow does not mess with your roofing system, the best way to address is to install snow guard systems.

A perfectly laid out snow guard system will keep your roof protected from any harmful surprises that snow may bring along.


6. Roof Painting & Coating Options

It is commonly believed that roof painting is just a part of aesthetics and nothing more.

Well, roof painting is so much more.

If the paint on your roof is removed due to rain snow or just because of the age of the roof, it is best to get your metal roof repainted.

Paint helps the HVAC system to perform better and also saves the roofs from leakage.

It will not only give a new look to your house but it will improve the condition of the roofing.




These are the most common roof repair in Fairfax that would need immediate attention.

Professional roofing services provide the best assistance in this case. A roofing company would be able to tell whether you whether your roof needs repairing or replacing.

  • Get your roof inspected as professionals make use of advanced equipment and techniques.
  • Regular roof maintenance helps in catching roof damage before it gets in a critical situation.

So, take the time and consider acquiring the services of a professional contractor in order to get all the roofing problems addressed and handled in the best manner.

Residential Roofing Blog

Metal vs. Asphalt Roof: Which Is Better?

Many homeowners in Virginia often find themselves searching between metal vs. asphalt roof materials. This guide may help.

When it comes to roofing, you actually have a lot more options than just regular asphalt roof shingles. Metal roofing is another great option for your home, but should you choose a metal or asphalt roof?

Here are the pros and cons you need to consider before making a decision.


Metal Roof: Pros

Opposed to asphalt shingles, a metal roof sounds rather industrial, but they will look fantastic on your home.

They have a lot of benefits too that you should take advantage of:

  • Long Lasting: A metal roof will last almost as long as the house itself does, if not longer. They’re incredibly hard wearing, so they’re a great deal if you’re looking for a roof that will last. On average, they can last up to 50 years if cared for correctly.
  • Color Options: You’ve got a lot of options for the style of the roof. You can paint a metal roof to be any color you choose, meaning it’s easy to match it up with the rest of your home. Metal roof paints are designed to act as extra protection too, helping that roof extend its lifespan.
  • Lightweight: A metal roof is much lighter than other options out there. This means it’s putting a lot less stress on your home, so that’s another worry off your mind.
  • Less Damage from Snow and Ice: Regular roofs are often subject to damage from heavy snow sitting on them and damaging them, or ice dams forming and causing leaks and other issues. A metal roof won’t have these problems. They’re better insulated, so snow won’t melt and create dams. It’s harder for snow to stick to them too, meaning it all just slides off.
  • Quicker to Install: A metal roof doesn’t need to be applied shingle by shingle, so you don’t have to wait long for them to be installed. They’re perfect if you’re in a hurry and need that roof installed yesterday, especially if a storm is on the way.
  • Fire Resistance: One of the best things about metal roofs is their fire resistance. If you’re concerned about damage to your home, then a metal roof may be the way to go. Most are rated at Class A for fire resistance, so you can be assured your home is safer with one installed.



Metal Roof: Cons

When looking into a metal vs. asphalt roof, the metal option does have cons in the eyes of some homeowners.

  • Expense: As roofing options go, metal roofing is one of the most expensive options. As it’s made with longer lasting materials, this is to be expected. If you’re looking to save money on your roofing though, then you may want to look at different options.
  • Noise: When it rains, you’ll be able to hear the raindrops tapping on your metal roof. For some, they’ll love the sound of the rain. For others, the sound will be annoying. If you think that the noise would irritate you, then a metal roof won’t be for you.
  • Denting: As you’d expect from anything metal, if something heavy hits your roof then it could cause a dent. These can be repaired, but it’s a job that you’d rather not do. Damage can also happen during installation, if care isn’t taken to install the roof correctly. You’ll need to be careful to keep that roof looking good for its full lifespan.

Asphalt Roof: Pros

Asphalt roofing is one of the most popular roofing options out there, so why do so many homeowners choose it?

  • Effectiveness: When installed properly, asphalt roof tiles will last you for around 12-20 years. This isn’t as long as other roofing options, but when weighed up against their other benefits, it’s well worth considering them for your roof.
  • Inexpensive: Compared to other roofing options, asphalt roofing can be cheaper. Replacing a roof isn’t the most inexpensive job, so homeowners often want to save money where they can. As it’s a more cost effective option, it’s one of the most popular ones around.
  • Variety of Styles: You want a roof that’s aesthetically pleasing, and will complement the look of your home. Asphalt tiles come in a huge array of styles, colors, and shapes. You can pick whatever style you’d like, so you can complete the look of the exterior of your home.
  • Layering: If you’re short on time or are looking to save some costs in re-roofing your home, then you can layer asphalt roofing tiles on top of one another. That means you can lay a new roof on top of the old one, if it’s in good enough condition. It’s not advisable to layer the roof more than once, but it can be done.



Asphalt Roof: Cons

When determining between a metal vs. asphalt roof, there are some cons to asphalt materials to consider as well.

  • Prone to Leakages: It’s quite easy for something to break the barrier that an asphalt roof provides, meaning that water can get through and start causing damage to the roof itself. Falling branches, hailstones, and other debris can all cause damage and lead to costly repair bills.
  • Shorter Lifespan: As noted earlier, asphalt roofs aren’t known for lasting very long. The lifespan will be enough for most homeowners, but if you want something longer lasting then you’ll want to investigate other options.
  • Cracking in the Heat: The problem with most asphalt roofs is that they can’t stand up to high temperatures. When the heat gets too high, the shingles will warp and crack, causing damage to your roof. If you live in an area where you regularly gets high temperatures, then you’ll want to investigate different roofing styles.
  • Installation: It’s not that asphalt roofs aren’t easy to install, it’s just extremely time consuming. If you’re experienced enough in home renovation, then you could work on installing your own roof. You’ll have to lay down asphalt shingles one by one.
  • Mold and Mildew: Asphalt roofs are the most common roof to struggle with mold and mildew growth. There are ways to to avoid this, but once your roof contains mildew or mold, it’s something that needs to be treated.



Metal vs. Asphalt Roof

The roof that’s right for you will depend on your budget, your needs, and your tastes.

No one roof is the ‘right’ roof, and either an asphalt or a metal roof could be the right option for your home.

Weigh up the pros and cons of a metal vs. asphalt roof, and see which one will work for you.


Commercial Blog

10 Reasons to Choose Commercial Metal Roofing Materials

Commercial metal roofing materials have many benefits, especially in the state of Virginia.

Is it time to re-roof your commercial building?

You’ll have seen many companies choosing to go with metal roofs, instead of other more traditional materials.


What is it about commercial metal roofing that make them perfect for commercial buildings, and why should you get one?

Here are just a few of the reasons why you should be looking at a metal commercial roof for your business.


1. They’re Sturdy

There’s nothing sturdier than commercial metal roofing.

You can go years without having to worry about your roof, as they can cope with almost anything that is thrown at them.

When you’re shopping around for roofers, look at what they can offer you.

  • Some metal roofs can take wind speeds of up to 140 mph
  • Most metal roofs are impact resistant
  • Majority of these types of roofs never corrode or crack.

A good quality metal roof is something that’s worth investing in, as they just keep on going.


2. They’ll Last for Years

Your average asphalt shingle roof will last you around 12-20 years, depending on weather conditions and how well you take care of it.

That’s good going, but you’ll get much more out of a metal roof. They last, on average, around 40-70 years.

In fact, some roofs last so long they could actually outlast the building they’re sitting on.

Depending on how long you’re in that building, you may never have to replace it.


3. They’re Fire Resistant

By their very nature, metal roofs are resistant to fire.

This gives most of them a Class A fire rating, the best you can get.

This is perfect if you’re looking for peace of mind if the worst should happen. It may even benefit you in other ways, such as lower insurance premiums.

Be aware that if your commercial metal roofing is installed over a combustible material such as wood, the rating will be lowered to Class C.


4. They’re Energy Efficient

With a regular roof, heat may get trapped under the roof and heat up your home, especially in the warmer months.

You’ll be spending more in utility bills trying to cool your house down.

Commercial metal roofing won’t give you that problem.

The roof will reflect heat back into the atmosphere, so it won’t find its way into your home.

You’ll spend less time cooling the home, therefore reducing your energy bills.

Over time, you’ll save a huge amount of money on those bills.


5. They’re Environmentally Friendly

Most businesses are now looking for ways to make their workplaces more environmentally friendly.

Did you realize that getting a metal roof can help you achieve that goal? This is due to several factors.

  • Firstly, thanks to their heat reflecting properties as mentioned above, you’re using less energy.
  • Next, there’s the fact the metal roofs are always made of at least 25% recycled material.
  • When it’s time to replace the roof, the whole thing can be recycled again. It has much less impact on the environment than a regular roof does.



6. They’re Lightweight

Commercial metal roofing weighs much less than a regular shingle roof does.

On average, they’ll weigh around 50-150 pounds per square, as opposed to 750 pounds that tile comes in at.

This puts much less stress on your building, so they’re worth considering if you have an older building that you’re looking to preserve.


7. They’re Quick to Install

As a business, you don’t have time to wait for large construction jobs to be done.

Having your roof installed is a massive undertaking when you’re having a regular roof fitted.

With commercial metal roofing, it’s a much quicker process. This is thanks to the fact they come in multiple shingle sections.

The roof will be fitted much more quickly, so you can open again and be ready for business.


8. They’re Perfect for Smaller Pitched Roofs

If there’s a smaller pitch to your current roof, you may have seen issues with leaking.

It’s harder for water to run off these roofs, leading to leaking and other issues in your roof.

Having a metal roof installed will help with these problems. They’re much less prone to leaking, so you will have a much sturdier roof.


9. Snow and Rain Will Run off Easily

Everyone’s seen homes and buildings with snow sitting on the roofs when the weather is cold. It looks picturesque, but in fact it’s causing all kinds of problems for your roof.

It can lead to ice dams, leaks, and other issues that will lead to mold, mildew and more.

A metal roof is the answer if you’re looking to avoid this.

The panels interlock so they don’t allow any water through, and the hard slippery surfaces let snow slide off when it falls.


10. You Can Paint the Roof

The way your building looks is just as important as the inside, if not more so.

You can adjust the look of your commercial building by painting the roof the color that suits your business best.

If you pick the right paint, you’ll have additional benefits too, such as additional protection against the elements.

This is something a roofing business can do for you, so ask them when you’re looking for someone to install your new metal roof.


What Metal Is Used for Roofs?

There are several metals used to make metal roofs, and they all have different benefits. These include:

  • Copper: This has been in use for years. It’s naturally rust resistant, and weathers naturally.
  • Alloys: These are combinations of different metals to create stronger roofs.
  • Stainless steel: This metal won’t rust or corrode on your roof.
  • Lead: Malleable and durable. You can cut this metal into different shapes, depending on what you need.
  • Zinc: This is another versatile metal, that’s also resistant to corrosion.


Get a Quote for Commercial Metal Roofing Today

As you’ve seen, there’s plenty of reasons why you’ll want a metal roof on your commercial building.

They’re easy to take care of, quick to be installed, and will look fantastic.

Get your quote today and you’ll see that you really must consider one for your building.


Gutter & Spouting Blog

Do I Need Gutter Protection Systems for Winter?

Your home is at risk during the winter months, so is it important to get gutter protection systems for the winter?

The cold weather brings all kinds of hazards for your roofing.

Wind, snow and rain all cause havoc, but did you know what kind of threat they pose to your gutter systems?

When the gutters are blocked or broken, your roof is at risk.

It’s vital to keep the gutters working, so here’s why you need to find gutter protection systems that work for your roof this winter.


How Good Guttering Works

When your guttering is in good condition, it will collect rainwater as it rolls down your roof, and direct it away from the roof.

Any water on your roof should collect directly in the gutters without pooling, so it will run down the downspouts and into the drains, away from your home.

They’re very simple but incredibly vital when it comes to the health of your roof.


What Happens When Guttering Goes Wrong?

There are several ways your guttering could be ineffectual or damaged, leading to further problems for your roof.

The most common issue is blockages.

If anything gets into your guttering and blocks it, water can’t drain off your roof properly.

In the worst cases, the water will gather in the gutters and overflow back onto the roof. When this happens, you’ll see that the water will:

  • Seep under tiles
  • Get into the roof timbers
  • Cause rot and mold

If left unchecked for too long, then this can cause serious structural damage to the roof.

Ice Dams

In the winter, you’re also at risk of ice dams.

These happen when snow on heated homes melts and runs down to a colder part of the roof.

This is usually the guttering, where there is no building heat.

Once the runoff reaches the gutters, it freezes and creates the ice dam.

The melted snow will continue to run down the roof and reach the dam, where it’s blocked and will keep freezing.

This extra water that can’t get off the roof will cause problems, and damage the roof itself; which is why gutter protection systems are essential.



Causes Of Gutter Issues

So how do these problems start happening?

  • Blocked Gutters: With blocked gutters, you’ll find that most often the blockage is debris such as leaves. These leaves find their way into the gutter after being blown in there by the wind. If they’re not removed, they build up and lead to the blockages as described above.
  • Ice Dams: With ice dams, the most common cause is a lack of insulation in your roof. The heat from your home rises up and melts the snow, starting the ice dam in your gutters. Good roof ventilation will also help.

In some cases, if your guttering is very old or has taken a beating from the weather, it won’t be able to drain off water as well as it should have.

When this happens, it will lead to the issues described above.


Gutter Protection Systems to Consider

Now you know what you’re looking to avoid when it comes to your guttering, how will you protect it?

There are several ways you can ensure you won’t have any problems during the cold season.

1. Inspections:

Firstly, you’ll want to inspect your gutters.

Are they all in good condition? If there’s sections that are worn out or broken, now’s the time to replace them.

They’re not too difficult to change out, if you’re using a good guide. Ensure you’re using new guttering that’s the same material as the old one, so it will match up correctly.

If you’re replacing all of the gutters, consider using modern materials like uPVC. This will hold up for years to come, without rusting or cracking.

2. Check Blockage:

Next, check to see if there’s anything blocking the gutters.

It’s very easy to remedy the problem if there are blockages, as you can just take the offending debris out with your hands.

Be sure to check the downspouts too, to ensure they’re clear. To stop blockages happening again, consider installing a gutter or snow guard.

These are often brush style devices you insert into the gutter, to stop leaves and other debris falling in. It’s a cost effective and simple way to stop blockages from happening.

Types of Gutter Guards

There are several different styles of gutter guards other than the bush.

For example, you can get guards that are a fine mesh that are screwed into place over the gutter.

All have their pros and cons, so you’ll need to decide which one is right for you.

  • As for preventing ice dams, the most important thing you can do is insulate your roof properly.
  • You’ll want to call in insulation and roofing experts to carry this out for you.

Once this is done, much less heat will escape via your roof, so you’ll see that less snow melts off and causes these issues.

You can also look into adding ventilation to your roof, so the roof won’t warm up and cause melting.

These systems are often quite simple to install, but it’s usually best to again call an expert to handle it for you.



Take Care Of Your Gutters

All in all, it’s important to take good care of your gutters and find which gutter protection systems are best for you.

They’re a simple device but they play a vital role in keeping your roof in good condition. When they’re working properly, you won’t even think about them.

When they’re damaged though, they can cause a lot of problems that can cost you a lot of money in repairs.

Gutter Protection

Your gutter protection routine comes in two parts: observation and maintenance.

  • Firstly, you’ll need to be observing your gutters on a regular schedule.
  • Ensure that they’re intact, clear and free to drain as intended. If there’s anything that’s not working as it should, fix it right away.
  • Next is the maintenance. You can take steps to ensure you don’t have problems with your gutters.
  • Install insulation and gutter guards, and you’ll reduce the work you have to do on your roof in the future.

Follow the tips in this guide and you’ll never have to worry about your gutters or roofing this winter.

Emergency Roof Repair Services Blog

5 Simple Signs of Water Damage in Your Roof

No one wants to think about it, but if the worst happens, your roof can take water damage.

It’s a problem, but if you catch it quickly then you can rectify it without too much stress or cost.

Here’s 5 signs your roof has taken on water damage, and what you can do about it.


How Can Your Roof Take Water Damage?

There’s a few different ways in which your roof can be damaged by water.

– Holes

In most cases, the roof will have developed a chink in its ‘armor’, meaning that water has been allowed to get through.

For example, if there are shingles missing, then water can get underneath and start causing damage.

– Gutter Problems

You can also get damage if your guttering is overflowing.

This usually happens when there is debris in your gutters, meaning water overflows out of them and onto your roof.

It can also happen when water freezes in the gutters over the winter, and thaws out, overflowing onto the roof itself.

– From Within Your Home

Water damage in your roof can come from the inside of your home, too.

If there is poor insulation in your home, especially your roof, then condensation can start to form.

When this happens, water starts pooling and it can start to rot roof timbers. This is why it’s so important to check your attic space as well as the outside portion of your roof.



5 Signs Your Roof Has Taken Water Damage

So, how can you know if there’s water damage in your roof? Here’s the signs you should be looking for:

1. Curling Or Buckling Shingles:

This is a sign that you’ll spot as soon as you get up on your roof. Obviously, your shingles should be lying flat when they’re on your roof.

If they’re curling up at the edges, or buckling, that’s a sign that they’ve been in excessive contact with water.

Water could well be pooling beneath them, so you’ll want to address this as soon as possible.

2. Water Spots On Your Ceiling:

Nearly everyone has experienced water spots on their ceiling at one time or another.

If you see these in your home, it’s a sign that you need to handle a water leak, sooner rather than later.

Sometimes they may not be the sign of a leak, but you’ll want to check them out as soon as possible.

3. Mold In Your Attic:

If there’s condensation in your attic, then you’ll find that mold is building up.

This can be what’s causing the water spots on your ceilings.

This can be cleared up fairly easily, but you want to catch it quickly to ensure that it’s not causing more damage.

4. Loose Or Rusted Flashing:

This is the sign you want to look for when you don’t have an attic to go into and check.

When your flashing is loose or rusted, that’s a sign that water has got in underneath it and has started causing damage.

Check the damage, and have it repaired before you replace the flashing itself.

5. Missing Granules:

The granules on your roof will add texture to your shingles, but they also have several important uses.

They add to the roof’s UV protection, prevent fire damage, and make the shingles generally more durable.

Over time, you will lose some, but a lot of lost granules in a short amount of time isn’t good.

If you’re seeing granules around the perimeter of your house, then your roof is less protected from the rain and in danger of suffering water damage.


How To Check For Damage

Now  you know what you’re looking for, you’ll need to ensure that you’re checking your roof.

Twice a year, you want to get up on a ladder and check your roof for the signs of water damage above.

When you do, ensure you’re not walking on the roof unless you really have to. This keeps you safer, and prevents further damage to your roof that you’ll have to repair later.

You’ll also want to get into your attic space and take a look around.

Check carefully for water damage, and see if you can see light coming in through the roof. This is a sign that there’s shingles missing from your roof, which can let water in.



How To Prevent Water Damage In The Future

There’s a few things you can do to ensure that you keep your roof safe from leaks in the future.

1. Inspect Your Roof

Firstly, when you inspect your roof, take note of any missing shingles. You’ll want to replace them as soon as possible, to ensure that your roof is fully protected.

If you have a flat roof, you’ll want to be on the lookout for ‘ponding‘. This is when water begins to collect on the roof.

If you’re seeing any ponding on the roof, you’ll want to fix it as soon as possible.

If you don’t, the water can start making its way through and causing damage.

The best thing to do is call a roofing company and ask them to handle it for you, to stop anything from happening.

2. Keep Gutters Clear

You’ll want to keep your gutters clear, to stop them from overflowing.

You can get up there regularly and clear them out, or install a gutter guard that will stop debris from falling in.

3. Check Your Roof Flashing

Finally, check your flashing to ensure it’s not damaged or coming loose.

The flashing will protect any puncture points in your roof, such as from solar panel installation.

If you see damage, have it replaced as soon as possible.


How to Repair Your Roof After Finding Damage

In some cases, if you’re quite handy with home repair, you can repair some of the damage to your roof yourself.

This is especially true if you’ve caught a problem quickly. Issues like mold can be solved yourself, with the appropriate products and know how.

If there’s more established damage though, you’ll want to call in the experts.

An expert roofer can help repair the damage, and put in safeguards to ensure that you won’t suffer another leak again.

Now you know how to spot and prevent water damage on your roof. With regular inspections, you can keep your roof in good shape.

Blog Emergency Roof Repair Services

3 Common Roofing Scams To Avoid (and How)

Nothing is more important than finding a high-quality roofer who you trust. To help you, we’ve created a list of 3 common roofing scams — and how you can avoid them.

The storms arrived – and left you with missing shingles and leaks. You get a knock on your door – and ominous news from the “Roofing Contractor” who greets you.

You have just received your check from your insurance company – and now you feel like the contract signing is going too fast for your own comfort.

Roofing scams are not just urban legends. There’s a reason that you’ve heard so many horror stories about home and business owners who were taken in by unscrupulous roofers.


What Are Common Roofing Scams?

Roofing scams are a common way for the unsuspecting to lose a lot of money, with little recourse for getting it back.

It’s easy to visit a site like the Better Business Bureau Scam Tracker, and see how many of these schemes are active at any given time.

With the possibility of major storms rolling into our area this winter, even the best-prepared person can find themselves dealing with a sudden need for roof repairs.

This fall, it’s a good time to prepare your home for winter – and also prepare yourself by learning how to avoid the most common roofing scams.


1. The Really Great Deal

These contractors come in at the outset with a low bid that has you breathing a sigh of relief, and making plans for your surplus that’s left over from the insurance check.

They’ll tell you that they got an awesome deal on the shingles, because they’re repairing so many wind damaged roofs in your neighborhood.

They’ll do your job for much less – because someone else canceled out on their roof work.

– Red Flags

Unfortunately, when it seems like it’s too good to be true – it’s probably too good to be true. Once you’ve committed to your original bid price, the trouble starts.

  • There will be much more hail damage than they first thought.
  • The price of materials jumped dramatically in the middle of the project.
  • Worst case scenario – the contractor pulls off the old roof, and then demands the extra money to complete the project.

– How to Avoid

Don’t get caught on the “elevator ride”. Know the facts: You aren’t responsible for a jump in material prices – which are unlikely to happen without several weeks notice to the contractors.

Decking – which is the bottom layer of the roofing, and cannot be completely assessed at the beginning – should have a special section of the contract dedicated to repairs and assessment.

A trustworthy roofing contractor knows that damaged decking can turn up on a job, and will talk about this from the outset.

A good contract will divulge the total cost of labor plus materials. If either of these are missing from the process – look elsewhere.


2. The “Hero on Your Doorstep”

The big storm has come right through your neighborhood – and you’re still numb and trying to deal with the aftermath.

Before you can even sit down with the phonebook, your computer, and your phone, the doorbell starts ringing, and the fliers start showing up on your door.

– Red Flags

When you talk to the roofing contractor, he sounds knowledgeable and ready to get to work. He’s got crews working right down the street.

He’s ready to get out his ladder and get you an estimate on the spot.

It’s great to see all that enthusiasm from a roofer, but pump the brakes a little bit.

It’s common to have “storm chasers” turn up after a disaster – ready to take advantage of tired and anxious homeowners.

– How to Avoid

Dig a little deeper into what their actual qualifications are.

In Virginia, roofing contractors should be licensed by the state.

In addition, ask them to verify their insurance coverage. They should have Code 5551 coverage in place – this is workers compensation insurance specifically for workers who are performing roofing installations.

Be wary of contractors who have out-of-state vehicle tags, or who say they have just moved into the area.

You’ll want to work with someone who will be around to guarantee any problems with their work.

In general, be patient, don’t get pushed into a contract by the first person who shows up. Instead, give the advantage to a reliable local company.



3. Asking for a Check Up-Front

Any contractor who pressures you into signing over your insurance check for your roofing damage claim for things like materials is one to regard with suspicion.

A reliable company won’t do this.

In the worst case scenario, the company will skip town – leaving you with a still-damaged roof, and no money.

Or, the contractor may make a show of slapping on a few new shingles, say they’ll be back – and that’s the last you’ll see of them.

– Red Flags

Unscrupulous contractors know that the insurance payout for a roofing repair is likely to be substantial, and by having the homeowner sign the check over to them, they are looking at a nice lump sum.

They also know that it’s easy to fake additional damage to your roof by peeling back shingles and pointing out problems that weren’t there before.

– How to Avoid

How do you protect yourself?

Never sign over an insurance check. Insist on an invoice, and pay directly from it.

When you do pay, it’s best to use a credit card, which can offer you additional consumer protection, should there be a problem.

Lastly, be aware of the condition of your roof before a contractor looks at it. Even with the storm damage, take photos if possible.

If new damage suddenly shows up, you’ll have a record. A good way to document the condition of your roof is by checking it annually, and logging the notes on a form.



Roofing scams are everywhere, and the aftermath of a major storm, unfortunately, brings out the worst examples of those who will prey on the anxious and impatient.

If you should fall victim to storm damage, don’t fall for the most common roofing scams.

Be observant, be aware, and remember – if it sounds like a deal that’s too good to be true – sad to say, it probably is.

Your best bet is to keep it local, and always do your own background checks.

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